Would you be angry if you found out your significant other was in a hot tub with the opposite sexes?
My boyfriend was going to a party with a female friend. I didn’t want to party so I stayed home. I wasn’t worried about her because she is obsessed with some other guy and is finally moving to be with him across the country. Anyways, she was his ride so they went to her friend’s party. Turned out there was only like 3 other girls there and no guys. When my bf came home he looked through his pictures in front of me, and it was pics of the night because one of the girl’s wanted him to send her the pics for Facebook.
It was at his friend’s friend’s house. Huge mansion with a pool and hot tub. The three girls were in the bikinis but his friend I know of was in a T-shirt and shorts because she’s conservative. The girls had huge boobs and some pics of them bein attention whores as if saying “look at me” with their butt sticking out at the camera and other stupid poses.
I got really upset with him that he was in a hot tub with them, especially when attractive and them trying to take pics of their butts. He said he didn’t know it was just going to be all girls and he didn’t want to just leave just because it was a hot tub thing.
I dont’ think he understands that even though he didn’t do anything physical, I’m not comfortable with them trying to be all flirty and crap tempting him.
I mean it would’ve been okay if there was some guys there and if the girls didn’t seem like whores.
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23 Answers
The burden to resist temptation is on your boyfriend rather than on all the girls out there who are ‘tempting him’ on purpose. You either trust him or you don’t. If you don’t like this kind of behavior, you have to tell him rather than seethe in jealousy.
The pics were mostly scenery of the beautiful views and house, the “party, and the girl’s posing to try to be sexy for Facebook. One of the girls keeps writing on his Facebook to send it to her but he keeps forgetting so I know she just wants to be showing off her body to everyone.
This was like a one time thing. I guess I should be glad he didn’t try to keep it secret? But either way, I am not going to stand for this again. If this happens again then that mean he doesn’t give a f*** about my feelings because he saw that I was hurt.
Are you mad at him or at the girls. It sounds like you are more mad about the girls’ behavior and that you are misplacing that anger toward your boyfriend. If you the girls wouldn’t have had him take the flirty pictures and wouldn’t have tried to tempt him as you put it, would you still be mad about the situation?
I don’t like the idea of him being the only guy in a hot tub with a bunch of girls. C’mon now, you can see that they’ll try to flirt with him and I don’t like the idea of him even being tempted and putting himself in that situation. Hot tub, one guy, bunch of girls, practically naked.
Put yourself in my situation, if you saw your significant other’s camera with girls in bikinis in a hot tub showin off their butt or trying to pose sexy, you wouldn’t be upset?
Do you trust him? You do realize that he is going to be around other women for various reasons for the rest of his life, right? Some will hit on him, some will offer him sex, there really isn’t anything he can do to get women not to do it. All he can do is turn them down. If you don’t trust him to do that, you will have bigger issues than this one.
I can understand why you are upset about it, but what would you have preferred he do? Was he suppose to tell his friend that he had to leave because it ended up being an all girl event? Do you expect him to never be alone with women again? You said he didn’t know that it was going to be a girl only hot tub thing, so it’s not like he planned it. Have you ever talked to him about what you consider appropriate and inappropriate behavior?
If he’s not posting the pictures to his FB page, forgets to send them to the girl, and most of the pictures were of the house, I don’t think you have reason to be jealous. A not-jealous, trusting girlfriend is far more attractive than a girl who’s letting the ta-tas hang out for the world to see.
Oh okay, I see the other point of view I guess. I just felt like he wasn’t being considerate to my feelings. lol but seriously…this girl’s facebook pics are nothing but her trying to make her boobs look even huger than they are! She is pretty though.
@evry1luvzaazngrl Why do you care so much about what the girl does? It really sounds like that is the bigger issue. As far as him being inconsiderate to your feelings, have you ever told him that you don’t want him alone in a hot tub with other women or discussed other situations you would not be comfortable with? If not, how was he suppose to know it would upset you before hand? I’m sure he knows now that it hurts you, but how was he suppose to know it before hand?
Haha, you’re probably going to get mad at me for this but I know it’s not something I can control. I have guys hit on me all the time, and my bf takes it as a compliment when he knows. No guy has ever hit on me in front of him though.
Okay, I got it guys, please don’t bash me lol.I have a feeling someone is going to call me a bad gf and all that other crap haha
You need to get some self esteem. If you are secure in yourself, your boyfriend will want to be with you.
