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6rant6's avatar

Would you take part in a long life lotto?

Asked by 6rant6 (13710points) November 18th, 2010

If you were given an opportunity to exchange your current reasonable life expectancy for, let’s say 1,000 years expected healthy life, would you do that? Let’s say your chances are 1 in 10 of winning and the other 9 times you would die ten days from now.

How about if the odds are 50/50?

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23 Answers

marinelife's avatar

No, I don’t want to live for 1,000 years.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I’ll pass on living 1000 years also.

jaytkay's avatar

I would be tempted at 50/50

erichw1504's avatar

No, I don’t want to live for a 1,000 years, that’s way too long. Maybe 500 or even 200.

iamthemob's avatar

I absolutely would…in about 30 years. I’d love to see what goes on throughout the centuries.

On a side note, I’d love for there to be people, even if they weren’t me, who were like this. The main problem with history is that…you know…no one is around now who saw it all go down.

janbb's avatar

I think my four score and ten will probably be as much as I can take.

starsofeight's avatar

Not if I continued to age. There would have to be a bonus package attached – youth, good health, etc.

flutherother's avatar

It would get kind of lonely out there when everyone you knew is long dead so I will pass.

mrlaconic's avatar

Yes! I would be excited to see the technology of the future and I solemnly swear that I won’t mock the generations to come for the weird music they listen to… not that music can get any weirder.

Winters's avatar

Eh, if only it were real.

JustJessica's avatar

Eww no way! Can you imagine the state of the world in 1,000 years?!?! No thanks!

wundayatta's avatar

I’m not sure I’d even take 99% odds in my favor. But I do want to live to 1000.

YoBob's avatar

While I wouldn’t mind having a life span that covers several average human life spans, I would not be willing to gamble my current life expectancy even if the odds were quite a bit higher than 50/50.

OreetCocker's avatar

Think I’ll give it a miss, unless I can split the prize with my loved ones!

Seaofclouds's avatar

No thanks. I don’t have any desire to live that long.

6rant6's avatar

If you think of what life was like in 1010, would you think that a person at that time would have seen today’s world as improvement? Do you?

6rant6's avatar

@flutherother You could make a lot of new friends in 1,000 years…. get married a few hundred times… watch your great great great great grandchildren grow up to be huge disappointments…

6rant6's avatar

@iamthemob You want someone with more authority to spin for us?

iamthemob's avatar

@6rant6 – Exactly. I prefer propaganda from many different sources and from those with various agendas.

downtide's avatar

Hell no. I think the next 1000 years are going to really suck for the human species.

Soubresaut's avatar

Life feels long enough already.
I do love the irony in this situation, though: that people who want to live for near-forever, who don’t want to die, would have to face and gamble with a fairly immediate death…

AmWiser's avatar

No! And only because my luck is not that great. So I’ll take my chances and live out what life is given to me naturally.

Cruiser's avatar

Only if my MIL is not allowed to play too!

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