What is more important than food?
Assuming your needs for shelter and food and the other necessities of life are fulfilled, what is more important that food, to you? What is less important? In other words, how far out of your way are you willing to go to get the food you enjoy?
I’d rather go to a restaurant than a movie. I’d rather buy the best ingredients than try to skimp in order to save money. I’d rather save money on almost anything else before I cut back my food spending. I’ll pay more to go to better restaurants and to get better meals. Food is important. Very important. It is probably the last item I am willing to cut corners on.
Computers, theater, cars, and many other things (but not education) are things I’d cut back on before I cut back on food.
Where is food on your list of priorities?
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27 Answers
Clean water would be first. You would die of thirst long before dying of starvation.
@filmfann Clean water is a given. We’re assuming the necessities of life, as stated in the details, are provided… not a problem.
Now, what’s more important than food for you?
It is not near the top.I do not like to cook and my diet is pretty simple.I do like to go out to eat,but try not to over do that as I still want to fit into my clothes ;)
Creative expression is way higher on my list than food is.
Entertainment, which would include cable tv, computer, games, gas for the vehicle to get to the park, books, magazines, newspaper, music, frisbees, kites, balls, playdough, bubbles.
I can make some decent food with little money.
This just doesn’t make sense because if we have the necessities than food IS a necessity. You can’t live without it for very long. Wouldn’t it be better to ask “What becomes most important to you after the necessities…..and just for the record I think affectational needs like sex are necessities to health and wellness. So after all those things caring for my children is number one and creating beauty around me ranks as number two.
Somewhere in this congestion, air places a major part in our existence.
Did you know Birmingham, Alabama is one of the dirtiest cities in the U.S.?
This just doesn’t make sense because if we have the necessities than food IS a necessity.
The premise is you have everything you need. You have sufficient food and shelter and clothing and water. Let’s say all your needs are met, plus you get $50/month.
So what do you want? What would you do with the $50?
@wundayatta would spend it on better food.
Nothing. I am seriously dependant on constant eating. If I go 4 hours without a small meal I get extremely cranky. It’s like I have low….or high? or something…blood sugar. I’m really affected by changes in meal times, lol. No but seriously. Also I love food and I find it to be so wonderful that almost every time I eat I over eat, which yes someday will be a problem but right now I’m really enjoying myself. Food is the most fun necessity in life. I can’t believe people deprive themselves of it, ever.
@deni -...................
hmm…..to be honest,considering thr pollution we have in the world nowadays..it’s not healthy to eat so much food so often…
what? if you don’t eat shitty food then it’s not a problem.
I increasingly feel like food politics are the most important social, political, and moral issue facing us right now.
@deni—kinda ture,are you a vegetarian?
@lucillelucillelucille mentions creative expression and for me food and preparing a meal is every bit of creative expression for me. I love to cook and when I create that amazing meal it gives me all the same thrill and excitement of writing a new great riff on guitar. Eating is life and preparing and eating a meal can be a great experience but at the same time a human can live quite a while without food. So considering the question allows for all the basic necessities are met and I will assume food is included…love would be pretty high on my list and if you take that away I would turn to nature in all it’s glory as a reason and desire to keep on living. Take that away and I would just be a rat in a cage!
@Cruiser -Creative expression with food is when you get someone to cook it for you. XD
@Cruiser -I disagree.Now go make me a sandwich!
@lucillelucillelucille You obviously then have never been tied up and blind folder and hand fed finger food! How about some ham and cheeze horsdurves and Chocolate cupcakes for dessert on a ferris wheel at midnight!!!
@Cruiser -I’ll never tell.
I’d rather eat a bowl of Cherrios on a speeding roller coaster at 5:43 AM on a Tuesday during tornado season..I love a challenge and won’t settle for anything less.
I wish I had found @jaytkay to write this question. Sometimes ideas are so hard to explain for me.
Relationships with food vary greatly. A person’s sense of taste may be anywhere from non-existent to extremely sensitive. I love food, cooking, and presentation. I have friends who find ambiance in a restaurant more important than the food. I believe that any ultra thin woman over age 25 either has a very high metabolic rate or really doesn’t care much about food. The question may be, “Do you live to eat or eat to live?” Given world conditions, if you have this choice, you are lucky.
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