What do you think Sarah Palin will/should do now?
Asked by
GracieT (
November 16th, 2010
Now that midterm elections are over, what do you think Sarah Palin will do now? She is a correspondent for Fox news, a reality tv actress, a public speaker, and author. What do you think she will do? Do you see her as a Fox correspondant, an actress, an author, or will she actually see herself as the next president, and run for office?
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48 Answers
I really don’t think being on a reality tv show will help certain of us reconsider her in a serious way though I get that she wants to appeal to a certain kind of audience.
I think Sarah Palin and Fox (ha ha)News are perfect for each other. But my hope is that her moment of notoriety fame will soon be over, much like this guy, who’s almost as annoying as Sarah.
I just wish she would disappear! The sight of her and sound of her voice just make me ill. It’s a shame the GOP has become the party of Sarah Palin. She’s the hero of the stupid and uninformed.
What do you think Sarah Palin will do now?
Do her best to continue being the GOP’s poster child for…whatever it is people think she’s good at. I haven’t really figured that part out. Talking head? MILF that old crusty republicans will vote for cause she’s relatively attractive? Who knows.
What do you think Sarah Palin should do now?
Talk a long walk off a short cliff.
@syz : Yes, I see the resemblance!
I think she should go finish the job she ran for to begin with. Responsibilty starts with the person in the mirror. For a party that professes to be about “values”, having a quitter on board does not seem to represent the republican party. For that matter someone who writes the words ‘Tax Cuts” on her palm to remember talking points should really work hard to get her GED, or get a refund from the college she attended.
Please find a way to make her go away…... she makes all rational thought a character flaw.
Sarah Palin seems to be more of a culture icon than a politician of late. I do not see her doing anything meaningful politically (such as a potential 2012 run) but she is good at getting publicity and selling her books. She is also great at turning a once Libertarian Tea Party movement into a mockery of itself however I do not blame her alone for this but it does seem the Tea Party is now divided into the neocon and Libertarian factions. Sarah Palin is no Libertarian but another big government neocon. I wish she would disappear personally.
I think she’s a poster child for Narcissistic personality disorder which means she will attempt a run for president next.
I don’t really care what celebrities do. The only thing that is in any way interesting to me about Sarah Palin is her role in the blending of the interests of political parties, news media companies, and popular entertainment. She didn’t start this trend, but she’s done a good job of exploiting it.
campaign/fund raise for 2012 elections
I think that much of the attention that Sarah Palin is getting is based on the assumption that she is going to run for president, which I believe she is going to do, just to maintain some credibility among her followers.
Donkey shows in Tijuana would be a good fit.
She’ll keep doing what she’s doing now. It’s lucrative, it has to be better than a real job, and the republicans know that, as a presidential candidate, she is unelectable.
This idiot is smart enough to know that if she keeps making noise like she’s going to try for the republican presidential nomination (which she’ll never get), the left will keep her relevant by continually freaking out over what she’s doing and the money will keep rolling in.
What will she do? Probably what will pay. I certainly hope she doesn’t run for office.
What should she do? Absolutely nothing, in my opinion.
I think she should sink back into obscurity. I haven’t heard her have one original thought since she has come onto the political scene. She just regurgitates the same garbage as her party. She tows the line.
I think she should continue to go and show the world that instead of waving you hands and bitching about things, you get up off your ass and go do something about it! It worked near flawlessly for the Tea Partiers and as much as people hate to admit it, she was a big part of that success.
HS a mom who was pissed off enough at her incumbents in her town that she went out got elected to mayor, then Governor, then Vice Presidential candidate….and people have nerve to ridicule her sheer guts of what she believes in is sad. America needs 2,999,000 more Sarah’s who give a shit enough to get up and do something about what pisses them off!
Some of you need to get honest with yourselves, perhaps for the first time in a long time, and admit that you don’t like Sara Palin simply because you don’t agree with her politics.
She was picked because they thought she could be controlled, and quit her elected position when easy money showed up at the door. Quitting to become a media whore is insulting to anyone who voted for her.
