Meta Question

Berserker's avatar

What are some subjects, hobbies, ideas or traits that seem synonymous with some Fluther members?

Asked by Berserker (33553points) November 17th, 2010

For example, I can’t look at a sandwich without thinking of Bob anymore. He’s got that down, and nobody is taking it from him.
Hungryguy is all about vore and erotic writing.
As far as I’m concerned, Seek_Kolinahr is the authority on Star Trek, and sci fi in general. (And of course, it isn’t Jean-Luc Picard without Zen.)
Everything I know about the Roma I learned from Arisztid. Ucme is totally about movies.

Stuff like that. Now then, this isn’t to disrespect members whatsoever; on the contrary. Maybe some folks don’t like being singled out even if it’s a good intention, and my point isn’t to piss off anyone or make them feel weird. It’s a little thread for fun, and hey maybe we’ll learn more about one another. So let’s just point out good things, as odd as that is coming from me. XD Anything inflammatory, insulting, mocking or mean and I’m flagging your ass, thanks. :)
And as for leaving people out and all, well bla bla bla, I’ll get to it later if this thread works out.

So, what things do you strongly associate with the members here?

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21 Answers

Jude's avatar

You? Pillows, and horror movies.

Vunessuh? Spatulas

Lucille? Blues and long legs

Chyna? Boxers (of the dog variety)

syz? animals

psychocandy? Buffy and Dave Matthews

cprevite? chocolate chip cookies

I’ll add more.

Vunessuh's avatar

Yes, yes – sandwiches always remind me of @bob_ and spatulas always remind me of @lucillelucillelucille.
@Blackberry always reminds me of a damn blackberry. Giggles.
@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities reminds me of good music.

You, @Symbeline remind me of zombie movies and pillows and that good feeling I get in my pants..

Jude's avatar

jannb? wit

wundayatta? bipolar

coloma? geese

gailcalled? milo

sarcasm? shyness

allie? burritos

aprilsmel? Monty Python

marinelife's avatar

nikipedia – the brain

psychocandy – cats

breedmitch – win

uberbatman – aquaria

astrochuck – USPS

El_Cadejo's avatar

rangerr – star wars
johnpowell – dick punching
gailcalled – grammar
Allie – RUFUS!!!!
whatthefluther – Pegasus
poofandmook – hearing
IBERnineD – cupcakes

not a member, but Pancakes are forever linked to fluther in my mind.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Mattbrowne – linking to articles and studies.
Ivan – atheism
Jeruba – editing/writing/books
Mama Cakes – art/antiques

Jude's avatar

Former jelly.

pdworkin? honesty

fiddle? antiques

simone? activism

agree on nikipedia (brains)

johnpowell? PBR

blondsjon? beer

ivan? cosmos

jeffgoldblum? music/nature

janbb's avatar

marinelife – wisdom and good research
mama_cakes – sensitivity and warmth
nebula – personal growth
Jeruba- clarity of thought and language
shilolo – medicine
hawaii_jake – T.S. Eliot and gayness
Simone de Beauvoir – gender issues
CyanoticWasp – sailing and acerbity
JilltheTooth – playfulness and compassion
JLeslie – intellectual curiosity
whatthefluther – grace under adversity
Rebbel – music
jeffgoldblum’sprivatefacilities – outdoors and science
nikipedia – science, grad studentness
johnpowell – computers
MattBrowne – thoroughness
Fyrius – logic and atheism
liminal – sincerity
MissAusten – wonderful Momness

Jude's avatar

MissAusten? humor!

tragiclikebowie? The Beatles

Dr. Chuy? charisma

JustJessica's avatar

Wow these are very informative answers for a newb like me.

