Would it be good to report rape two years after or when it happens?
I have a friend and she is going through a difficult time because she just reported a rape that happened to her about 3 years ago.
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12 Answers
It is always better to report it when it happens,so they can collect evidence,but I say better late than never.I hope she feels better soon :)
Why report it now? the police should have been notified the moment after it happened. all the evidence is now non-existent.
At this point, its a “she said—he said” situation.
Yea, the guy who did it to her left a scar. Not just mental or emotional but physical but the jury could easily assume that she could have fell off a bike or something. She is really upset and her teachers don’t know why but they still give her the same amount of homework.
She reported now because her mother told her not too. Her mother doesn’t talk to her anymore. Wouldn’t they believe a little girl who has had problems her whole entire life with this guy or not.
It would have been better to have reported it ASAP but I think we all know that. I can’t imagine how hard it would be to go through that. I think you should give her love and support. I doubt anything will come of it because it was so long ago but if the person that raped her is under suspicion somewhere else it could really help and maybe stop him for hurting another.
My teachers are the same teachers for her but she is always crying and I’m her only friend. All of her other friends call her a cry baby because she crys all the time. I feel so bad for her and I just wish I could help her in some way but she said there isn’t really anything that I can do and that she needed to do it herself.
She had problems with this guy her whole life and now her mom won’t talk to her anymore… is this someone in her family? Someone she will have to continue to interact with?
Why report it now? the police should have been notified the moment after it happened. all the evidence is now non-existent.
At this point, its a “she said—he said” situation.
Because, as mentioned by @Summum, it could stop it or at least make it less likely to happen again.
Because it could help her heal, regardless of the outcome.
Because the more people report rapes at any time, the more likely it is that people will feel safe reporting rapes.
Because this may be the first time that she’s been able to admit it to anyone, even herself.
As to the OP – it should always be reported when it happens. However, for some this might not be physically possible for some reason, or emotionally possible for many reasons. The problem with reporting it later is, as mentioned, the loss of evidence. Therefore, you need to be sure what your friend’s reasons for wanting to report the rape are – because if she’s looking for justice, then the courts are probably the wrong place to go.
I would like to help her with that justice. Grin I agree with you it needs to be reported no matter how long ago it was.
Your friend certainly needs to deal with it since it is causing her so much pain (understandably.) She needs to get an adult ally to help her through this. Is there a teacher she trusts or a school counselor or psychologist that you both can talk to about it? Or another caring relative in her family?
Have your friend contact a Rape Crisis Center. Even though it is after the fact, they can help her deal with the feelings.
@john65pennington No matter how much evidence, the cops turn it into a ‘he said she said’ situation, believe me.
Her counsler had her report it because it would have gaven her more closer. She feels like she did something that can help her and she doesn’t know what is going on. Nobody will tell her about HER life!!
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