(NSFW) Is this something considered abnormal for teenagers or people in general?
okay so, lately on facebook I have a distant furry friend that has the same name as me (Brennen) Spelled the same way,but we both like a lot of the same things so we consider each other brothers. And one thing that we have in common is that we both like incest in a way. So since we consider each other brothers usually when I’m in bed doing what I usually do I usually say his name or just moan “brother” sensually….But I would love him as my real brother though, and I’m sure we would both like to do some stuff with each other either fake brother or not. But I’ve been thinking…..Is it bad for me to have this mentality of this? I like incest and I wouldn’t mind doing stuff with him even if he was my real brother….So tell me fluther is this something I’ll maybe regret later on, is there something wrong with me? Please tell me…
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19 Answers
I dont think there is anything wrong with you. I think its abnormal for people to admit to this level what does IT for them… and you will probably have some people who tell you that it’s sick.. but the world is a strange place and the human brain is even weirder… people (myself included) get kinky to some weird stuff. I wont be sharing what does it for me, but it’s up there.
If you wanted to have sex with close blood relatives then it would be an issue. Fantasizing is another matter. This guy isn’t even related to you, so in this instance I don’t think you have anything to be concerned about.
Stopped reading at incest…this is abnormal. Also remember fantasy and reality are different. hth
You like incest? How do you know?
Most likely what is happening is a fantasy you have that excites you and helps you get yourself off. What you are talking about, should it ever actually happen, isn’t incest, anyway. It’s just incest in your mind.
Do you have siblings? Have you had sex with them? Was it consensual? See, that’s the major problem with incest—usually one of the parties is not doing the act willingly. Maybe that’s what gets you off—the idea of exerting your power to bend someone to your will, sexually speaking?
It’s a fantasy, and personally, I hope it stays a fantasy. As a fantasy, I’m sure it’s pretty tame. I’ve heard of a lot of much weirder stuff.
If you turn it into reality… well, that raises an awful lot of concerns. Besides it probably being rape, there is also the issue of what about taboos excites you. Why does it excite you? But most likely it will not go beyond fantasy. Most fantasies of this sort never go beyond fantasy. I hope yours doesn’t either.
@wundayatta I think even if relatives were both willing to have sex it would be weird and somewhat wrong…Okay, I’m going to leave this thread now.
You know what the laws are regarding incest. There are so many other outlets out there I strongly recommend you not run afoul of those laws. Why risk it?
Of course, the laws have nothing to do with fantasy or pretend incest. They apply only to close blood relatives and were originally put in place when we realized that intermarriage, particularly when carried over many generations as was the custom in royal families of old, tends to increase the risk of birth defects on an exponential scale as the generations go on. Since even if you actually put this fantasy into play, no deformed babies would ever result, I say the only concern you need have about it is how those who know about it react. It hurts nobody. If it works for the two of you, just keep that between yourselves so the busybodies of the world don’t feel drawn to interfere.
@jlelandg It’s hard for me to imagine siblings to want to have sex with each other and if being both fully consensual and not a psychological problem. I’ve read stories of people claiming to love their siblings, but I don’t really buy it. I suppose it’s possible it could be healthy, but that’s a pretty small possibility, in my opinion. No data to back that up, I’m afraid.
Incest is taboo, and has been taboo for so long, that I don’t know if anyone could research it. I think that the fact that it is taboo is what draws people to fantasize about it.
@Vincent_Lloyd, incest is having sex with your sister or brother, in person, who are related to you by blood. Having sexual fantasies about some guy who has the same name as you is not incest. You can’t “like incest in a way” unless you’re screwing your sister. Are you screwing your sister? Do you have fantasies about screwing your sister. I’m pretty certain from your other posts that you don’t have a brother.
I think I understand what you’re saying. You’re saying that you’re turned on by the idea of being sexually involved with a brother. Even though this guy is not your brother, the idea of him being your brother (the fantasy, in other words) is sexually exciting, so you pretend. Am I understanding this correctly?
Obviously, if you no intent of actually doing anything with your siblings and it’s just a fantasy related to a friend and it has nothing to do with your actual siblings, I honestly don’t see the problem at all
It’s something that many people would find peculiar, but as long as you don’t actually commit incest (sex with a first cousin or closer), I guess you’re ok.
I’m going to take a shower now, this makes me feel dirty. lol
We’re all wired a bit differently for our fetishes and turn-ons. Incest is not an uncommon one but admitting to it does generate some instant reactions.
The beauty of fantasy is that you can control the scenario and reactions – making it whatever you want it to be. Your fantasy doesn’t hurt anybody. Don’t worry about it if it gives you satisfaction.
It’s totally normal for stuff that’s taboo to be hott. Taboo sexual partners are generally ones you see in secret, possibly sneaking out in the middle of the night, leaving an alibi with your roommate, etc., maybe the person’s married, or maybe you’re camp counselors and are forbidden from leaving your cabin at night (in my case), or maybe your parents have forbidden you to see that person…or maybe it’s your brother.
This seems harmless to me. Congrats on discovering the joys of taboo fantasies. If you feel guilty try to think of him as another taboo figure, rather than a brother. Maybe he’s the foreign exchange student sleeping in your basement, and you sneak down to meet him, being careful to skip the stair that creaks, or maybe he’s your math tutor, etc. Maybe bump him up to cousin? I have cousin fantasies, it’s still taboo but not considered incest. Just don’t get walked in on by your great aunt Rita after hours at the next family reunion.
“I have cousin fantasies, it’s still taboo but not considered incest.” uhhh yea, yea it is
Nah, it’s legal in most states. But not first cousins.
yea see you never actually clarified the whole cousin thing. You just said cousin which implies first.
IMO sex with any blood relative is incest though
Pretend incest is fine. If you were to have a sexual relationship with this “brother” then (depending on your ages obviously) there shouldn’t be a problem providing he was ok with it too. Be careful with real incest though. There are a lot of people who don’t have a problem with it providing it is consesual but I believe that in America (which is where I assume you are from) it is against the law.
It’s a fantasy. Long as it stays there, your’e fine
I don’t think that it’s wrong or something. I used to have a friend who was exactly like me, we considered each other twin sisters and really liked each other. And when she asked me to be her girlfriend, I said “yeah okay but you know that’s incest cause we’re twins” lol :p but it was fun because we were like “you’re my sis and I’m in love with you”
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