What are your relationship rules for online contact with your gf/bf?
Do you share passwords? If so, how long into the relationship do you do this?
Do you share online calendars? How do you set your chat status?
Have you ever or do you now blog about your relationship?
How much time must pass after sex before you can use the phone?
On a dinner date, how much time on the phone is acceptable? Is it different for texting than it is for phone calls?
thanks to the Daily Beast
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17 Answers
I never share passwords. This is mostly due to the fact that I A.) A security driven scorpio and 2.) A system admin for a big company so security to a MUST for me.
I do share my google calendar
I do not blog and I wouldn’t be in a relationship with anyone who does blog
As to how much time after sex.. we’ll I like to get busy in the early am / middle of the night so hopefully no one else is up to talk to anyways
And on a dinner date the phone is OFF. Its my time.
My wife and i have separate passwords for computer internet access. we know each others passwords, but never use them, without asking first. this is called respect.
Second, talking on a cellphone on a date, is just plain disrespectful for both people. put your cellphones on vibrate. look at the incoming call or message. if its not a 911 call, then forget it.
pay attention to your date. your date comes first, hang the cellphones.
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I get really distracted by people texting during a conversation. It’s usually fairly apparent that they are not really paying that much attention to what you are saying.
-Don’t share passwords, though I have no problem with him knowing what it is.
-Don’t use online calendars (well I don’t, he might for work)
-Don’t blog about relationship (that’s weird to me)
-Never had sex
-No cellphone use during dinner except for urgent issues (same rules apply for texting and calls)
We know each other’s passwords for World of Warcraft, but not email or Facebook. We’ve had cause to log into each other’s WoW accounts before, but we wouldn’t do it without asking/telling the other. Email and Facebook are personal; there are some emails and messages that, while they don’t contain anything shifty, he doesn’t need to read, and I’m sure it’s mutual.
We don’t use online calendars and we don’t blog. We aren’t huge on cell phones/texting anyway, so the issue of using them during dinner doesn’t really come up much. I don’t really care whether he’s texting at a restaurant, though. Maybe it’d bother me if we were still in the “courting” phase, but we’ve been together for 9 years.
As for using the phone after sex, he’s a stereotypical guy and falls asleep soon afterward…
He knows my computer network password because he set it up. I know his because he told me once so I could get to something for him when he was at work. Don’t know if he has ever changed it. And I don’t know if he remember mine. The only website password of mine that he knows is for Amazon.
We don’t use an online calendar as the paper one in the kitchen works fine. And if I want to chat with him, I wait for a commercial.
While I’ve never blogged about my relationship, I have certainly discussed it online here and at one other place.
How much time before using the phone after sex? Really? I don’t think it has ever been an issue. Certainly not during sex, but afterwards, well, we’re done, so who cares?
On a dinner date, zero time on the phone is acceptable, unless it’s an emergency. Same thing for texting. If it’s not an emergency, do it later. Like @cubozoa , I find it distracting.
1) My boyfriend is really open about passwords and such. It’s not that I force him to share his passwords; he just does it on his own. He shares them with other people too. Everyone knows the passcode on his iPhone, so I don’t even know why he has a passcode in the first placeā¦lol. I was using his computer once and I had to restart it and I asked him for his password and he just straight-up told me what it was so I could type it in myself. I don’t exactly do the same with him, but he’s never asked for any of that information. We haven’t shared email or Facebook passwords, though.
2) I have a calendar, he doesn’t. Mine just has homework assignments on it. Anyone can see it if they want to.
3) We do not.
4) ? Never heard of that one before…
5) I consider it rude to be texting/calling during a dinner date, so we don’t do that…
I think he knows more of my passwords than I know of his because I’m the spazz in the relationship and he has to help me out a lot when I need something quick from some account or other. Neither of us use use online calendars. Neither of us have ever blogged about our relationship but are very open about discussing it, if asked. In terms of phone usage, there’s been times that I’ve picked up the phone during sex and this, of course, depends on who’s calling me and the urgency of the situation. And I don’t think we have any rules about post-sex either, not like we feel like calling anyone anyway. On a dinner date, the same applies – we make our own assessment as to how long to talk about something and also have no problem communicating if we don’t like how much the other person is taking time to do whatever during our date. If we’re texting, we let each other know who we’re texting and since we know what’s going on in each other’s lives, each of us knows how to react. I can’t help but wonder that answering these questions doesn’t result in any kind of a truth about any given relationship, though.
Some passwords are shared.There are no real rules and I don’t blog.
As for how much time must pass after sex before you can use the phone? I have never thought of this! XD
On a dinner date, how much time on the phone is acceptable? Is it different for texting than it is for phone calls?
