@syz Excellent point. There would be little of prurient interest in a full body scan of this old man.
@Blackberry It is very low dose radiation. It’s far less than you would get in an x-ray for a broken arm or bone, or a chest x-ray/ More like what you are exposed to every couple of minutes when flying at 35,000 feet. But it is radiation, and America is full of medical conspiracy theorists.
@WillWorkForChocolate Can terrorist put bombs on children?
@Adirondackwannabe Wearing that would probably get you a full cavity search. :-)
@Cruiser And the YouTube video will be called fun with TSA.
@trailsillustrated Thanks. That would be my take too. Let’s just get on with it.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Ha! Yes, I hadn’t even thought of that.
@Frankie I am pretty sure you can ask for the pat-down to be in a private room, and specify one person whom you want to be the observer to make sure nothing outrageous is done.
@bob Ha! Great link.
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies I think they wanted us completely out of the Middle East for starters, not just completely out of our minds. They may be getting a giggle out of security theatre, but they haven’t gotten a win.
Regarding visual profiling, it would not work. To begin with, here is just a small range of what actual perps :look like”:http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/9410/terrorists.jpg. And we know al Qaeda is already recruiting women and even strapping bombs to children and babies. As soon as they know what profile you are challenging (something they can easily discover with dry runs) they will recruit someone who doesn’t fit the profile. The Israeli system profiles nervousness, and that works while being completely divorced from race or religion.
@JustJessica I tend to agree. I think the Israeli system is better. All the experts keep saying it couldn’t possibly work here, but they never say why. But failing it, or if it really couldn’t be applied here, this is at least a step. Not that hard for the terrorist to work around, but a step.
@iamthemob Great chart. Thanks.
@WillWorkForChocolate I don’t see the worry. In all the samples I have seen, including the image you linked to, you can’t tell who the person is. The pictures that are out and about on the Internet are sample photos that the TSA took of willing models, not something “leaked” to Wikileaks or something.
@Zaku You normally are inspected by a member of your own gender. I don’t know what happens if you tell them you’re gay/
@Seaofclouds I don’t think they even check to see what your name is before you step into the scanner, so I am reasonably certain your name isn’t connected to the image the scanner makes.
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies I think the problem is that neither Homosexuals or Islam is a monolithic organization. Many homosexuals have vehemently denounced NMBLA and continue to do so. But there is no Homo-Central to issue an edict. Likewise many Islamic clerics have denounced terrorism and suicide bombing, but there is no single central authority controlling all Muslims to make them all come forward in unison and denounce terror. The terrorist organizations are mostly in isolated regions terribly unsafe for travel. It’s not clear to me how you would expect Islam to handle the renunciation.
To put it in context, You said, “I think Man/Boy love has a great deal to do with Homosexuality.” Certainly all NMBLA’s members are men. But then so are you and I. So are we equally responsible for what NMBLA does? Conflating an odious group with a wider separate group is the very stuff prejudice is built of.
@Summum I agree the long lines the new security imposes are a PITA and there may be better ways to secure flights. But being blown to small pedicels over a major city, and having your various severed body parts rain out of the air to be photographed for the five o’clock news is a bigger PITA in my eyes. That, I would consider a VERY serious invasion of my privacy and freedom to LIVE.
@WillWorkForChocolate Ha! Great song, “I’ll be groped for Christmas.”
@faye Why so rational?
@Dr_Dredd Wow, I know it’s off topic, but virtual VC? Do you still have to go through the royal purge ahead of it? What percentage of colonoscopies find polyps or irregularities?