Social Question
Has a poem ever made you cry?
I can’t say that I have ever been affected in such a way. But I did once witness my wife moved to tears. The poem was/is from a small collection of small poems called The Fragrant Minute by Wilhelmina Stitch. The book consists of about a hundred short poems on unnumbered pages, which each take about a minute to read.
I bought my copy of this book 15–20 years ago ( one of my very favourites). The poem in question is the first one that my wife first flicked to when I first invited her to, all those years ago. She read it, then began to sob.
Rather than me going on about it, I will just reproduce it here for you to read.
Please, do listen ; try to
see how it all appeared to
me. Outside crocuses are
growing and the prunus
blossom’s showing. Inside,Gerald-
not-quite-four stands upon a grass-
green floor, Gerald in a mauve wool
suit, like a crocus taken root!
Hark ! Gerald’s singing. Do
flowers sing ? This one does, it’s
very clear. How the joyous notes
do ring (crocuses outside can hear),
” Praise Him, praise Him, ‘ikkle
chil-drun. ” Gerald’s face is very
red as he nods his flower-like head,
emphasizing with great joy (a
spring-time blossom of a boy),
” Praise Him, praise Him, ‘ikkle
chil-drun. ”
Crocuses outside are swaying,
joing Gerald’s song of praise. I
canhear the angels saying, ” Gerald
understands His ways. ” I can feel
God’s smiling joy – in this little
singing boy.
In all my ‘flickings’ through this book since, I have failed to come across this same poem, until today.
And just thought that I’d share it on here.
So, have you ever cried because of a poem?
Please link to it if possible.