Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Have you encountered anything lately that makes you wonder "WHAT were they thinking?"?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47236points) November 21st, 2010

I was putting some DVD’s away, and came across one that has the title in size 2 font, wrapped around the hole in the center. You’ve all seen that. I don’t think they do that any more, but…..WTH!? What were they thinking?!

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7 Answers

chyna's avatar

I saw a 40 something year old woman at the store yesterday in lycra shorts and Ugg boots that came up to her knees. What was she thinking?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ve seen some of the grossest stuff at the pool….women in sagging two piece suits with their boobs sagging out. What are THEY thinking?

FutureMemory's avatar

We need clearer guidelines for women when it comes to how much boobage one can expose vs. how saggy she is.

john65pennington's avatar

HOV Lanes.

What was the Federal Government thinking, when they made the “fast lane” an HOV Lane?

I can tell you from law enforcement experience, that it is not safe to attempt to stop an HOV lane violator. you have to cross at least 5 lanes of the interstate, over to the right curb. you have to ask yourself, “which is more important: people violating the HOV lanes or crossing five lanes of traffic and maybe causing an accident?”

What were the Feds thinking?

jess_tea's avatar

@chyna I saw the same thing last year in winter…except on a 40 yr old man…

ucme's avatar

Those S&TC movies. I mean purleeeze.

daytonamisticrip's avatar

I wonder what people are thinking when they see me outside coat less in the middle of winter.
I wonder what my brother is thinking when he flips out.
I wonder what my cat is thinking when he attempts to eat our hands and ankles.
I wonder what my mom is thinking all the time.
I wonder just about any persons thoughts at any given time.

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