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KatawaGrey's avatar

If you could write a love letter to anyone you wanted, regardless of relationship status or consequences, who would it be and why?

Asked by KatawaGrey (21493points) November 15th, 2010

I have just gotten a brain wave about a book that I would love to put together. It would be a similar style to PostSecret except instead of people writing secrets, people would write love letters.

I think that everyone has that person that they have always wanted to write a letter to maybe they even wrote it even if they did not end up with that person.

For me, it would be to the boyfriend I had senior year of high school. I always wanted to write him a love letter, but I never got past the first line, “To my dear and luminous Christopher…”

For you literary folks, is there a character you would want to write a love letter to? I would write one to Ben from the Mercy Thompson novels. They’re not too famous, but anyone whose read all of them might know what I’m talking about.

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11 Answers

tedd's avatar

Oh you have no idea how badly I want to… and how useless it would be.

tinyfaery's avatar

My boyfriend from Jr. and Sr. high school. I have a lot of things to say now that I can I can look on those years in retrospect. He is such a part of who I am today and I would like to let him know how I feel about him and all those years we were together.

muppetish's avatar

Much of my summer was spent writing love letters to a friend of mine. I’m not sure how many I sent—maybe five, or seven? Some were short, others quite long. They have been saved, but not discussed. Sadly, there are a number of personal issues separating the two of us. Still, I would not hesitate to write another letter.

Regarding fictional characters… I would write a letter to a boy I dreamed about, Mike Waters from My Own Private Idaho, and Franny Glass from Franny and Zooey.

Not to deviate from the question, but I have contemplated a similar written endeavor. I have been collecting ideas for a novel called The Love Letters for three years now.

prolificus's avatar

I do all the time, in my heart. She knows.

The_Invisible_Man's avatar

I’ve never really written a love letter before, but I’ve kind of always wanted to. Right now, it’s to one specific girl whom I’ve like for a year and a half now, but like @tedd stated, ”...and how useless it would be.” Useless is the word for my situation. If I ever did write to her now, she probably wouldn’t talk with me anymore. We already barely talk as it is. Not like we used to. We used to talk all the time. Now it seems like its every few full moons that we say anything. I try saying something to her, but she doesn’t respond back. I want her to read one of my poems and get some feedback. I don’t get that either. She’s way off in a different state anyways. Me sending her a love letter is like signing my own death warrant. She’ll think I’m like everyone else, and will never speak to me again.

I’d love to write her a love letter, but it’s just impossible for me to do so.

ZAGWRITER's avatar

I still think that the most perfect woman in the world for me would have been this wonderful person in high school that was one of my best friends. She certainly was the closest. I’d probably still drop everything in a heartbeat for her. At least the romantic side of me would. The sensible side would still be a chicken$#!+, however. I can still feel my breath catching whenever I see her picture again. After high school, I set out to find my version of her. I thought I did, but eh, life goes on. My wife has her moments though, and she has given me two of the most awesome kids one could ask for. I just wish she cared more about my interests like this awesome person from high school did. As for a literary character, the only one I could think of would be Susan Delgado from “Wizard and Glass,” book IV of the Dark Tower series by Stephen King.

Blueroses's avatar

Have you ever looked at this project 300 love letters?
Sometimes when I need a lift, I just read a few random notes there. I like the idea of sending a love letter to a stranger. (not in a stalk-y kind of way)

augustlan's avatar

I love writing (and receiving!) love letters. I have a few people in mind, besides my husband (who is the only one I write them to now). I’d write one to my entire group of high school friends, guys and girls alike, letting them know how much they meant to me. I’d write one to the guy I almost married, telling him how much I learned about myself through that relationship and its awful ending. One for my ex-husband… we shared 20 years together, and he gave me three wonderful children… lots to love, there, even though we don’t love each other anymore.

For fictional characters, it would have to be Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird. His example taught me what it means to be a decent human being, and I’ve always loved him.

Winters's avatar

There was one girl (there are still some strings for me, not so many now but whenever I think of her they pull), that I would have loved to written a love letter to, I mean I know I am only 19, but I think I really was (perhaps still am to an extent) in love with her. But the path in life she wants and the path I need can only clash violently with one another. If I ever wrote a letter to her, I’d probably throw it out into the ocean (one little thing that we both see/saw in each other, probably was what kept us such good friends despite the extreme lack of contact) though her original view of the ocean in me is going to be very much warped and twisted in the next couple of decades or so.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I am working on one now :)

RabidWolf's avatar

to that one that got away.

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