Do you think there are certain circumstances that it IS OK for a man to hit a woman?
If so what circumstances are those?
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35 Answers
Only in self defense and then it would have to be a real defense not just because she hit the man.
No, I don’t except perhaps in self defense.
I agree with the others – self-defense.
@Summum In your answer you stated that a man should hit the woman only in self defense not just because she hit him. Just out of curiosity, do you think that same logic should apply to a woman? Do you think she should be able to hit him only in self defense or do you think she should be allowed to hit him just because he hit her?
No a woman should not hit a man for any reason except self defense. It applys to both though I know of many situations where the man has abused a woman and I find that terrible and the law should really come down on that. Weither a man abuses the woman or the woman abuses the man it is the same. I think it occurs much more from the man abusing the woman.
Even for self-defense would be a tricky one for me. I suppose it depends how tough/rough she was. I can’t see myself hitting an ‘average’ woman even for self-defense purposes, but then again I’m 6’4” and larger overall than 99.9% of the women out there. Now, if we were talking about a bull dyke like my aunt, who is far manlier than most men, I wouldn’t have a problem with it. She used to get into bar fights…she’s 60 but could easily kick my ass.
Yeah, if you’re this gal bearing down on me with a butcher’s knife, then i’m going to have smash your fucking face in. Otherwise striking women is a cowardly act performed by scumbuckets.
I remember seeing a video of a policeman trying to arrest someone and another woman kept attacking him and hitting him. He finally hauled off and slugged her. Good for him. He was within his rights and within the law. Poor guy. He really needed backup.
@Summum Ok, just curious, thanks for your input.
I hit one woman once. She was hitting me with her purse and there was a bottle of some sort in it. After telling her I would hit her if she kept hitting me and after three warnings and a final blow from her that caused a cut on my head. I slugged her in the eye and she went down and I told her to please not do that again. She went home with a black eye and a bloody nose. I had given her 3 chances to stop and warned her. I was trying to walk away but she kept following me and kept hitting me with that purse. I still feel guilty over it though.
@ucme Great answer. It was creative, humorous and yet true!
@ucme Complications = bad, women serial killers = bad, keeping things nice and simple = priceless. By the way how did you make that symbol for the nose on your smiley face?
@DerangedSpaceMonkey Oh, err….yeah. I’ve been asked this before & well, It’s located at the top left of my keyboard. No idea what it’s called, other than a “nose” of course. Hope it helps :¬)
@ucme I don’t seem to have this button or I just can’t pinpoint it’s location. Sad, sad. Well thanks anyway.
Rarely, I can only think of a few.
Whether violence is acceptable in any case should not, and I think objectively is not, dependent on gender. Resorting to hitting a person is understandable in various circumstances, but is “ok” only when (1) it is clear that it is the only option, or clear at the time, (2) the reason is based on the other person interfering with some significant right of yours, and (3) the other person is someone who is of reasonably comparable physical strength or the violence used was limited against someone weaker in comparison to the physical disparity (e.g., very limited violence, as pushing a person out of your way in order to leave, if the person is clearly your physical inferior).
@iamthemob Wow. You’ve really sat and thought about this one huh?
I tend to approach these questions with a bias towards a legal perspective. ;-) And for me, that means I approach it from a gender-neutral perspective for equal application of the law as much as possible.
I think that the idea that women should not be hit by men is intimately connected with ideas about gender roles that are, in my opinion, profoundly outdated. Equality means that women can be dicks as much as men can be, and should accept the consequences accordingly. The fact that men, generally, are stronger than women (an average that has limited applications) means only that in general, when you apply the rules above, it will be more often the case that it is not ok for a man to hit a woman than it will be for the contrary scenario. Just as opening the door for a woman, the man paying for a date, or requesting one, I feel like there’s a notion of “chivalry” the results in a general idea we should protect women.
Screw that…women can protect themselves (objectively).
@iamthemob So are you a feminist, a lawyer or a feminist lawyer? I agree with most of what you said, but I was raised to be chivalrous. Not because woman can’t do these things for themselves (opening doors, paying for dates), but because you should treat a lady like she is a princess.
@DerangedSpaceMonkey – Both – as I think everyone should be (if we were all lawyers, I think fewer of us would need to be doing it professionally. ;-)).
Chivalry is okay. But I think a man should be treated like a princess too. ;-) Imagine if we were all so civil to each other? The horror
If she wears shoes in the kitchen. :P
Just kidding, self-defense.
@iamthemob Yes imagine civility and world peace. NOOO!!!! Now that’s scary. Who would America have to bully then?
No circumstance. Never ever!!!
@Blackberry LOL! Yeah! “Bitch I told you never to wear your shoes in the kitchen!” SMACK I love your answer and I gave you lurve.
I think that in war it is acceptable if the woman is your enemy. I’d be interested to know how the Iraqis and Afghanis have been treating women in combat situations. Do they hold back?
For the people that said “never in self defense” I am having trouble understanding why not? I am a woman, so believe me I am all for the chivalrous who say they never hit women, but I don’t understand why, if a woman was attacking you, kicking your ass, or ready to do some serious damage (say, ready to hit you with a baseball bat), why it would not be acceptable for a man to hit a woman then?
Of course there are. Had I believed otherwise, I’d never have won a fight.
Self-defense. Having said that, I also believe that a woman should only be able to hit a man in self-defense.
It’s okay to hit someone ( not just a woman ) only if you are being threatened or if your really good friends with them and your both just joking around.
In self defense, but trying to get away would be better for them both so that he doesn’t hurt/kill her by accident and then get blamed. The other reason would be for the man to literally stop a violent woman from beating a child, elderly person or animal (someone or something that is not able to defend itself).
If one’s life seems to be in danger, or at least, if one’s physical person is gravely menaced by violent actions, then deploy self defense.
This, however, would apply to anyone against anyone, regardless of gender.
When Mrs. Mott comes along.
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