She’s an insult conservative women everywhere, and if you’re going to pull someone out of nowhere, there are better female Republican choices.
I dislike Sara Palin for her politics – I admit that; I’ve never met her so I can’t in all honesty claim I dislike her for anything other than her public statements and actions.
The problem is that American politics asks you to vote for someone based on whether or not you like them – “Hope and Change”, the good ol’ Texan cowboy, the Mama Grizzly, etc, etc… ad nauseam. The whole ‘policy platform’ idea is, frankly, a load of old bollocks.
Currently in America, there is a choice between the right, the far right and the Tea Party.
I believe Palin will take advice on whether she is truly electable before she decides to run or not. She has a lot of support from white working class Americans, but is deeply, deeply, deeply unpopular elsewhere.
I believe Palin should take a metaphorical running jump.
@the100thmonkey “I believe Palin will take advice on whether she is truly electable before she decides to run or not.”
And Palin is any different than Obama was in ‘08 how???
I used to cringe when Bush talked because he was either going to say something really stupid or tell a really big lie. It often did both in the same speech and it was particularly difficult for me because I was often in a foreign country where he was considered a dangerous sociopath and a clown all at the same time. I started telling people that I was Canadian.
Palin does the same thing but in a high screeching voice. I avoid seeing or hearing her as much as possible. I hope her reality show in Alaska is a big success and that she stays there. Maybe she’ll get eaten by a grizzly bear or by one of the wolves she loves hunting from an airplane.
Perhaps she’ll take up a career as a neologician and build on her earlier “Shakespeare-esque” addition to the English lexicon with such gems as refudiate.
@gorillapaws god, I hope you are wrong. It would be a real shame to have English further degraded by a bumbling idiot beauty queen that quits everything she tries.
She should keep doing what she is doing. That way she will stay out of the Presidential race.
@Cruiser . Obama is articulate. Intelligent. and can speak. Palin is none of the above.
Sarah Palin will try to become the 2012 Republican nominee for US President. Why? Because:
Dreamers think big and start small.
Fools think small and start big.
She should start making regular swings of Iowa and New Hampshire, with an eye towards knocking out Mitt Romney early. If she doesn’t pick up either of those states, she won’t provide anything more than comic relief, and we’ve already been there. I really want it to come down to a convention fight between her and Huckabee. That way, we won’t have to worry about having a Republican POTUS before 2016.
Would anyone care to make a little wager on whether Palin actually runs in 2012?
I guarantee that she won’t run and I will bet my avatar for a month. This means the winner gets to pick out what the loser’s avatar will be for 30 days.
Any takers?
@Blondesjon Actually I agree with you but many others around me seem to believe she will attempt a run, and many even think she can win the Republican nomination a even the presidency itself.
@Paradox “she can win the Republican nomination a even the presidency itself.” Are you trying to give me nightmares?
Anyone who thinks the rapture is coming any day now has no business being anywhere near the nuclear codes…those of you who disagrees should watch planet of the apes.
Hey @Cruiser Just like when President Obama met with republican leadership about healthcare on TV, we saw who need help. There is also the town hall meeting with CNBC didn’t see a telepromter there, or on BET when he held a town hall meeting. Don’t you get tired of trying to defend bullshit. A constitutional professor has much more to offer this country than a trifling houswife with a few catch phrases.
Sarah didn’t need a teleprompter she had good old left hand to help her with the three talking points that she could discuss.
@thekoukoureport Nah, I never tire of showing Obama for who he really is, my new favorite past time! I have had the misfortune of having him as one of the worst and ineffectual Senator my State ever had. I watched every step of all his campaigns and that is all he ever did as a Senator….campaign. He is nothing more than a puppet on strings for the Democratic Party and Sarah Palin is more of the same for the Republicans. It is sad commentary that either of these people represent the best this country has to offer and people actually believe and buy into this bullshit. I want leaders who can lead, not these half assed dog and pony shows politics has become.
@Cruiser Love the passion, we all need more of it. Even if some of it is misdirected.
