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tedibear's avatar

Do you know of any chapter books for children that include recipes within the story?

Asked by tedibear (19419points) November 19th, 2010

I have a friend whose third grade daughter needs to do a book report on a chapter book with a recipe or recipes in it. I have found “Everything on a Waffle,” thus far. I did a Google search, but was having a tough time figuring out which were chapter books based on the lists that I found.

Any favorites out there? Or, at least, any books you know of?

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14 Answers

marinelife's avatar

Here is a list that gives the title, the author, what the recipe(s) are for and some notes on the story.

tedibear's avatar

@marinelife – That’s one list I found. I’m not sure how to know which ones are chapter books and which ones are basic story books. I’ll pass the list on to her and see what she thinks.

Thank you for helping!

gailcalled's avatar

@tedobear; What does “chapter book” mean? That’s a new term for me.

tedibear's avatar

@gailcalled – Usually it’s a longer children’s book without many – if any – pictures. Such as any of the Nancy Drew or Harry Potter books. As opposed to a storybook with many illustrations and less text.

gailcalled's avatar

@tedibear: Third graders read well enough these days to take on the Potter series? Times have changed.

tedibear's avatar

@gailcalled – Those were just examples of the type of book. Grade level wise, more like the “Great Brain” series by John Fitzgerald.

Supacase's avatar

Freckle Juice (not that I would want to drink that recipe!)
Kitchen Princess by Natsumi Ando

MissAusten's avatar

Fairy Tale Feasts which may not count as a chapter book but (according to Amazon) is for kids from preschool up to grade five.

It’s been a while since I’ve read them, but there may be recipes in some of Roald Dahl’s books. She might also want to take a look at the Little House on the Prarie books. I remember one scene where Laura and Mary used up almost all of the white sugar making ice cream when Ma and Pa were away. Maybe their ice cream recipe is part of the story? Anne of Green Gables is another possibility. She had a lot of baking disasters, but I don’t know if the recipes are in the book OR if a 3rd grader would be really interested in that book yet.

WAIT!! I found one! Enchanted Thyme, a chapter book for 9–12 year old children that includes recipes!

AND: Mrs. Coverlet’s Magicians seems to fit the bill.

I googled “kids fiction with recipes” and found those mentioned on the first page of results. That seems to be the magic search phrase. Maybe you can dig a little deeper with it and find others. Good luck!

I think it’s a little mean that the teacher didn’t supply book suggestions. How often do you come across an actual recipe in a book?!

tedibear's avatar

@MissAusten – I know! No help from the teacher and the school librarian didn’t have a clue. Thank you so much for the help! I will pass these on to her.

Kardamom's avatar

Here’s another list that has cookbooks with recipes from favorite children’s stories. I haven’t actually seen any of them, but you can read the synopses and see if they will work. It’s making me hungry thinking about it : )

Jeruba's avatar

@Kardamom, does it include recipes from “Hansel and Gretel”?

Kardamom's avatar

@Jeruba Do you mean like witch-stew or evil step-mother barbecue? I guess you could use the “breadcrumbs” on macaroni and cheese. Ha ha.

Blueroses's avatar

The Little House books might suit the bill. I remember particularly Farmer Boy had some recipes included.

tedibear's avatar

To everyone – thank you so much! I sent all of your ideas on to my friend and she is thrilled with the help!

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