rooeytoo's avatar

the ones who comes to my mind immediately are
wundayatta, I find his questions to be the most thought provoking and almost always touch a chord in my life.
hawaii_jake – another human the inside of whose head must work similarly to mine.
ratboy – always comes up with something totally unexpected and usually funny in a weird sort of way
simone – when my thinking is not totally opposite hers, I completely agree with her.
columa – for her seemingly totally relaxed life and geese and lol-ing.
dominicx- for keeping me happy with his ever changing avatars
jonsblond- a thoughtful and good human being.
blondesjon – sometimes crude but always succinct take on almost any subject.

the list is as long as there are people but I am hungry so I’ll stop here

aprilsimnel's avatar

Leanne1986— Barbra
Lucillelucillelucille – the funny
rooeytoo – expat to Oz!
Astrochuck – the funniest 6 year old mailman I know
Symbeline – gamer!
mama_cakes – grace under pressure
psychocandy – chameleon
breedmitch – vino
Matt Browne – published author
augustlan – the (caring) mama bear
mageons – takes after augustlan :D
nikipedia – dating, uni life, TA-ing
janBB- penguins (of course) and even-handedness
SImone_de_Beauvoir – speaks her truth
marinelife – yup, wisdom
Blondersjon – beer, irreverence, and (along with gailcalled) Finnish.
gailcalled – grammar, upstate NY and Milo (when he deigns to bother with the likes of us).
jonsblonde – sweetness
wundayatta – searching. really searching

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@rooeytoo That’s so interesting, I think I’m that way w/papaylilly (probably misspelled)

Jude's avatar

jonsblond? sweetness (roots for the underdog)

marinelife? levelheaded and wisdom

Augustlan? referee, understanding and genuinely cares about her fellow jelly; real. (yes, mama bear!)

wtffluther? compassionate and a heart of gold

cak? strength

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Seek-heavy metal
Bastard Fiddle Creole Playing- How to be a badass
YOU and Vunessuh-horror movies
janbb- Puns (you can call her a….pun-dit)
I’ll think of more tomorrow

OpryLeigh's avatar

aprilsimnel – Britain (bfore I actually asked her, I could never work out whether she was British or American seeing as she knows more about my country than I do!)
rooeytoo – someone to talk dogs with
lucillelucilllucille – FUNNY!
mama_cakes – Antiques, beautiful paintings
dominicx – Classical music (especially for someone so you, very refreshing)
Mattbrowne – So much knowledge yet always polite and un-know-it-all like
Jeruba – Fiction
simone – activism as @mama_cakes said
JillTheTooth and nebule – Wonderful mums
JLeslie – Looks like Barbra – yes, I’m bias
MissAusten – Good, homemade food
wundayatta – Deep his questions sometimes make my head hurt!
Coloma – Geese

I know I’ve forgotten people so I’ll be back…..

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WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Wow, how could I have missed this one?

Bob- definitely the sandwich. Can’t eat a sandwich without feeling like I should have made one for Bob also.
Simone- truthfullness, whether it hurts or not. Not that that’s her intent, she just speaks it as she sees it.
Jillethetooth- sweetness and being a mom
Coloma- her goose/geese
MattBrowne- writing
Symbeline- zombies
Ivan- atheism and that avatar that I’ve known and loves since
Dutchess- being the most lovable twit ever
Hug of War- I just think of hugging her
Adirondackwannabe- handcuffs and chocolate… oh hell that was supposed to remain a secret…
Yarnlady- yarn and “see this similar question” lol
Jeruba- editing and Cate Blanchett
crisw- animal rights

That’s all I can do right now; the comment about handcuffs and chocolate has me all worked up…

Dutchess_III's avatar

Noone’s ever called me lovable before! LOL!
Chocolate Worker Thongs!
Crisw spiders. Every time I see a spider I just ignore it now!
Rarebear The moon and the stars
Simone Everytime my grandson puts a flower in his hair or wants to wear a necklace I think of Simone!
Bob Doy.

I see a lot of things that remind me of Jellies!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Dutchess_III You associate me with thongs? Just thongs? I see I have some work to do…

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! OK, then, chocolate too!!

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