What's the worst thing you have been called on Fluther?
Asked by
Cruiser (
November 19th, 2010
My new bestest friend Johnny, today called me a retarded anal bead and I am still LMO!!! XD Got me thinking that Jellies now and then fire off hum dingers at each other and I’d like to know what’s the worst or weirdest you have been called here. And if you haven’t, I invited you to try and top Johnny here and take your best shot at me!
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70 Answers
Well, I’ve never been involved in anything controversial, so no one has ever called me anything.
Hmmm, that crusty pedant Darkscribe once called me an “orifice”. I didn’t care much though, he was kind of a dick.
A jelly. I mean it’s no biggie but, kind of makes you sound like a bubble butt loser type on Jerry Springer.
@Adirondackwannabe I just might have to call you a “lard ass” after those comments on that earlier “food porn” thread! XD
@Cruiser It might be a lot shorter list if I listed what I haven’t been called. :)
I must not be very interesting here, I think would be moderator is the worst I’ve been called. Someone insult me, please! I feel like I’ll be a noob until I’ve been really slammed…
Aw, hell, sweetie, my mother has said worse to me than that! Consider the gauntlet thrown down… ;-)
A rascally badger and a bitch-face XD
Can we also include the things we’ve been told to do to ourselves?
Ok.I lied.I wasn’t called a bitch-face…here…..am I now a lying bitch-face? XD
@Cruiser-That is always before plungering.Don’t you remember?? XD I’m kinda hurt
@lucillelucillelucille That was a day I prefer to forget funny girl!! The day is not over, plenty of time left to get you that “bitch-face” moniker here yet! KYA!
Simone called me a “prude.” HA. not quite accurate. I didn’t reply with what I…never mind.lol
Someone went to the trouble of making an account with the username “jonsblondsabitch”.
Pretty sure I know who did it. This person wasn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer. ;)
Not sure if this counts, but I once made a comment about another member being “fucked in the head”. This post stayed up for many months and got 3 or 4 GA’s. It only recently got removed after I pointed out to a mod how funny it was that it never got flagged.
@jonsblond Who did that?? I’m gonna beat him/her up!! ;-)
@Chyna: Zuppy here, don’t you dare call Molly that! She’s my friend!
I’ve only got cussed out once that I’ve seen. I may have deserved it at the time, because the conversation was getting a bit uppity on all sides.
bob_ once asked me sarcastically long, long ago if I was a liberal arts major. That kind of hurt. ;-)
(if you see this, bob_, you know that our relationship is stronger because if it now, though).
Can’t think of anything at the moment, which is probably for the best. I know I’ve been insulted for my age, intelligence level, and sexuality, but I can’t seem to think of any specific insults at the moment…
Retarded anal bead- was that meant to imply you are imperfectly formed and/or suited to go up someone’s bum? DARN for you to miss out, eh.~
Aside from a troll in campfire chat aways back then I don’t anyone’s called me any bad names.
@Neizvestnaya – what’s funny is that retarded technically means stunted or held back. If you hold back an anal bead, it’s not really doing it’s job.
That I am wrong. But I am used to that…I often am.
@iamthemob: Didn’t I say that? Well kinda. I suppose if @Cruiser is only a retarded anal bead then he could have potential to get the job done, with a bit more fluther grease.
@Neizvestnaya – I was thinking more along the lines of “literally being stopped by someone or something” rather than “being unsuitable for the performance of” ;-)
But we’re definitely on the same page….
@Neizvestnaya I’m still trying to figure that out as if Johnny knew my actual hat size he might have thought twice on calling me that XD
OK @iamthemob that is starting to get a bit too detailed even for me!! :O
@Neizvestnaya (((faints)))
<< Nazi bitch. More than once.
Also, [mod says] could we please refrain from naming names? Thanks.
I don’t think anyone has called me a name on a thread here at Fluther, but I was called a bitch in a PM once. I’ve had very few confrontations and conflicts here where it escalated to name calling or any other personal attacks.
It was way worse at Answerbag. There was a lot of immaturity over there and tons of trolls. This one guy would follow me around on threads and refer to me as that one “California whore”. I’ve been called a twat, cunt, whore, slut, bitch, asshole. I’ve been told I was going to Hell for being an atheist and that atheism is as bad as pedophilia. Lmao, shut the fuck up.
I haven’t been called anything creative like a retarded anal bead though. Damn. That’s gangsta.
@Vunessuh I know what you mean about redundant school yard type banter especially in PM’s…..For me “old fucker” just doesn’t hold a candle to “retarded anal bead” makes me feel so special and loved here! XD
@augustlan : The mods have been called Gestapo…so if we extrapolate, could that mean that you are…Hitler? I’m still a bit stung by being only a “would be moderator”. How about that means I’m the “poxy bitch that spawned the bastard moderator”. Yeah, I like that better. Gives me some street cred.
@Cruiser Aw, there, there. You’ll get over it. :)
@JilltheTooth I remember someone calling your daughter something along the line of “would be moderator” once, and look where she is today! There’s hope for you. ;)
Liberals have called me a Republican.
Conservatives have called me a Democrat.
If I didn’t consider the sources of those vicious attacks, then they might hurt.
@jonsblond : Nooooooo! I don’t want any responsibility, I just wanna have fun. Besides, I’m not nearly as grown up as she is.