I never would do either on a dinner date.It is rude.
IMO, use of cell phones in restaurants is beyond rude and should be banned. Phone breaks during sex although a nuisance can be necessary….after all it might be work calling me! ;)
When I was dating, I didn’t share my passwords. My husband and I know some of each other’s passwords and I sometimes have to use him (because of him being away). When he’s home, I don’t use his unless he asks me to do something. We both have work passwords that we don’t share with each other. Neither of us blog, so that’s not a concern. He doesn’t really keep a calendar, I keep track of everything on my calendar.
As far as how long to call after sex, whatever you are comfortable with. I don’t get the idea that there is a set number of days to wait for anything in the dating world.
As far as phones during dates, I was a single mom for a long time, so I always had my phone on and with me. I would only answer it if it was the babysitters number coming up though. Now when we are out, it’s really the same. If the babysitter calls, I’ll answer (or my husband will). Anyone else, it depends on who it is and the situation (my husband tends to get a lot of work calls that he really has to answer).
Lucy, good answer. it is rude to talk on a cellphone on a date. its like slapping the other person in the face and giving a darn!
Do you share passwords? If so, how long into the relationship do you do this?
Within our first 6mos. of dating then I shared with him my last.fm, netflix and hulu passwords. He didn’t have any sites I was interested in I didn’t already have my own paswords to.
Do you share online calendars?
We don’t share any calendars although that’s one I wish we really really did. He’s disorganized enough to not even use his own celly calendar. Ergh.
How do you set your chat status?
I’m rarely on my gmail long enough to read emails and then log out so I don’t post a chat status anymore.
Have you ever or do you now blog about your relationship?
I don’t blog anywhere.
How much time must pass after sex before you can use the phone?
After we’ve relaxed and/or showered then we might get the phone if it’s work calling but no one else.
On a dinner date, how much time on the phone is acceptable? Is it different for texting than it is for phone calls?
Unless it’s one of our parents or his kids calling/texting then we don’t answer the phone. We have one day off a month together and a few hours elsewhere so I’d be really pissed if he picked up a call “just to chat” with someone. He hasn’t and I choose to extend the same courtesy to him.
Do you share passwords? If so, how long into the relationship do you do this?
No sharing passwords at all. Except I’ve given him my password for a couple of communities I belong to, with instructions to log in and let people know if something terminal happens to me.
Do you share online calendars? How do you set your chat status?
I don’t use online calendars. Our shared calendar hangs on the kitchen wall.
Have you ever or do you now blog about your relationship?
It’s rare, but I have done now and again. Sometimes I show him, sometimes I don’t. He doesn’t have any interest in reading my blog if I don’t insist on it.
How much time must pass after sex before you can use the phone? Um. That depends on what time it is. I’m not likely to be wanting to use the phone after about 9pm anyway, and I can’t remember the last time we had sex in the daytime.
On a dinner date, how much time on the phone is acceptable? Is it different for texting than it is for phone calls?
Come on, we’ve been married 22 years. We don’t have “dinner dates”. We have “Do you fancy going down the pub for lunch instead of cooking?”
I have passwords because I set it up; I also have the kids’ facebook and e-mail passwords, but strictly adhere to the “What stays in Vegas” rule, and never pry, because I wouldn’t want to violate the trust.
Don’t use online calendars anymore.
Have never blogged about the relationships, but have aluded to them.
Sex and the phone – unless it’s repeated calls from the kids, when I’m ready to walk out the door. Who could possibly be more important?
Dinner date – zero phone time, unless a “crisis” is announced at the beginning of the date and it’s agreed the call should be taken. Zero texting. Why should someone be allowed to interrupt? It’s like being out in public with someone, a third party comes up and starts talking to your date, and they don’t introduce you. Texting and talking on the phone when you’re out is rude to the people you’re physically with, no matter who they are. Extremely rude. Relationship-ending rude. It’s rude like waiting in line for customer service, and when you get to the front of the line after waiting, the CSR answers the phone, talks to customer on the phone line, and doesn’t listen to a word you’re saying.
My password is the same to everything. My boyfriends is too. I know his and he knows mine, just because it’s convenient. It never came up like “tell me your password or I don’t trust you” type of thing. But if i have the laptop on my lap and he wants to check to see if he has an email or something real quick, it’s just easier. and there’s nothing to hide. so who cares.
he’s, unfortunately, though pretty bad about phone calls at dinner. but in the past few months i’ve made it a point to tell him how much it bothers me so now we just leave our phones at home or in the car. i think cell phone use on a date is obnoxious.
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