Is the zeitgeist real or more hype?
Seems pretty real and compelling to me. But is it all true? What should I beware of about the movie/clips?
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54 Answers
I found it interesting and compelling as well. It’s been 4 or 5 years since I watched both the original and the addendum.
True? Who knows, but thoguht provoking most certainly.
I believe its real. It makes sense to me and Peter Joseph quotes all of his sources so you can look it up yourself.
It is very true. I have examined samples from the World Trade Center and helped put together a paper on the subject.
When you watch Addendum, you see these idiots have an agenda. Trade based market? HUH? Yeah, okay, we’ll start doing that when you turn in your cell phones, laptops, and any other piece of technology that’s useful.
[Edit], I can’t GA @rarebear enough.
Don’t believe everything you read or hear, and don’t just trust the sources look them up too. If I quote all my sources well, but get them from the Weekly World News, does that mean I’m actually giving factual information?
@JustmeAman Oh! You examined samples and “helped put together a paper”? Wow! I’m totally convinced now!
It’s complete bollocks designed to confuse the weak minded and the gullible.
@Rarebear I could care less if you are convinced or not.
Rarebear has given you all the info you need to expose it for the nonsense that it is. It is an exercise in conspiracy confirmation and anamoly hunting. The sources (cited) are dubious or misquoted/misinterpreted and any amount of follow up will prove it to be pure irrational fear-mongering.
I think if you don’t think this is real you ought to google The name of the director of The Venus Project or The Zietgiest AND The Bildeberg conferences. There is a major link between these two agendas. And YES it’s real and being done right in front of everyone…only not many people are paying attention.
Because if you can find it on Google, it must be true.
@crazyivan Googling is quick and dirty. If you find it there than you can go to the library and do some more indepth research and work with more reputble resources. But just because something can be found using google as a search engine doesn’t make it BS. You could google me and I’m the first thing that pops up…I ain’t BS! LOL I’m for real!
My point wasn’t that you can’t find it by Googling it (not sure how you got that out of what I said), but rather that any nonsense you can imagine is available through Google.
Try to support the Zeitgeist argument using peer-reviewed material and university press. If you can manage that, I might change my opinion of it. (I’m kidding. I wouldn’t. I already know it’s BS and that one cannot prove BS with peer-reviewed material and university press)
All of it is BS!
To believe that the govenrment had cooked up this entire scheme is to believe that the government is competent in the first place. As we have all seen, the government of this country is reactionary and not capable of any advanced thinking. To believe otherwise would surely give the government more credit than they deserve. So put that thought out of your head and know that at least they have overreacted and took away more of our freedoms in the name of “security”.
@crazyivan Then lets try to prove some of the intentions of the Bildeberg group and then look back at what The Venus project proposes. If you shift the wealth of the world out of the hands of the masses than you replace it with something….that something might look like what The venus project proposes only it isn’t done for the benefit of the masses….it’s done for the benefit of the most powerful and affluent in the world…the real wealth holders….and they are becoming a very small and elite group. As a group we are watching the shift in wealth occur and we condone it. We stand by and continue to support it and protect it because there are those who believe they could become the next nouveau riche. But in reality we are becoming replaced by the machine and loosing our liberties. And notice what the director of the Venus Project says about “liberty”....only under conservative controls.
Seems to coincide with the loss of liberties in the US.
Some people can’t be convinced. They are going to believe that zeitgeist is true and vaccination causes autism, and other idiotic things like that.
I watched all three parts of Zeitgeist and also looked at the link provided by @Rarebear . I am sorry to report that I believe Skeptoid more than Peter Joseph who produced the movie.
Too bad, it would be nice if all of the ridiculous things happening could be blamed on somebody. Unfortunately, humans have a vast capacity for creating evil and just plain stupid folly.
@jlelandg Of course they can’t. Their minds are made up. We just confuse them with the facts.
@Ron_C Skeptoid is a terrific podcast—one of my favorites. I highly recommend it.
@Rarebear I am a huge fan of Skeptoid and Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe. Never miss either.
@Joybird The problem is one of sourcing. Can you site legitimate sources for your take on the goals of the Bilderberg group?
@jlelandg Amusingly the latest research shows having your child vaccinated with MMR before they are 10 months actually reduces their risk of developing autism (this as well as the fringe benefits of not dieing of measles or whatever).
There are many things taking place right under our eyes. And most are doing exactly as the media trys and tells them to do. @Joybird keep believeing how you do and in time they will all see and know.
Yes, by all means. Ignore everything that comes from a person who has genuine authority in a subject and instead cling to the insane ramblings of people like Richard Hoagland, David Icke and Peter Joseph…
Just don’t act like the rest of us are the ones believing in nonsense. Until you vet your sources, you can’t really make that claim.
I know Dr. Steven Jones who has evidence about building 7 going down that cannot be refuted and 2500 Physicists and Engineers are putting a paper together and calling for a new investigation. In time it will come out.
