What generous and intelligent dog lover has just reached 20k?
Asked by
TexasDude (
November 17th, 2010
…it’s chyna!
She meditates on the profound zen of having a good dog by your side, is always willing to help someone in need, and she is damn good at being true to her own nature.
So let’s all join hands and sing a little song for her as she pulls up a plush chair on the 20k floor of the Fluther Party Mansion!
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91 Answers
Congrats. Let the dogs out and lets party with a special lady!
Hey, Chyna, kindred spirit of mine – congratulations! I love when we speak via PM, even if it’s rare.
Hooray! I lurve you Chyna. Congrats.
Woo hoo!
Lets P-A-R-T-Y (Well, this west coaster has another 7 hours til cocktail hour. lol)
Chyna you are a great member of the collective, I love your name and your darling Boxer Dog!
Billy Idols China Girl song is playing in my head right now!
Ushering in the Chyna girls cosmic party with the Leonids!
I’ll toast you in my hot tub tonight! ;-)
Congratulations Chyna xxx
Congratulations my very best Jelly Buddy. I love you miss and no one deserves it more than you. Lots of big hugs and loves to you and of course Molly too!!
OMG! Chyna!!!!! You’re the best. You’ve helped me through some hard times. You’ve been generous with your time. You are so caring. Wish I could have a beer with you.
We may not agree very often on the issues, but when it comes to people, your heart is in the right place!
I guess I’ll throw Chyna a bone…congrats!
*** Congratulations, Chyna !! ***
Wow! Very nice Chyna! Congrats on the 20 grand!!
Congrats, Chyna! You’re a wonderful lady with a beautiful heart! And, a damn fine jelly!!!
you’re one of my favorites. :)
Congratulations, @chyna! You are one of the best jellies. Always wise, always caring. Often funny. I love reading your posts and am so glad that you are a part of the collective, my fellow dog lover.
The dog community approves, congrats, Chyna!
Chyna – I was watching you, but apparently not hard enough!
If there were more people like you in it – sincere and caring and fun – the world would be a better place.
You are a dear friend and Jelly companion and I love kibbitzing with you in PMs.
Mazel Tov , my dear!
<——- Zuppy says: Yay, Molly’s Mom! You’re both much loved here, Congrats and many treats to you!
Congrats, pretty lady! :)
Congrats! You’re one of my favorite jellies, and you have such a warm heart. Lurve ya, @chyna!
Congratulations, Chyna :)
Congratulations Chyna!!! So well deserved!!!
You are one of the main reasons why I log in to this site as often as I do. Congrats girlfriend! You know I love ya and I will always have your back! :D
Yay chyna! Congratulations! Thankfully, the castle has a much bigger yard for Molly to run around in. And, you don’t even have to clean up her poops!
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Thank you so much for hosting my 20K party. Such kind words from you.
@Adirondackwannabe You’ve been a lot of help to me lately and I thank you.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir You are indeed my kindered spirit. Much lurve.
@psychocandy You help make this place fun and exciting and I love your new name.
@coloma Love those west coast gals!
@nebule Hugs to a wonderful mom.
@supermouse My sister from across the plains. We shall meet one day.
@Wundayatta I’ve some very cool discusions with you. Look forward to more.
@ltrypotophan Thanks for the bone!
@Aster You are such a sweetie.
@Cruiser Thank you. I’m glad you are in the mansion to show me around. Or is it the island?
@bvdshec17 Thank you.
@mama_cakes You, my dear, are one of the best jellies. So glad to know you.
@Neizvestnaya Thank you.
@syz The finest vet I know.
@marinelife You always say what I meant to say, but much better.
@jaytkay My fellow dog soul, thank you.
@janbb Fluther is a better place with you in it. Much love.
Super congratulations @chyna!!! A well deserved 20K.
I freakin’ love you, girlie. You are beautiful, inside and out. Congratulations!
@KatawaGrey Yea! I didn’t realize the castle had a pooper scooper!
@chyna You’re welcome. It’s funny how you are still sitting at exactly 20,000 with over 7 GA’s from this thread alone.
@erichw1504 : That’s cuz we max out on her within 20 minutes of meeting her!
*C*O*N*G*R*A*T*U*L*A*T*I*O*N*S….. party time….. hope we can invite our dogs!!!
@chyna To quote Kanye:
So keep your lurve locked down, your lurve locked down
Keepin’ your lurve locked down, your lurve locked down
@chyna Shhhh! You weren’t supposed to mention that island part out here in the open! ;)
So… we’re breaking out the fine @chyna today? That’s nice.
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See how much you are loved @chyna! The ejects are breaking in just for you! ;)
I can honestly say you’ve always been one of my favorites! I always enjoy reading your nice, helpful, and funny answers. Congrats, @chyna, on a job well done and a well deserved achievement! :D
You’ve got a lot of nerve hitting 20K.
