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john65pennington's avatar

What is the title of this song and the artist?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) November 21st, 2010

I rarely forget the title and artist of music. but, today is my stump day. i am drawing a complete blank. I only have the opeing one line of the song.

“Darling, if you want me to be, closer to you, get closer to me”


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9 Answers

Likeradar's avatar

Seals and Croft, Get Closer.

crisw's avatar

Likeradar just beat me to it!

john65pennington's avatar

Yahoo…......thanks. my brain has been in overtime searching.

iamthemob's avatar

I’m not being that “just google it” guy…

…but did you know that googling the lyrics will generally get you to the song? I do it all the time – it’s a lifesaver.

jazmina88's avatar

I love Seals and Crofts

john65pennington's avatar

Google it is, i will remember this. thanks

iamthemob's avatar

@john65pennington – I’m not saying don’t come to the community, of course. Simply that if you didn’t know about it, I find it to be genius (it often happens when I hear a song on a show, love it, and hop online quickly with a smattering of the lyrics to get it before the memory is gone…).

BarnacleBill's avatar

My daughter told me to enter the search as lyrics: (whatever I remember from the song) and it eliminates getting back blogs where people are quoting song lyrics. That works pretty well.

I like the application Shazaam on my phone. You let it listen to music, and it tells you what the song is. My grocery store plays awesome music while you shop, and I’m always trying to figure out what the songs are.. Like Carbon Leaf. @john65pennington, in light of your other question today, you might like this song. :-)

Andreas's avatar

@BarnacleBill You have a good taste in music. Thanks for sharing.

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