This president has had the most successful two years legislatively of any president over the last 50 years. His programs are finally geared towards the American people. He spent nearly three hours with the supreme court prior to swearing in. The most of any president I might add. The best there is? Dunno but he sured saved our ass over these last two years. Dispite the obstruction and fear mongering from the opposition.
Corporations have amassed trillions in cash, increased there stock dividends, paid record bonuses. R & D tax cuts, small business loan package, The American people got tax cuts, cash for clunkers, energy tax credits, universal healthcare, consumer protection agency, Lilly Leadbetter Act for women, unemployment extensions, protection from excessive bank and credit cards fees.
Oh and GM is about to pay us back, AIG is about to pay some back, got record fines from golman sachs, 20 Billion from BP.
Signed a new SALT treaty with Russia, hosted most of the worlds leaders and signed a treaty to secure loose nukes throughout the world, Aggressively increased attacks against Al K DUH in pakistan through drone strikes killings a larger number of key leaders.
come on…... time to open your eys and see a truly great leader and appreciate that thankfully at least it wasn’t The maverick and his grizzly.
@thekoukoureport As far as I can see, Obama’s only fault is that he is too modest. The only think people here is the screeching from the entire right wing of American politics. The only thing they hate more than poor black people are successful black people.
@Ron_C The far-right hate intelligent conservatives such as Ron Paul. The far-right also despise Libertarians as well. I was bashed pretty severly on very conservative websites.
@thekoukoureport Quality not quantity! What is so awesome about passing gobs of legislation with no way to pay for it while driving the National Debt to unthinkable levels?? Even a 10 yr old can spend money like there is no tomorrow!! I want leadership…I expect leadership and just don’t see it and I am looking very very hard. Success?? If you call this success I sure would hate to see what you consider a failure. Why pray tell has almost half his appointed Cabinet jumped ship halfway through his term??? To salvage their careers!!
@Paradox considering their leadership and their hair brain ideas about government, they hate any intellectuals. You may have noticed that the first ones that are arrested in a political takeover are the intellectuals. Right or left it doesn’t matter, what dictatorships or oligarchies or any type of authoritarian government hates are the ones that can prove them wrong. I think that is another reason for conservative politicians in their attempts to defund public and higher education. Ignorant people are easy to lead.
@Cruiser the republicans have had thirty to take a prosperous vital country and turn it into a paradise for the rich and famous at the expense of the poor and middle class. Obama has been working for two years, despite an ineffective congress, to correct the problems.
The true success of the republican party is to shift the blame to the president. I notice, that, and their ability to make fabulous fortunes for themselves and there friends seems to be their only skills. The certainly can run a government!
Hey @Ron_C! Where were the Democrats for those 8 long years that Bush had his way with Washington? Does the Iraq war ring any bells?? The same war a whole congress full of Democrats voted for?? Wars are expensive and I don’t blame Bush or Obama for the deficit it caused. We were led to believe it was the right thing to do, but you just can’t keep spending money we don’t have the way Obama and the Dems think they can!
At least some Patriots and a few right minded Republicans got up off their ass and took the President to task not so much over what he’s done but what he hasn’t done….all those broken promises with a single payer health care topping the list. His promises he made cost money, money we didn’t have and look at the mess we now are in. I will leave you with a favorite quote….
“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples’ money.”
Margaret Thatcher
@Cruiser I was then and am now in favor of dumping the democrats that voted to forgo their constitutional duty and leave the decision to go to war up to the president.
We would have had single payer health insurance if Obama wasn’t so accommodating and if the Blue Dog (many have now lost their seat) didn’t join with the republicans to insure the least effective bill possible.
Considering the tremendous opposition and constant no votes from the party of no, the president did quite well.
We spend a billion dollars a week in Afghanistan, just imagine the jobs that would be created if that money was used to start small businesses. (the Republicans voted against that too)
@Cruiser by the way, at one point, we were spending a billion dollars a day in Iraq and you wonder why we are in debt.
Whatever it is, she should write it on the palm of hand so she won’t forget it. (left hand) “wink and smile” (right hand) “run for president in 2012”
@evilsteve, I can’t stop laughing. Thank you for your answer.
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