Do you think that we as a species are going to ascend?
Maybe 2012 will be a transformation from one state of being to another higher state of being. Maybe the human race is going to go up one rung on the evolutionary ladder. Do you think that people are going to ascend either individually or collectively?
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54 Answers
Yes, and the aliens are on the far side of the comet. Kool-aid, anyone?
Maybe the process has already started.
I believe that people always have the innate tendency to “ascend”. However, I do not see how a specific date in time would impact that…. I also believe that knowledge of the collective consciousness is growing and will become stronger.
“Maybe the process has already started.”
Would you be so kind as to describe the process that you speak of?
Maybe 2012 will be a transformation from one state of being to another higher state of being. Maybe the human race is going to go up one rung on the evolutionary ladder
First off, that’s not how evolution works. Secondly, do you have any proof?
On an individual and global level.
“The manifestation of dreams into reality.”
We already have that now. What’s so transforming about that?
@cenmc They are being formed with consciousness
@KeithWilson How do crop cirtcles and “being formed with consciousness” prove that we’re about to suddenly become a different being after an arbitrary date that people misinterpret as prophetic?
And why is Philosophy listed as one of your tags?
@kenmc The crop circles tell us about this. DNA
“They are going to be much more physical manifestations.”
Do you see that computer you’re typing on? It started out as the dream in the mind of its creator. So did the chair you sit upon and the desk in front of you. You can’t get any more physical than that.
We already have ascended. At least as far as the moon.
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies How about the world around you? You could conceivably change the world around you with your mind.
No way. I thought the next step was having our brains downloaded into a giant computer and all melding together like a digital Nirvana. That’s what I set my retirement fund up for and that’s what I’m stinking with.
@mrentropy that scenario might be a little far off for now. we simply dont have the tools at our disposal for mass computer-mind welding. Maybe in the future that could be a new horizon, but im talking about something a little sooner than that.
“You could conceivably change the world around you with your mind.”
That’s exactly what humans have been doing since the beginning of humans. Take a look at any created object. It is the product of changing the world around us with our minds.
Nice pretty pictures on the DNA/Crop Circle Vid. How does it illustrate that crop circles are changing DNA? Not a word was spoken over that lovely music.
What would be cooler than what we have now but not cooler than being in a giant computer?
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies Sorry about the link. it was the wrong video. i cant find the one im looking for, but it is pretty interesting. Id have to do some research to find the material again.
anyway there are three crop circles. one shows our dna as humans. the next shows what seems to be an evolutionary step in the structure of dna and the third depicts a third step beyond that. the information is out there, you just have to find it.
@KeithWilson You are presenting a case to us. It is your responsibility to provide proof for your case. Stating a very hard to believe case while telling the people you’re trying to convince to go find the information about it is working against your case.
here is the correct link DNA
three minutes thirty seconds in to above link
That’s the same video as the first one you dope.
Im terrible at this thing. i didnt know i had to bookmark these pages.
You’re not going to be able to ascend until you first learn how to bookmark a video.
i was listening to terrence mekenna and he was talking about how you could experience all these awesome things by yourself, but that when you try to show other people what you can do, you choke. Like trying to tell somebody about something they couldnt possibly understand because only you really got to see it. sorry guys.
Nothing special is going to happen in 2012.
What are we supposed to be ascending to, anyway?
@mrentrophy its a higher state of being.
Terrence McKenna claims that crop circles are the product of Japanese tourists who are really part of an ancient society of stalk bending artists. They have been doing this for thousands of years and have many of these designs on their pottery. They are running an experiment on the Western mind to see how easily it can be controlled into believing in farcical notions. That’s what McKenna says anyway.
And the things McKenna is talking about that others can’t see is his depictions of his DMT and Psilocybin trips. You won’t be able to get to where he is until you’ve endured years of controlled drug induced hallucinations.
@RealizeRealizeRealLies Interesting point about the japanese, but genuine crop circles have mysteries that any stomping cant account for.
I am thinking that maybe a lot of it could be explained by having many workers.
What do you mean by “genuine” crop circles? They are all “genuine”. And just because some of them have mysterious origins is no reason for wild speculation.
If you’d like to research McKenna, then get some of his books. I recommend starting with The Invisible Landscape. Or if you need a quick fix, check out his latest three hour three part podcast on The Psychedelic Salon.
If you’d like a wide variety of information about all the different theories on 2012, then go to Dioxy.
Have fun!
@crisw yeah are they mystics or something?
@crisw I said that after i watched the first half. the second half was cool. thanks
Evolution isn’t about ascending up a fictional ladder. It’s about adapting to properly fit into one’s environs. We’ll either figure that out, or die.
I just put a link to this thread on my facebook page
We’re going to keep on doing what we do, as a species. Who knows. We are perhaps the only species in the history of evolution on this planet that has the capacity to cause our own extinction. We may do that, we may not. Only time will tell. That is what we have the capacity to do or to prevent. I don’t think that we have the capacity to ascend or not and if we do, it will be quite a bit far in our future, if at all.
Hey Keith… I applaud your curiosity and desire to search out strange spooky shit and share it with people. It’s fun to do and to hear about. We’re all searching for answers to things that concern us most. So have fun with it and soak it all up bro!
I want to encourage you to be open and precise with your inspections. So when talking about notions of ascension and higher states of being, it’s very important that everyone tries to get on the same page as to what exactly is meant by those statements.
If you mean, becoming more aware, then consider that doesn’t need to happen by the hand of some grand event sweeping up all of humanity in a wave of total enlightenment. I mean, it might, but some of the most enlightening moments of my life have come from the littlest most trivial events.
Walking my dog in the morning I see the leaves change and hear them crunch under my feet. It’s easy to ponder the cycles of life just from a simple walk in the woods. I feel I’ve been made more aware because of it. And like you mentioned before, it’s nothing really that I can share with anyone. It was a moment between me and the moment, and nothing more. It wasn’t for you or anyone else. It was for me.
Many times my children have brought enlightenment my way with the funny little things they do and say. To witness the wonder on their faces is very inspiring to me. And I can’t imagine waiting around for the world to be rescued by some cosmic force, when the miracle is right in front of me every second of every day of our short lives here together.
Ask yourself a question… With all the crop circle and ufo and 2012 doomsday folks out there, is there a single one of them that believes in that stuff and has found it to make their lives any more fulfilling or fruitful? I know people who get swept away by that folklore. And not one of them has anything whatsoever going on in their lives. They simply live for the ability to spread the jaws of the rumor monster. That’s all they have. And it could be said, that by letting that consume us, it is the very thing that prevents true enlightenment and a greater awareness from taking hold in them.
All of us????????????????? hahahahahahahaha. I’m sorry that’s just too damned funny? Half the human race is brain dead in my opinion and you think they are going to ascend to something higher? hahahahahahahha. Oh my gawd. Hysterical!
@joybird I dont think everybody is going to ascend. I think many of us will be lost completely in the transformation.
No. I think the human race is already on an unstoppable spiral to self-destruction.
The 2012 hype is about a conspiracy theory. Let’s reopen this thread on January 1, 2013. Besides, the world already ended on January 1, 2000. I wonder why we are still here.
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