You need to trust him and trust your relationship.
You can’t think of every single situation that can happen in the future and say “I dont’ want this to happen”
You could have gone with him. Not going was your choice. Sometimes in a relationship you go places that you aren’t exactly up because you SO wants to go. You negotiate how long you stay, what time you get there. This is called compromise. Relationships last a lot longer with it.
@evry1luvzaazngrl No you can’t, but you can’t expect someone to be a mind reader either. If you don’t discuss something as being acceptable or unacceptable, you learn as you go. My point was, how was he suppose to know it would hurt your feelings if it was something you’ve never discussed or been through before? Since you’ve now discussed it, it would be different if it happened again in the future and he did it knowing how you felt about it. Since he didn’t know it would hurt you, I just think it’s best to move on from it knowing that you both know where you stand on that issue now, instead of letting it continue to anger you. Continuing to be angry and upset about it will only do more damage to your relationship and it sounds like there isn’t anything your boyfriend can do at this point to make it any better.
If you still think he doesn’t get why you are upset, you have to talk to him about it. But, you also have to understand that girls are going to flirt with him and hit on him and that it is out of his control. Being mad at him for someone else’s action isn’t fair to him. He is only responsible for how he responds to the flirts and being hit on. Did he even think the girls were hitting on him or did he think they just wanted pictures of them showing off for Facebook?
If you’re with someone you trust, then trust him. If you don’t trust him, dump him. If you want to control someone and have every move they make be about you, get a dog and even then, your shoes might get peed on.
I probably wouldn’t be happy about it, but it’s over now. It really sounds like the girls only wanted someone to take pictures of them showing off for facebook and weren’t even flirting with your guy.
I dont see the issue at all. Hot tube, pool whatever same thing. Its what he’s doing in said hot tube or out that matters. But just because hes in water doesnt mean his attitude toward the relationship should suddenly change. It really sounds like you dont trust him, and if thats the case, I think a hot tube is the least of your worries.
He didn’t hide anything from you, that is good and if it isn’t hot tubs and chicks it will be another thing at another time! LITS to worry about things out of your control. Let your man have a fun night out now and then and he will respect you for trusting him and you both will be happier in the long run.
You can’t control what other people do and your SO didn’t have any advance knowledge of what the party was going to be like. Personally, this incident wouldn’t bother me. Particularly since he seems to be avoiding posting pics of it and it seems that he was uncomfortable about the whole thing. I would take this as a sign that you can trust him.
The time to worry is when he knows in advance that the event would be like this and he still goes anyway, without telling you.
I just think it’s natural to feel that way about the situation. Heck. I won’t lie. If I saw my lady in a hot tube with some guys I would feel so uncomfortable. It’s not weather you trust him or not, it’s just that he’s put in that situation. Of course I’d be cool about it in front of my lady, but inside I’d be feeling all confused and anxious. And feeling like she shouldn’t do that again lol
I doubt he would have showed you the pictures, told you about his night (truthfully), if he had anything to hide. I’d be pretty annoyed at the raunchy pictures though. To me, that’s just gross that he (as in, if it were my SO), took part in that.
Fact from fiction, truth from diction. What did you expect him to do? Leave? He wasn’t driving. Would you have footed the bill for the cab ride home? If he was ushered into service to take pics for them to post online and he did to be nice what really did he do wrong? Was it his ideal of the poses? Then maybe you have a beef worth getting worked up over. Did he know he would be the only guy? I guess not since you were invited to go but you declined and now you are mad because of what happened when you was not there. So, they are flirty with him or try to temp him, as you say about the guys hitting on you, they did not do it in front of you, and he was not in all the pics draped all over them or visa versa was he? If he held fast he should have some props for that. If you can’t trust him to be better than some dog around a t-bone steak the minute some other gals come around then maybe you need to be with someone else. To me the operative words are ”attractive” and ”whores”. To me when a woman tosses those out about other women her man might be around they are saying ”they are so better than me I can get replaced at the drop of a hat”. You have to believe you have the starter’s job. When the team takes the field you have to know above all you know you are taking the snaps and that you are the franchise player. Even if you feel there are those more qualified so long as he comes home to you, he goes to bed and boink your brains out, he takes you to dinner, etc, and not them, they are not worth the time stressing over.
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