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Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

What classifies someone as a "good kisser"?

Asked by Aesthetic_Mess (7904points) November 18th, 2010

What do they do that makes them a good kisser?

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10 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

They do what the other partner wants.

wundayatta's avatar

The right chemistry turns anyone into a good kisser. Sensitivity and excellent non-verbal communication. You have to “listen” with your lips and face and hand and body. Kissing is a full-body activity. It’s not just the lips.

Summum's avatar

Sometimes being a good kisser is a curse. LOL The only thing that I can say that one could judge that they are a good kisser is the response they get from those they kiss. I have always been told I’m great at it but I have not had to kiss myself.

tedd's avatar

In the almost 40 girls I’ve kissed I’d only classify two that I can remember as bad. Both of them used WAYYYY too much open mouth (like their lips not contacting mine but around mine), and one of them was way too aggressive.

nikipedia's avatar

Using your lips and tongue to massage and stroke the other person’s. Responding to the other person’s push and pull. A little bit of teasing. Not too much tongue. No teeth.

iamthemob's avatar

Stylistic variety. And great lips.

Carly's avatar

when you aren’t repetitive.

faye's avatar

Not being spitty

sliceswiththings's avatar

Bad: too much tongue, too aggressive, too little contact.

So good=changes in pressure and speed, building up to the tongue, then not too much. Hand on the partner’s face always helps.

angelique_1's avatar

I like gentle, not so much tongue.

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