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jonsblond's avatar

Who will boycott Black Friday and Fluther instead?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) November 20th, 2010

Isn’t Fluther a better use of your time?

Who’s with me?

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33 Answers

YARNLADY's avatar

I’m lucky, my husband loves to go bargain hunting in the early morning of Black Friday. I want one of those $298 40 LCD TV’s that Target will have. I promised my self when I found one under $400 I would get it, but the $399 one at Fry’s didn’t get me out, because it was a rebate thing, and I don’t trust those.

Seaofclouds's avatar

Considering I have pretty much finished my Christmas shopping, I have no intention of going out on Black Friday this year. The last few things I need to get aren’t big sale type things, so I can get them anytime.

AmWiser's avatar

I wouldn’t be caught dead in the craziness of Black Friday so I’m sure I’ll be Fluthering happily:-)

Coloma's avatar

I’m with @AmWiser

That’s part of being wise! lol

There is no thing, that would ever cause me to be part of the drove of lemmings on that day. hahaha

SamIAm's avatar

This one!

chyna's avatar

I won’t be shopping.

Facade's avatar

You don’t know me very well do you…

tinyfaery's avatar

Black Friday is my worst nightmare—shopping and crowds. I’ll be home fluthering, and doing statistics.

DominicX's avatar

Well, I won’t be out getting trampled to death at WalMart, but it may be a good time to buy a laptop.

MissAnthrope's avatar

Easy. I don’t want none of that mess.

muppetish's avatar

I don’t like shopping in stores. I’ll look for online deals from the safety of my room. Surely Fluther will be open in another window.

FutureMemory's avatar

I don’t buy x-mas presents.

Coloma's avatar

Shit…this probably means I will get caught in traffic coming home from the city on Friday.

Good thing my car is fast…vroom, vroom, get outta my way city slickers I’m comin’ round the mountain. lol

FutureMemory's avatar

…six white horses…

augustlan's avatar

You couldn’t pay me to shop on black Friday! I avoid that shit like the plague. I’m in. :)

Andreas's avatar

Correct me if I’m wrong, My Fellow Flutherites, but according to my calendar, the next Black Friday isn’t until…

Oh! I just Googled Black Friday and it’s this coming Friday after Thanksgiving.

And I thought you meant Friday the 13th, which is next in May 2011. Do you see how we don’t quite speak the same language?

Oh well.

I’ll likely Fluther that day, too, for what it’s worth.

augustlan's avatar

@Andreas I hadn’t thought of that. Sorry for the confusion… I don’t avoid Friday the 13ths at all. :P

downtide's avatar

We don’t have Black Friday here.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I’m too tired and torpid after hosting Thanksgiving to bother with shopping. I’ll sit here with you fine folks til I go out late that afternoon for a glass of wine with other torpid persons. Then home for more torpidity.

Andreas's avatar

@augustlan That’s OK. I felt like making light of a very ambiguous term, and as a result, I now know how to find the US Thanksgiving holiday. All I knew before was that it was in late November. Now I know it’s the fourth Thursday in November.

I’ll most likely Fluther on all Black Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays!

iamthemob's avatar

Does online shopping count in the boycott?

If it doesn’t, then I’m in.

If it does…then…yeah, I’m in…I won’t online shop while on Fluther…I swear…and you can’t prove I’m doing it anyway, see…

JilltheTooth's avatar

@iamthemob : We can’t prove it? Yeah, you just go on believin’ that. Yup.

iamthemob's avatar

@JilltheTooth – now I’m ascared. You’re watching me right now, aren’t you…

JilltheTooth's avatar

@iamthemob : I admit to nothing…

Mikewlf337's avatar

Well I don’t want to be injured or killed by a bunch of morons. So I don’t take part in Black Friday. I have better things to do.

Jude's avatar

Of course, we Canucks don’t do Black Friday, but, if I were to head my girl’s way, the American/Canadian bridge would be a disaster. To get over the bridge it’d take a few hours. Luckily, I am taking off mid-week to go up to her cabin in N. Michigan, so, I’ll bypass all of the shopping crap and will be up North hanging with her family and the deer. :)

cookieman's avatar

Not a problem.

I’ll be working, recovering from thanksgiving week. Plus, I dislike shopping.

So I’m with ya.

My wife on the other hand, is, for the first time, gonna wade out into the crazy sauce that is Black Friday. Best of luck honey. It’s been nice knowing you.

MissAusten's avatar

No way in hell am I doing anything other than sleeping in on Black Friday.

There was one year I had no choice but to go shopping on Black Friday. My son somehow lost one of his sneakers at a relative’s house on Thanksgiving. We couldn’t find it anywhere, and it was his only pair of shoes. I waited until late afternoon, then headed to the Stride Rite store at a nearby outlet mall. It wasn’t any more crowded than it usually is on the weekend, so it wasn’t bad at all. But to wait in line at the ass crack of dawn?

Not for all the coffee and chocolate in the world. But maybe, and this is a big maybe, I could be tempted by Jeffrey Dean Morgan or Daniel Craig.

rangerr's avatar

Star Wars toys go on sale, dude.
I love Fluther.. but I’m going out.
Then working for 9 hours.

marinelife's avatar

I never do Black Friday. Fluthering at 4 A.M. sounds much more fun.

jonsblond's avatar

@marinelife Yes, and you can stay in your pajamas and drink coffee. Though I’ve known a few people that shop in their pj’s the day after Thanksgiving. lol

Paradox's avatar

Black Friday means nothing to me regardless. When I used to Christmas shop I usually waited to the last days before Christmas to go shopping. I don’t have many people to shop for anymore so all I do now is pull out a 50 or 100 dollar bill, hand it off on Christmas Day and say Merry Christmas! People always need money.

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