Never in my life seen evidence that cannot be refuted. Certainly looking forward to this one. I hope it’s not the same easily refutable crank nonsense that has been the hallmark of the “Truther” movement up to this point.
@Summum the reason it hasn’t been refuted is because the scientists engineers and architects that disagree can’t be bothered arguing with the crazy loons.
There are so many sites that are against and just as many for. LOL Don’t worry be Happy.
You didn’t read it, I can see.
I’ve read both sides of the information and through personal experience I know what the truth is and it is not what was reported by the 911 Investigation report.
Through “personal experience”? What “personal experience?” You must have seen the government set demolition charges, I get it.
@Rarebear LOL
You make some rather interesting statements. No I have tested and looked at samples from 911 and been on a committee that is drafting the information to present to the Authorities. I’ve been all over the United States with lots of Physicists and Engineers. But my experience really isn’t any of your business especially with the attitude you present. I am totally comfortable with my experience and information. Smile
Your experience is other peoples business if you are citing it as a reason for why you believe something. If you don’t want to share then that’s fine but be aware that all that does is makes it look like you are making stuff up.
I just didn’t like Rarebears attitude towards me without any reason for it. Sorry about that. The information I’m putting together will become public so at that time it will be shared by all.
Well, as an eyewitness to the 9/11 attacks on the twin towers I can say that I’m still waiting on my government cover-up check. And @Summum I think it’s fair to say that when you spout nonsense and make no attempt to back it up @Rarebear‘s attitude is quite justified.
Also, I’d love to know where you got “samples” and what exactly they were “samples” of.
@Summum You think that’s attitude? You must be joking. I was holding back and being polite. If you want to see attitude, I’ll certainly show it.
Your argument is laughable. When you have something concrete to contribute to the debate, c’mon back. Otherwise you will be open to derision.
ROFL You guys are a hoot. I will answer the question as I SEE FIT. And I will bring to the question anything I WANT. I’m glad that I make you laugh the only thing is I will have the last laugh.
@Summum Sure you can bring what you want. Make sure you YELL IN CAPS so you can BE SEEN FOR WHAT YOU REALLY ARE much better.
So you provide accusations without evidence and condescendingly suggest that there is secret information only you have that will vindicate you in the end. I’m not saying you’re full of shit, but that’s exactly what somebody who was full of shit would say. I can’t speak for @Rarebear but I’m willing to defend the positions I hold (complete with legitimate sources of information) at any time.
That means you lost the argument and ar reserving the right to argue again later. I can accept that.
is it just me or should half the responses in this thread been modded for being off topic etc
Oh I’m so intimidated. LOL In my answer I was giving it to the questioner if you don’t like it tuff.
@Lightlyseared This did morph into more of a “social” than a “general”, huh?
@Summum It’s not that we don’t like your answers. It’s that they are incorrect. We were merely pointing that out. If you don’t want to defend your claims, that’s fine. People who are incorrect generally don’t.
@Lightlyseared Well, the Building 7 conspiracy theory sort of dovetails into the Zeitgeist conspiracy theory BS, so it’s sort of on topic.
@Rarebear this is the first I heard of Sceptoid. I read Free Inquiry and Skeptical Inquirer but never thought to look for an on-line skeptic. Thanks for the question and information.
@Ron_C here are some others (I’m not going to bother with the links—I assume you can find them on itunes or whatever your podcatcher is)
Skeptically Speaking
Point of Inquiry
For Good Reason
Skeptics Guide to the Universe
Scientific American Podcast
Monster Talk
Skeptic Zone
And many others.
@Ron_C Definitely check out Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe. Fun, witty, informative… I love their podcast and they have a really active online forum as well…
@Rarebear Thanks for the list. Several I haven’t heard of.
@Ron_C How is Free Inquiry Magazine? I get Skeptic and Skeptical Inquirer, but I haven’t read Free Inquiry.
Free Inquiry is pretty good too. Almost an exact copy (in format) of the Skeptical Inquirer. I’m going to try to get both on line. My wife quit renewing my subscriptions, says I get to many magazines.
The first one is really nothing but a collection of mythical and religious observations which relate to one another through the evolution of different cultures. It’s nothing nobody already didn’t know, as it was advanced by historians and theologists years ago.
As far as Addendum goes, I personally can’t say, but it does seem a little over the flash value to me, and I’m kinda thinking that if this as they say, all the people who put that together would have mysteriously disappeared by now. I think some of it might be true, but a lot of seems outrageous to me.
Mind you, I’m certainly not defending the way the economic systems work.
I gotta say though, Addendum certainly seems to push towards the hype factor.
Did anyone reach a point in this subject? All I see is speculation…
I’m going to see the 3rd movie now… So far I found the first two quite shocking!
But I wonder if anyone thinks differently by now or even after seeing the new one.
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