Social Question

lillycoyote's avatar

Is there anyone, a celebrity, an actor, a musician who you find sexually attractive who falls outside of your usual type or falls outside of the usual cultural stereotype for sexiness for some reason?

Asked by lillycoyote (24875points) November 17th, 2010

And why?

For example, I would do Lethal Weapon Danny Glover in a hot second. I’m not sure why. I don’t usually go for the big teddy bear type but he seems like such a great family man, kind of goof ball, teddy bear type, and totally sexy in a way I can’t entirely explain, in the Lethal Weapon films that I just can’t resist him. Is there anyone like that for you? Man, woman, boy, girl, etc.? Who might be working your thing in a way that might be out of the ordinary for you?

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20 Answers

mrlaconic's avatar

I am a straight man but I would do John Stamos or the guy who plays erik in true blood if given the opportunity.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Woody Harrelson. Oh man.

jonsblond's avatar

Bill Clinton. I was never really in to older men, but, well, um…...yeah.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Quint (Robert Shaw) from Jaws.I slept with John Goodman in a dream.That one was a suprise ;)


Probably someone really wild and unpredictable, that is so unlike me (fyi, I’m on the formal and conservative side)——perhaps one of those famous (or should I say infamous?) violent, sexy, wild women wrestlers that you see on the wrestling channel——eg., Sable——l? Yikes. Lol.

Vunessuh's avatar

Seth Rogan. Fuck me sideways, he’s sexy.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@Vunessuh oh yes. Good call. I’ll take him over Woody Harrelson in a heartbeat. Huge crush.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Prince. I still haven’t recovered from seeing Purple Rain in the theater oh so many years ago.

sliceswiththings's avatar

In high school whenever a guy performed at Battle of the Bands I fell madly in love with him, even if I had never looked twice when he was not playing the bass.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Andy Samberg – preferably when he wears his glasses. Good lord, there’s just something about him.

Blueroses's avatar

Lyle Lovett—Nobody’s idea of a pretty man but lordy, when he opens his mouth to sing… I’m convinced that God exists and gives pretty damned good compensations.

ucme's avatar

Lassie! Just take a look at those eyes man…........dreamy. She’s some sexy bitch:¬)

FutureMemory's avatar

That “most interesting man alive” dude from those Dos Equis commercials.

meiosis's avatar

Sarah Palin. She’d get it (as long as she promised not to speak)

FutureMemory's avatar

@meiosis Hell yeah…you can tell she likes it from the back.

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poofandmook's avatar

Kevin Spacey

OpryLeigh's avatar

Although, at first glance I don’t find him physically attractive, I think Martin Clunes (Men Behaving Badly, William and Mary, Doc Martin etc) very sexy. The fact that I think he is a very talented actor makes me attracted to him but also, in every interview I have seen, he has come across as someone I’d love to get to know. His talent and personality have caused me to find him physically attractive as well.

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