Do you know any little Fluther tricks the rest of us don't know?
All of a sudden, out of nowhere, on this thread, @JilltheTooth says:
“You can see when answers were posted by hovering your cursor to the right of the “Flag as…” button under the post. A red “paragraph” symbol appears, then when the answer was posted.”
Oh yeah? Well, I didn’t know that and neither did at least one other person. When were you going to tell the rest of us, if someone hadn’t asked? Never? At the secret Masonic Fluther meeting? After the hazing?
If you know anything, fess up. If you hold anything back I’m going to throttle your virtual necks, I mean it. If it’s not something clearly stated in the Fluther help section then cough it up, I’m not kidding.
And Ben and Andrew, Tim Trueman, if any of you have anything you might care to mention please, feel free to do so.
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69 Answers
Hey, I didn’t know that either! That’s cool! – All I know is how to bring @FutureMemory up there (down there, :) to his knees.
Well, this isn’t a trick, but it’s useful info to know all the same.
Any alternative account you might use (perhaps to ask ‘sensitive’ questions you don’t want associated with your normal account) is not really as anonymous as you might think. I once made an account but messed up the spelling, so when I PM’d a mod to request a fix, they let it slip that they knew it was me – FutureMemory. And yes I did use a new email, which means they must have checked my IP.
Food for thought, considering the mods are also active members of the site.
Simone shhh! ;)
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Exactly why I’m asking this question. Who knew? Not me and apparently not you either and you’re heading up on 30,000 lurve! What other secrets are lurking out there that no one’s telling us? I want to know! And as much as I love @FutureMemory, I’m not sure bringing him to his knees is as useful a skill as some other skills might be. :-)
Well, I know how to
• make bullet points
• indent
• keep the letter c in parentheses from turning into a copyright symbol: ©
Here’s the thread where I found out those tricks. I bookmarked it to save forever.
By the way, my promise not to complain about anything for 30 days expired two months ago.
No teasing, no playing games @Jeruba! You didn’t actually post the link. If you’re holding back… I swear…
@Jeruba LOL. Our posts, once again, crossed paths. Sorry! Thanks for the correction.
@lillycoyote, I was expecting that. Every time I post something that needs a link and then go off for a minute to actually retrieve the link so I can add it, somebody pounces on me for leaving it out.
entire list > Textile
you can follow the ‘entire list’ link below your textbox to ‘Textile’ or just click that above… a whole bunch of tricks put right under our noses!—I just found the ‘Textile’ link, dunno about you…—
There was one that turned up about how to make links behave using brackets when they don’t cooperate because of special characters within the link. I’d love it if someone would point me back to that info, because I lost track of how to do it.
@ETpro, see the link I posted above.
I can view your replies vertically or horizontally. I can have them listed by time, both ways, or even by the member lurve, or GA’s for a particular thread. I have all of your phone numbers and bank account information and even know about that nasty little spat you had last night with your cat.
Just clean the box and she won’t bitch so much.
You can get mobile fluther for your phone, if Android or iPhone compatible. My mobile fluther works great on the Android, but I do loose spell flagging and when others are replying it keeps bumping me off the screen.
@Jeruba Thanks. It was there, was it. I took a quick look before posting. Will search more diligently.
Searches work best if you type in the user name. They work even better if you go to Google and search by fluther plus phrase plus user name.
The built in fluther search kind of sucks.
it used to be, I could hover my cursor over the “get beer” symbol and a flock of pixies would drop a 6 pack into my lap. That isn’t working. Where do I complain?
Reading all the blogs, even the old ones. You can learn a lot that way.
If you use the @ symbols, you can post font that distinguishes between an upper case I and a lower case l: I, l.
Any answer or question older than 3 months will show the actual date that it was posted.
Browse all the links at the bottom of the page.
i cAn TYpe wITh mYtOEs alMosT aSS weLL As iCAn USiNg mY FIngeRs. sEe : ¬ @#
like “where are the droids I’m searching for”? no.
I am also disappointed with fluther search as now stands. I use the full search at bottom of search section with keywords and commas, just like google
@augustlan i just searched for your sentence “Have you used the search function recently? It’s a lot better than it was, though still not perfect.”… it brings me to the error screen.
The thing about the timestamps was announced here.
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies That’s weird. I tried, too, and got the same error page. I don’t know what’s up with that, but I’ll let the guys know.
There was a crazy character in that search, try this instead.
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies From Tim: “The apostrophe on “it’s” isn’t the regular kind. It’s some crazy alternate one. I’ll see if we can prevent it from erroring in the future.”
Which is really odd, since I typed that answer on my regular old keyboard. Maybe my keyboard is magic? :p
I heard that if you click on Dr. J at the top left of the page five times in a row his face will become mad and he will yell at you. Hasn’t worked for me yet.
