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ucme's avatar

Which christmas movies that you watched as a child, seemed the most believable to you at the time?

Asked by ucme (50052points) November 19th, 2010

Seen through innocent eyes filled with imagination & wonder. If not believable then certainly the more memorable ones. Movies which maybe you still watch now, perhaps with your kids. Yeah I know it’s a little early for christmas questions, but hey….can’t help myself.

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19 Answers

iamthemob's avatar

“A Christmas Story.”

Of course, I still find it to be completely believable because…well…it is.

poisonedantidote's avatar

Die Hard and Home Alone. just kidding, I guess the one with all the letters to santa in the court room, but I can’t remember the name.

iamthemob's avatar

Miracle on 34th Street?

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Frosty the Snowman.It could happen!!! XD

AmWiser's avatar

A Christmas Carol Any of ‘em.
Miracle on 34th Street. Most definitely.

marinelife's avatar

It’s a Wonderful Life

trailsillustrated's avatar

the snowman! I still love it! beautiful soundtrack

Kardamom's avatar

This one is easy—A Charlie Brown Christmas. The school auditorium, the Xmas play itself, and the neighborhood all looked exactly like the suburb where I grew up, including the mailbox that was high up on the pole (don’t think they make those kind any more due to ADA regulations). I somehow missed the Halloween special this year so I will definitely be watching the Xmas special. I even have the version of “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” from the special on my favorite Xmas CD.

YARNLADY's avatar

National Lampoons Christmas Vacation
A Christmas Carol/Scrooge
The Nativity Story

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What are you getting at? What do you mean “seemed”? Do you mean they’re not?

Kardamom's avatar

@YARNLADY Oh yes! Chevy Chase’s Xmas Vacation. That scene at the dinner table featured most of MY relatives. Especially cousin Eddie, Yikes!

Mat74UK's avatar

BMX Bandits! Mainly because we all had BMX’s and could go out and make the ramps, burns and perform all the bunny hops, horse kicks and such.
Oh Christmas… now then that’ll be National Lampoons.

Blueroses's avatar

A Christmas Story for sure. My dad swore like that at household objects and would always say things like “Fra-gee-lee. It’s Italian.”

Scrooged My dad’s favorite movie.

It’s a Wonderful Life Always stayed up on Dec. 23 watching that with my mom. RIP. Love you mama.

El_Cadejo's avatar

The only christmas movie I ever liked and will probably ever like.

A christmas story. I watch it all day on christmas day

DerangedSpaceMonkey's avatar

A Christmas Story.

Blueroses's avatar

You’ll shoot your eye out!

DerangedSpaceMonkey's avatar

@Blueroses Well if I do, I’ll blame it on an ice sickle. LOL

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