I’ve never seen name calling on this website. I’ve seen some heated arguments. I’ve been called a bleeding heart liberal on a very conservative Q & A website. I’ve been called a retard or guillable on an atheist forum. My worst experience was on a more conservative Christian website. On that site I was called all types of names from multiple members, all of this because I criticized certain verses in the Bible and mentioned I felt what determines who goes to heaven or hell were a person’s actions while alive and not what they believed. The intolerance for other beliefs including even condemning Catholics and Mormons I think is what compelled me to join such a site. I usually join websites where I’m the minority and I’m not sure why, maybe I’m a glutton for punishment.
Hmm, the fact that I can’t think of anything makes me wonder what people are saying when I’m not listening.
Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed any name calling here, though.. apparently it happens.
I was called “Arrogant” on Fluther. No one has ever said that I was arrogant before. That is totally not me. I think that the jelly fish that called me that just could not accept what I was trying to say. Some people just can’t handle the truth when it is painful. And that is so sad.
@gondwanalon – I think, because I think it’s inevitable when you focus on getting intelligent discussion going, that at one point or another, we’ve all been called arrogant or some variation thereof during our time here. ;-)
@gondwanalon Totally agree.
In my experience, someone is likely to call another arrogant after they’ve been soundly beaten in an argument but refuse to accept it. Sour grapes, essentially.
@gondwanalon I think I get called ‘arrogant’ fairly often. I’m working on it, really, I am but I can’t always say that it’s out of place in my case. But the Democrat / Republican thing… that rankles.
Nothing that hasn’t made me chuckle. On Fluther it’s been rare, but ‘fag/got’ has come up before. Probably the only thing that’s really bothered me is being alleged a proponent of child molestation and child pornography.
In real life I have been called elitist and arrogant and a hipster. (I have no problem with two of those accusations.)
@absalom I hope the two you don’t have a problem with are elitist and arrogant.
I was called a bitch once.
That member is no longer here as far as I am aware.
They were obviously a really angry, troubled person, so while it got my hackles up for a bit ultimately, I couldn’t take it personally, just symptomatic of their ongoing issues. lol
I don’t think I’ve ever been called anything bad here.. I think I would remember. I have taken a bunch of snark and snideness, but honestly, I try to forget it when it happens because anyone that consistently engages in antisocial behavior or who would call me names here is an asshat and not worth my time. The only thing that stands out in threads is a couple of times, I’ve had people basically say that I’m annoying, but that’s fair enough, especially if I was being pedantic.
In a Mod capacity, I’ve had people be outright rude, imply that I’m clueless, uneducated, uncultured, untraveled, mentally challenged, have my head up my ass, or whatever. I strive to be polite and professional when communicating with people and sometimes it comes completely out of nowhere and it’s like.. whoa!
@augustlan Hmmm…I’m guessing it was that woman that was always going on about being persecuted for her religious beliefs despite refusing to divulge what faith she belonged to? Didn’t she also call you a “jew lover” or something similar? I’m glad that nutcase is gone.
At one point, I would love to see a redacted transcript of angry communications to the moderators.
I bet they’re spicy.
They don’t want to give us any new ideas, I’m sure.
@iamthemob – I admit, I wish sometimes that I could cut and paste and share with people. At times, some of the communication is so outlandish, surreal, ridiculous, and/or hilarious. Not all of it is bad, some great users put very funny comments on flags.
@MissAnthrope It’s ok with me if you share my flagging comments with others ;)
@MissAnthrope – I second that one – with the redaction caveat, of course.
@FutureMemory She did call me a jew-lover, in a public PM… but she wasn’t the one who called me a Nazi bitch. That one’s gone, too.
@augustlan Nazi bitch and blonde bitch. Are we talkin’ about the same bitch here? She has some nerve! ;)
I tend to block that kind of stuff out so this might not be the worst but I can find it because the person took the trouble to PM me. She was a new user and her first question was homework question on behalf of her son, at least that’s what it looked like and I was one of several people who “accused” her of asking a homework question or told her to let her son do his own homework or something like that and she sent me a PM with some sort of defense of her question and at the end of it she said:
“So get over yourself and stop being such a B++++!!!!!!!”
Someone called me a cockhead once.
I’ve also been victim to countless passive aggressive attacks.
@cockswain is it @Coloma who said that to you? Maybe you had your head up your ass at the time and she didn’t know that the coxswain always sits at the rear end of the boat, at least when it comes to rowers. :-)
it was probably both of you
NO, not me! I just thought it was rather, uh, amusing..and the passive aggressive assaults…hahahaha….I hate passive aggressive types! lol
I’m nearly certain you’re making fun of me.
Yeah, I think my foot is just going farther into my mouth. lol
@cockswain You might be right but I’m so confused at this point that I couldn’t tell you for certain if you’re being made fun of or not, one way or the other. Once, and if, my head clears and I figure out what’s actually going on here, I’ll get back to you on this. But if it doesn’t and I don’t, I apologize anyway, whatever the circumstances might be. I’m sure I’ve done something wrong here; that’s almost always the case, and an apology from me is generally due someone, regarding something, almost all the time. :-)
I forgot I was recently called naive and uncaring. The uncaring really hurt because I fucking care, goddammit.
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