@erichw1504 Darn you! You actually had me trying that.
any tricks for washing the word ‘gullible’ off my forehead?
@Blueroses Windex and a cloth, scrub real hard and use some elbow grease!
@augustlan Tim said it was a crazy apostrophe from an alternate future? That’s what’s causing the problem? What if they’re trying to send us a message, or worse, a warning and only the apostrophe made it through the wormhole! Or, maybe I should read your comment again and make sure I got that right. This could be huge!!
catastrophic apostrophe apocalypse… we’re doomed
Cameron fixed that bug. That search now works.
Wow! A thread that actually moved people to the point of taking physical action…! I’m impressed.
maybe we’re not doomed
Oh, we’re doomed alrighty.
The full formatting that is documented is here It includes the trick on using the brackets for complicated links.
Seems the non breaking space trick is undocumented.
It the powers that be are still following this, and do decide to look at adding code blocks, please consider giving us a superscripter as well. Maybe the basic HTML one could be made to survive the parser. We could really use that for discussions about math and science, where the limited “extended” ASCII character set only allows powers made up of 1s and 2s.
@ETpro You can type anything you want, a single letter will do, then press answer . Next, edit your response. When you edit your response, backspace to the beginning (erasing everything you typed), hit the space key once, and then hit answer .
I should add, the mods don’t think kindly of this at times, and may remove your non response. ;)
@jonsblond In any other thread, I can see it being moderated. But that actually was a terrific answer to this particular thread.
Yay! You did it. Thank you. :)
Not really confined to Fluther, but I can sparkle up a post like a MySpace page ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
@jonsblond “I should add, the mods don’t think kindly of this at times, and may remove your non response.”
That is understandable, but may be worth a bit of reconsideration. One could look at it from a different perspective.
Sometimes silence speaks volumes.
One might ask, Then why not just not respond at all?
Think about it. Responding with blank, in my book, means you didn’t walk away out of spite or frustration. It means the other person has actually been heard, yet I either don’t want to continue arguing, or I have nothing more to say on the subject… but I have heard you nonetheless.
So is it a bug, or a feature? I like features.
In real life, it would be rude to just walk away, rather than look the person in the eye, having heard them, but not feel the need to get the last word in, many times, only out of pride. It doesn’t hurt me or anyone to keep our mouth shut, while letting others know we’re still there listening.
^^ I like that a lot ^^
The best answers to some Fluther questions are counter questions.
I asked a question today in which I needed to include one of those pesky URLs with the odd characters that break the links using the normal link syntax. I tried uising the brackets trick, and it made things much worse, the entire bottom half of the question’s details disappeared. The brackets turned off the rest of the display. I had to to to and get a short URL to replace the troublesome one. Brackets don’t seem to work in the details of a question.
Have you heard of Phil the Fluther, of the town of Ballymuck?
Keyboard shortcut: Press Alt + F4 to go to your profile.
That was evil @erichw1504. I’m not believing another word you say. :P
@erichw1504 fool me twice (and both times on this thread :/) It actually makes me laugh too… not enough to trust you again, mind you.
@Blueroses But what if I told you to press Ctrl + W to access a hidden web page on Fluther?
I’d politely tell you to go fuck yourself. While giggling.
@Blueroses OK, but what about Windows Key + L? (Assuming you’re using Windows)
@Blueroses Also, a good one is pressing Alt then the down arrow then X. (Without holding down the keys)
I am quite late on weighing in on this one and I have certainly not followed through on my threat:
“If you know anything, fess up. If you hold anything back I’m going to throttle your virtual necks, I mean it. If it’s not something clearly stated in the Fluther help section then cough it up, I’m not kidding.”
I have not throttled anyone for not “fessing up” and revealing how any one of these tricks are done, so my threats are hollow. And any of these windows tricks; any clues for us Mac users?
So anyway, thanks for all the responses, even though they have gotten me nowhere.
@lillycoyote If you note particular ones you want to use, we can probably provice a method to do them on the Mac. I don’t think there’s anything listed above which is only possible on a PC. It’s just a matter of matching the action to the rather different layout of the Mac keyboard.
And thanks for your forebearance. I virtually hate being virtually throttled, and that the virtual truth.
I just discovered one. I wanted to refer to a response in the body of a question but the person who had originally asked the question. I discovered that Fluther doesn’t allow that by simply using @user_name as a link. That link goes to the top of the page and the question. But you can fool the system. Get the actual URL of the response you want to link to and use the HTML code for an @ symbol. Type & # 6 4 ;
to generate an HTML @ symbol. Of course, leave out the white spaces. I just put those in to keep it from being converted on page.
Use the double quotes before the symbol and after it, then the colon and the URL. Voilâ, a perfectly formed link looking just like Fluther had made that incredibly easy to do..
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