Social Question

Who wants to create the longest rap rhyme in the history of mankind?
- Respond with a line that rhymes to the previous response (approximately 4 to 8 words).
- After at least two lines rhyme, you can start with a new verse.
For example…
user01 – I live in a place downtown
user02 – where everybody goes around
user03 – This is no ordinary place <—
It doesn’t have to always be after 2 lines, could be after 5 or even 6. It works well when you can’t think of anything else to rhyme with.
- Do not respond twice in a row!
- It doesn’t have to rhyme perfectly, but in some way where it can at least sound like it rhymes (see example: downtown, around). Look at Eminem’s lyrics, he does this often.
- In order for us to create the longest rap rhyme in history, please be sure the last word in your response can be easily rhymed to (no oranges at the end of your line).
- It will sound better if the rap rhyme continues in a fluid storyline as best as possible, but doesn’t have to.
Have fun!