Meta Question

talljasperman's avatar

How do I switch from Lurve to Dollars?

Asked by talljasperman (21926points) November 18th, 2010

I love Fluther and I want to go to the next step and investigate answering questions in a career as a Consultant… how does one do that? I have a High School Diploma 3 years of Business mixed with Arts studies… and I’ve read 20,000 or more books and logged many hours with the T.V. I love what inventions and innovations that the future brings.. I love learning and I love teaching… any positive advice?

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7 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

Start a blog and let people know what you think and feel and if you are any good at it, people will notice and flock to your insight and wisdom and so will advertisers who will shower you with gobs of cash in order to have access to your throng of adoring masses. It is the new gold rush and many are actually doing just this and laughing all the way to the bank.

talljasperman's avatar

@Cruiser thanks… GA…. I started a blog on google…still learning how to use it

Cruiser's avatar

@talljasperman Atta boy!! Now put a link in your profile and unabashedly promote it here until the Mods tell you to quit it!

talljasperman's avatar

@Cruiser its in my profile now… not much on it yet… but I hope to practice on it and put so fun comments in time

wundayatta's avatar

Lots of GQs here. I wonder how many other people have the same ambition.

mattbrowne's avatar

Apply what you learn on Fluther and ask for a promotion.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Update Sorry I let this idea slide. I might get back into it later.

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