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john65pennington's avatar

Did the phone companies read my question on Fluther?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) November 11th, 2010

Approximately two months ago, I asked a question on Fluther, concerning phone books becoming obsolete to the public. Today, i read this article, where three states are considering cancelling the White Pages phonebook. Not many phone books are used today. Cellphones and free 411 have taken their place. The money saved will certainly boost the phone companies bottomline and not to mention the saved paper and ink to print them. Question: Did someone actually read my question on Fluther, concerning phonebook deletion or was this just a fluke?

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7 Answers

marinelife's avatar

It has long been in the works.

Russell_D_SpacePoet's avatar

It has been an issue for a while.

john65pennington's avatar

Okay, i was totally unaware of this. thanks for enlightning me.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I still use my phone book all the time… just sayin’. Ah, well, so it goes.

ihavequestions26's avatar

It’s been a long time coming. You just caught on (:

Joybird's avatar

I think it’s just another example of forcing people into consuming products they don’t want to own. I use my phone books and I recycle them for a variety of art projects. Phone books are very recyclable.

Andreas's avatar

@john65pennington It’s a sign of being in the digital age. I haven’t heard of it being suggested in Australia, yet, but no doubt phone books here will become obsolete, too. Just like the public phone box that used to be everywhere before cellphones.

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