The answer is, "Why not?" What's the question?
Asked by
janbb (
November 23rd, 2010
Just for fun. Make up something. Let’s play Jeopardy.
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24 Answers
@janbb for 200, Can a woman ever be president?
@janbb for 400, Will healthcare reform ever be a reality in the United States?
I’ll take: Never stick your finger in a light socket for 200, Alex.
Should every single one of us, as a nation, each mail @Blondesjon a dollar?
I’ll take: Should I just become an atheist? For 500.
Symbeline took my “Wanna bone?” answer lol.
Should I have asked this question?
Should I treat myself to a big yummy dessert tonight?
Should I dump my boyfriend because he is texting my best friend?
Would you like to jump out of an airplane with a ripped parachute?
Wanna take a long needle, stick it through your eye and see if you can fish a gibbon out of your brain?
Would you like to trip the light fantastic on the moon with no space suit?
Shit! Why not?
For 200 Alex, what is your favorite roasted vegetable?
Why is there a shoe in the refrigerator? For 400.
And for200 Why is it ringing?
Shall I slaughter that penguin?
@ucme Oh No! No GA for that, my friend!
Is there a boy under the pool or in the frizzer, Janets for 200?
@janbb Nothing new there then, pal!
I’d like: Don’t give Pop Rocks to the cat for 800.
Should I buy the nice winter boots I’ve been ogling at all day?
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