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john65pennington's avatar

What percentage of sinners, do you believe, exist throughout the world?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) November 19th, 2010

Many years ago, I use to believe that only 15% of the worlds population were sinners. That 85% of the population were honest, decent people. Today, i am having second thoughts and wondering if the percentages have changed? I just read where 2,000 fetuses were discovered in a Thai Buddist Temple and wonder whether these babies were aborted legally or illegaly? Question: What percentage of the worlds population, do you believe are sinners, compared to 50 years ago?

Source: Associated Press

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33 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I’ll go with 85% sinners and 15% dead. ;)

john65pennington's avatar

Lucy, good stats. probably true.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@john65pennington -That is the great thing about research! One can slant it any way one wishes! XD

iamthemob's avatar

0%. Sin is a religious construct.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

@john65pennington from the little bit of Christian theology I was indoctrinated with, we are all sinners. Every. Single. One. Including you, if you want that theology.

I’m with @iamthemob on this. None of us is perfect, but sin is a myth.

Cruiser's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Leave the dead out of this….they are either already burning in hell or tap dancing their way through the pearly gates. I would go with 95% sinners and 5% just born.

misstrikcy's avatar

There are going to be degrees of ‘sinning’ as per each religion and culture etc.
I imagine we’re all sinners in some way or other.
You can be a sinner for smoking, drinking, gossiping, having sex before marriage, blah blah blah. And that’s before you get onto the heavy stuff, like murder etc

Percentages are bound to be skewed compared to 50 years ago.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Cruiser Ah! You did your own research too,I see! Are you satisfied with the results? If not,you know what to do! XD

mattbrowne's avatar

All humans are sinners (in a sense that they violate a moral rule at least once in their lives), except babies 12 +/- 3 months or younger.

ucme's avatar

66.6% Said with a cute whistle. Not unlike the beaver on Lady & the Tramp. Shay, it worksh shwell :¬)

Supacase's avatar

100% Not because of the “we are all sinners” nonsense, but because we are all people who deal human emotions and difficult situations. I do think you can be a good person despite that. One big error does not make you a bad person or a “sinner” in my eyes. So, I would guess 80% basically good people, 20% not so much.

Cruiser's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille No….there were way to many outliers in my findings….I am currently applying for a Federal grant but did so under the guidelines of Faith-based” research in hopes of getting more money faster than if I applied for scientific studies! I am expecting Millions! ;)

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Cruiser The check is in the mail.

Cruiser's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Give Sarah my personal thanks! ;)

iamthemob's avatar

the two of you look whoa dangerous together.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Cruiser -The check is from Micheal Flatley,“Lord of the Grants” XD
@iamthemob -Cruiser is nothing to be afraid of XD

iamthemob's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille – I’m not afraid – I’m totally digging it. It’s like the two of you called each other to coordinate your outfits for school that day.

lemming's avatar

No offence but I think it’s a sin to repeat that story about the foetuses. I hate when people tell me things like that.

Cruiser's avatar

@iamthemob The only thing you have to be afraid of is @lucillelucillelucille showing up to the first tee wearing those ghastly corduroy pink plaid golf trousers again! Honestly Lucy what were you thinking! The cammo tank top and rental bowling shoes were a nice touch though! XD

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Cruiser-I have since changed and am much more threatening in my new outfit—

Cruiser's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Do you have a permit for that thing? XD

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Cruiser I don’t need no stinking permit!

ragingloli's avatar

About 4.41176 percent.

iamthemob's avatar

@ragingloli – isn’t that about the population of the United States?

KatawaGrey's avatar

Wait, why does being sinner completely preclude you from being a good human being? Does that mean if I get angry after I help feed the homeless, that good act is completely negated by my anger? Do the people whose lives I saved immediately die if I have a one-night-stand? Do the children I’ve taught forget everything once I display pride?

From what I understand, sin afflicts everyone, as sin is traditionally defined by Christians but that does mean that everyone is a bad person.

Anyone notice how the seven deadly sins are completely normal, human behaviors and desires?

FutureMemory's avatar

Zero. There is no such thing as a “sinner”.

Paradox's avatar

Technically everyone’s a sinner no matter how “good” you are. The way you are defining the term “sinner” here is more equivilent to the terms “dark entities” and “light entities”. There are “gray entities” as well who are borderline to go to either the path of lightness or darkness.

@john65pennington You’re nicer than I am. I would go with 50% gray entities, 25% dark entities and 25% light entities. Since everyone sins and falls short of the glory of God I prefer to use the terms gray, dark and light entities.

Jeruba's avatar

If a sinner is someone who has done wrong of some kind, I’d have to say 100% because there is no one who is without some fault or blame.

However, you haven’t yet treated us to your definition of “sinner.” To judge by your details, it’s a safe guess that it’s not the same as mine.

absalom's avatar

I was under the impression everyone is a sinner.

Those fetuses were aborted illegally, I’m sure. It’s interesting that they ended up in a Buddhist temple. (Buddhism has its own practices for dealing with abortion, meant to ensure the fetus’s rebirth or -incarnation, etc., at least in Japan. I wonder whether the same sentiment was behind this event in Thailand.)

Russell_D_SpacePoet's avatar

100 percent if there was such a thing. Everyone has or will do something that falls in to a gray moral area.

plethora's avatar

@john65pennington What’s your definition of a sinner?

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