Meta Question

Berserker's avatar

What's your Story?

Asked by Berserker (33553points) November 23rd, 2010

What’s in your profile, and why is it in there?
Some people talk about themselves, others put quotes, pictures or links and videos, others put nothing at all. Some, like me, change it regularly.
What’s in yours, and what do you wish to convey through your story?

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55 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I change it often and will have a song in there that I like or a favorite quote that reflects the mood I am in.;)

jonsblond's avatar

Mine is simple. What makes me happy, and what pisses me off. The pisses me off part is new. ;)

Blondesjon's avatar

<—- Attention Whore

and leader of the new moral majority

KatawaGrey's avatar

I have a few quotes that I try to live my life by, a favorite poem of mine, a link to two things that make me smile and a link to my momma’s profile. :)

I like giving people a little peek into who I am and the things I like in the hopes that any visitors to my profile will also like these things. :)

Tropical_Willie's avatar

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it !

TexasDude's avatar

This is currently my “story” (with annotations).

I am Fluther’s resident contrarian. I am unabashedly American, unapologetically individualistic, and I am eternally living in a Maslow-esque peak moment.

This part is pretty self-explanatory. I tend to take an opposing viewpoint on many Fluther issues du jour, particularly economic ones. I don’t think there is any shame in being proud of my American heritage, I believe that I am a self-determined individual who writes my own destiny, and I am almost always riding some kind of manic, creative high.

I sometimes think I am more of a Melville than a Hemingway, I love people, I love to write, and I also take pictures.

I’m More of a Melville than a Hemingway is the title of a poem I wrote once, and it has special meaning to me as an example of what I really don’t want to be. Melville just wrote about adventure and didn’t actually live them, whereas Hemingway actually lived an exciting life, just like his protagonists. Currently, I am more of a Melville, but I’m working on becoming a Hemingway. I do love people and I feel an inter-connectedness with many of them, and I do love to write and take pictures. This was a good way to smoothly integrate self-promotional links to my novel page and my flickr account.

My words are wise… My face is beard.

Well, I shaved, so not anymore.


Driving home drunk with water
From snowglobes
To see a would-be father in your living room
Swords drawn, a prophet to your screams
While I tripped and fell on my own bayonet
Long dulled by your heart and lungs
To your photographs: my torture device
My crucifix in a shoebox
And I, a gilded cage
A sultan on your couch
Watching the cosmopolitan image
And your thirsty work
How close I was
Your uncooperative tongue
I’ve considered the lilies for far long enough
You schizophrenic Lilith atop my Christmas tree
And maybe one day, I’ll sling off your reigns
And cast you on the earth like a curse.

This is my favorite poem I have ever written. It also has a huge amount of personal meaning for me.

Berserker's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Your poem is damn awesome. Sounds tragic and all Goth, but I mean this in a good way. I probably didn’t get the sense of it, but it’s way good enough that I’ll end up reading it more than once. I’m just sorry I don’t check out your profile more often. I’d dedicate a song to you if I was able to sing.
Great answer. :)

TexasDude's avatar

@Symbeline, thank you, my dear, you are too kind. Surprisingly enough, I wrote that poem out of hope… specifically, the hope to heal from certain events and situations. I’m glad you enjoy it, though. I’m really quite proud of it.

TexasDude's avatar

@Jeruba, I’m glad you caught that. I have had dozens of people proofread this, and I’ve looked over it myself several times, and nobody has mentioned that. Thank you.

Berserker's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Aye, I see the hope, in the end of the poem, which only seems to outline the darker bits even more. As I say that might be just me though, but I love it all the same. :) I’d love to see more if you wrote others.

TexasDude's avatar

@Symbeline, go check out my “story” now ;-)

Berserker's avatar

Wait what the f…you wrote a book?? I know you were working on that a while back, but I didn’t know it happened so fast. Or am I making a mistake or something lol?

wundayatta's avatar

I don’t like to say much in my profile. Even if I did, I would have a terrible time deciding what to put in there. Part of the problem is that I don’t know who I’m marketing myself to. Who are the people who would be curious about me? What do they want to know?

I can’t even explain what’s there now. It contains a line I wrote that I really like. Since the line was about dreams, my profile is about dreams, which is ironic because I don’t dream much, and even when I do dream, I don’t remember it.

It is also an attempt to explain my current avatar without giving away the whole show.

I know a lot about myself. I know who I am and at the same time, I am quite mysterious to myself. I rely on other people to be mirrors, but people are fickle mirrors, and also somewhat unobservant mirrors.

I wish I knew what people really wanted to know. What would make sense to them? Then I’d have a better idea of what to do. As it is, it’s probably quite misleading—in other words, worse than useless.

Blondesjon's avatar

@wundayatta . . . it’s your profile, not everyone else’s . . .

Tink's avatar

The Tyrannosaurus Rex developed short arms because longer ones stretched out its sweater sleeves.

I found it on the internet and I thought it was a cute way of explaining why the T-Rex had stubbie arms.

FutureMemory's avatar

I get a kick out of quoting various funny and/or ridiculous comments I come across on Fluther.

Berserker's avatar

@FutureMemory Haha, some of those are priceless. :) (Can’t decide if I’d want to be included or not lol.)

