Okay, I'm gonna go there. Anyone play World of Warcraft?
Asked by
Seelix (
November 11th, 2010
What are you most excited about in the Cataclysm expansion?
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8 Answers
Oh Oh Oh! I’m excited about Darkshore getting flooded; I’ve always hated that place.
I’ve played for the last 5 years. I’m not actively subscribed now, but I’ve had Cataclysm since the Friends and Family Alpha. The new leveling experience is going to be so bad ass and I can’t wait to start a 2v2 arena team for holy pally/warrior (yeah it’s like BC all over again). I haven’t done any raid testing but the new instances are hard as fuck in normal mode with the premade heroic gear so it should be interesting.
Since the alpha? That’s so exciting! I have a friend who’s got the beta, but haven’t seen much of it. I’ve heard that the dungeons are super hard, though.
One thing that I’m most excited about is levelling my ret pally to 85, so hopefully she won’t be an embarrassment anymore :S
I used to have a toon on Alliance just to go visit The Park district in Stormwind City because it was so beautiful, but now it’s being destroyed. :( So I’m back to horde for life (unless alliance stops getting shorted by blizzard).
I’m interested in some of the class/race changes, the new races and some new friggin quests already.
I know the feeling, @Carly! Last week I finally got a Hilt and did the Quel’dalar quest that disguises you as Alliance so you can enter their enclave in Dalaran… it was so cool!
I’ve looked at the racials that Goblins will be getting, and that seems to be the new class to roll. Some new quests will be nice too; for a while there I rolled an Alliance toon just out of boredom.
I’ve been playing on and off since release date. Presently off, and have been since April I think.
I want good, challenging raid content. Which is unlikely.
I want a fun leveling process with 6×80s, I hope I don’t get bored of it after 2. Generally Blizzard has done well at providing this, but Northrend was dreadfully boring after having leveled up my first 80.
and I want my Druid to be a damn Troll already. and my Shaman a Goblin.
and then it’ll all be about leveling up a Tauren Paladin and Goblin Mage.
I’m annoyed that Cataclysm comes out on the 7th. Don’t they know that my semester break doesn’t begin until the 19th?
@Seelix Well, the alpha was basically a huge shitshow. Barely anything was implemented and the amount of bugs were innumerable.
I haven’t toyed with ret but holy paladins are pretty much indestructable. And fun, which is really surprising.
Goblins are pretty cool and their beginning quest zones are absolutely amazing. And the new Azshara while I am upset they destroyed the prettiness of it is pretty awesome.
@Sarcasm, are you planning on changing any of your toon’s names to fit their new race?
(ie. Moosesader for your paladin?)
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