And one with that much lurve must have much to say.
I’ve heard you sing a song to those who need advice.
It doesn’t take too long to see you’re pretty nice.
And when I browse your words at night when all alone.
The thoughts you have inferred have lead me to atone.
For when you speak your mind on how you see the view
I see we are aligned. I see myself in you.
Congrats Love!
@partyparty No 20K party would be complete without you.
@Cruiser Island? What island? No island here. Move along folks, nothing to see.
@CyanoticWasp You are right behind me. You’ll hit 20K by the new year.
@DannyBoy69 You broke in! Thank you sweetie.
@Cupcake I love to see your avatar. It makes me hungry.
@mangeons I’ve been looking for you to make it. You haven’t been on as much and I do miss you girl.
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies Wow. Just wow. Thank you.
@chyna Finally a little lurve. :) I think the fact that it took that long to find someone that’s not maxed out on lurving you says a lot about how special you are, lady.
Chyna! You groovy chick, you! With open arms, you make newcomers feel welcomed, with stunning wit, you bring balance to topics, with acid tongue, you put the wrong in their places.
Fluther would be a lesser place without you. Enjoy your celebrity status!!
@chyna well done 20k!!! Yay!!!!
Congrats @chyna!! It takes a lot of work, dedication, humor, and brains to earn 20k! My pup Jas and I applaud you!
@chyna – Fluther would be a much colder, drearier place without you. I simply can’t imagine a Fluther without you, you’re a such fixture here! Here’s to 20k more! ♥
@Lightlyseared “Well done”. That is priceless.
@Blueroses So very glad you joined Fluther. You are already firmly placed in the community.
@FutureMemory Thank you! You help make this a great place to visit.
@shego Thank you! You need to visit more often.
@prolificus Thank you. Get Jas a sweater soon. He will get cold.
@MissAnthrope Thank you so very much. You are another beautiful woman of fluther.
@chyna Congrats on the 20K! I believe… Fluther is a nicer place because you’re here.
* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! GOOD WORK ! ! ! * * * Y * A * Y * * *
Congratulations Chyna!! Your responses are always heartfelt – a beautiful person :-)
Congratulations me old Chyna
Congratulations! Well deserved.
@tragiclikebowie Thanks to my favorite vegetarian!
@worriedguy So glad you are here with us and no longer worried.
@YARNLADY Thanks to the only person I know of that is a mensa member!
@harple Aw, you are so kind.
@Mat74UK Ha ha. Old? It’s just a number.
@Seaofclouds Thank you nimbus holder.
@breedmitch Thank you. I think you have been here as long as I have and a very good place it is to be. And I’m counting on you bringing the wine to the mansion.
Congratulations to one of my very favorite jellies. I love ya girlie and this place is better for having you as a part of it.
Now, let’s get fucking pissed!
Man, I would have sooo loved to have asked your 20K question.
@jonsblond Ah, Jon, you know I love you too. When I found Fluther, I found you and @Blondesjon, my very good friends.
Always love to see your responses and I think you’re a wonderful jelly!
WTG Chyna! You are one of my favorites! Congo Rats!
@filmfann I’ve been waiting for someone to say congo rats. Thanks!
@wilma Thanks!
Congratulations, @chyna! I only wish that I knew you better, the better to congratulate you!
@Nullo And I wish I knew you better. Thanks!
@chyna – Yay! ::hands out more champers:: Congratulations on 20K to not only a dog lover, but a wonderful, funny Jelly!
@Gamrz360 Thank you!
@uberbatman I expect you to show me around since you’ve been in the mansion longer.
id show ya around but ive been so high i forget where everything is.
Here’s to one of the few jellies I wish I knew in real life. Someday, you come by the house…we’ll cook.
Congratulations my dear.
CONGRATULATIONS! So very happy for you Chyna. Love the quality you bring to the community:-)
@cprevite I couldn’t have said it better. I hope to meet you and your family some day.
@AmWiser Thank you!
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Congratulations on such a fine achievement! =)
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Congrats to a wonderful jelly!!!
Congratulations toots, you rock!
@Trillian My Great Aunt Sadie used to call me “toots.”
@Bluefreedom Thank you!
@seazen Thanks sweetie. Miss talking to ya.
@MissAusten You of wonderful stories of your family!
@Trillian You are only about an hour and a half drive from me. We should meet!
This is so yooooootta, zeeeeeeeetta, exaaaaaaa, peeeeeeeeeta, teeeeeeeeeera, giiiiiiiiga, meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeega cool ! !! !!! !!!! !!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!!!
Congrats @chyna. Can’t believe I’m so late!!
Yay, well deserved! I appreciate your presence here! Congrats!
I hear the view is great! You have to have a special key to get that high up. Congratulations.
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