What happens when someone appropriates your user name on Fluther?
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24 Answers
I’m pretty sure you can get a mod to intervene.
It’s mini-you!
I’d PM them just for fun…
Augustlan, where are you?????
Perhaps this person was just thinking of Barnacle Bill the Sailor and didn’t realize that a form of the name was already taken.
I agree that this is too close for comfort, although I don’t know how anyone could be prohibited from choosing an available name as long as it’s decent and there’s no rule against close similarity.
We have a number of users with confusingly similar names, and I have a hard time seeing them distinctly.
I have no problem with changing names…I can think up dozens that probably fit me better.
Report it to the mods and they will tell you what your options are. I hope you won’t change because I have come to know you in this form, and if you change I will forget who you are. I am having memory problems and I need all the help I can get.
In that case, if I change it, I’ll make it HEY_wundayatta_its_ME
@BarnacleBill Have you any idea how many “me’s” there are on fluther? I venture to say that nearly everyone has called themselves “me” on occasion.
That is creepy, BB! If you change user names let us know!
There was a SimoneDB on here once – she asked a fun q about mustaches on women and I always thought she was trying to be me so that others would make fun but the question turned out to be great, actually so the joke didn’t work.
There’s a McBean on Fluther. It causes occasional confusion. But she’s not around much and she’s cool anyway so I don’t mind.
There used to be a Brian_1946 here, but she’s gone for good- heehee! :-p
I’ve brought this up many times recently, so I hate to sound like a broken record, but several months ago I noticed a user with the name jonsblondsabitch. I mentioned something to Augustlan and the name was quickly removed. (the user had been banned before I noticed it, so the user must have been a troll. Luckily the gods can remove suck drivel from search.)
There is, and will only ever be, one futurememory. (thank god).
@jonsblond That’s strange, you’d think it much more likely someone would make the name Blondesjonisanasshole.
lmao… you would think. ;)
It all comes of changing from adding people to your fluther to following people. People just automaially get a creepy mindset now.
@FutureMemory I’ve got a better name. BlondesjonsgotanNamibianspearuphisass teehee (he knows I love him).
I’ll look into this right away. If it’s done for nefarious reasons, we’ll deal with it. If it’s an innocent situation, we’ll probably still ask them to change their username since it’s so close.
It puts the lotion on it’s skin or else it gets the hose again. PUT THE LOTION IN THE FUCKING BASKET!
I would imagine in this case that it’s entirely innocent. I’m sure @Jeruba nailed it. (Not Barnacle Bill the Sailor, of course. Unless anyone has any really dishy rumors…)
This question sparked my interest and someone was pretending to be me. The mods got to it, but I didn’t even know. Looks like you can’t trust people from Fluther now. Oh well.
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