FutureMemory's avatar

No one is safe….except Auggie, I promised to keep her off the list.

Jeruba's avatar

I’m disappointed to see that I haven’t said anything ridiculous enough to meet your criteria, @FutureMemory. I have to acknowledge that your selections do represent a very high standard.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@Jeruba: I felt the same way when I read his profile.

muppetish's avatar

Recently I decided I should change my story (it used to read: “I write children’s literature. I like muppets.” Since I am not currently working on my novel, I felt the first sentence was misleading. The second is still true, if a bit obvious.) Now I have a list of current projects instead. I’ll update it as my work progresses. I opted not to provide cliff notes explaining who I am because everything that I came up with sounded two-dimensional.

The opening quote “Was’t well done?” is Ariel’s final line to Prospero (Act V, Scene 1, line 2305 in Shakespeare’s The Tempest.) It’s beautifully simple, much like Barnardo’s “Who’s there?” Think of the performance possibilities you have with those questions.

Um, and I feel sort of silly admitting this, but I have two pen names and Ariel is one of them. He’s a fascinating character.

ducky_dnl's avatar

The first thing written on my page is a song written by Owl City. It’s about missing someone, but also about moving on and keeping the memories. My second quote is from Stephanie Meyer’s New Moon. I like the series. The quote really explains itself. The other two things are just links (one to YouTube and the other to my

wundayatta's avatar

@Blondesjon If I write a profile, it’s because I want to tell something to other people. If I want to tell them, then I want them to understand. Ergo, I need to find ways of telling the story that will help folks understand.

I don’t need a profile. I already know who I think I am.

FutureMemory's avatar

@Jeruba Take comfort knowing one of my ‘topics’ has your name in it. Did you know there’s 21 topics in your honor?

@KatawaGrey You might have had one in the past, but since profiles only have so much room I have to be extremely discriminating now with my choices. Some of those quotes are too good to ever remove, so I generally only have 6 or 8 ‘slots’ to play with.

augustlan's avatar

@FutureMemory Don’t ever remove Simone.

My story is pretty brief:

I’m the Community Manager here, so if you need help with anything, just let me know. I don’t bite, I promise!

I’m into anything creative, or that makes me think…which naturally makes Fluther my home away from home.

Mother of Fly, mangeons, and one more who’s not quite old enough to join us here.

See my writing at Hindesight.

Jeruba makes all of my avatars for me… I’m so lucky!

Edit: I guess I’m just trying to get the most pertinent information to the reader in a short amount of time. :)

Jeruba's avatar

@FutureMemory, no. I don’t know what you’re talking about. Topics in my honor? I don’t understand. Why should there be topics in anybody’s honor?

FutureMemory's avatar

@Jeruba Type ‘jeruba’ into the search. there are 21 topics that include your name.

jeruba is a polar bear
jeruba help
jeruba this
jeruba that

and so on.

Jeruba's avatar

I never knew that. And I never told anyone that I’m a polar bear. How did somebody find out?

augustlan's avatar

I confess… I told.

downtide's avatar

Mine is just about myself: things that people would find useful to know, to read my answers in context. I have more about me in my Fluther profile than I do in my profile on any other website.

ucme's avatar

It’s a sprawling epic rollercoaster of a tale. Crammed with sizzling gypsies & peasant girls from below stairs. Yey to be published however, a work in progress. I like to call it my unfinished symphony.

Cruiser's avatar

Mine changes A LOT! Right now is lyrics to a very early Frank Zappa song that includes a quote from Rite Of Spring by Stravinsky.

You can find a link to what I consider one of the most beautiful sculptures ever made the Pieta

And links to 2 rocking tunes by Frank Marino one the very few Rock Guitar Gods. Yes! There are real live Gods!! ;)

syz's avatar

Having read these responses, I now realize that my profile is boring.

free_fallin's avatar

Mine is one sentence I created because of feeling broken and a picture of Rufus Dooper.

liminal's avatar

My story is an explanation of why I am on Fluther and how I see myself here. The poem reminds me of what it seems some of us are doing on this site to begin with.

I’m with @syz in now realizing that my profile is boring. I’ve always thought people really only checked out profiles but once, so it is geared towards someone checking me out for the first time.

Now that it is entitled “my story” it is probably worth changing it up. But, you will have to suffer the suspense until semester break, I’m sure you’ll manage.

bob_'s avatar

Mine is a very brief introduction.

After the haters decided you can’t be funny they changed the policy on topics, I also added what used to be under fields of expertise, hobbies & interests and places I’ve lived.

Facade's avatar

A mini Bio and my head

JilltheTooth's avatar

Damn, @Cruiser , when i read “Frank Zappa” I thought it might be this one.

Cruiser's avatar

@JilltheTooth Good pick….but I was thinking more of San Ber’dino

daytonamisticrip's avatar

I used to leave it the same all the time but now change it often. Right now I have some quotes that I made up. The picture I have up so far has always been the majestic wolf and depending on how I’m feeling I put different ones up. I also put what my user name means because to many people thought it had something to do with the crips.

FutureMemory's avatar

Did anyone else notice one of the topics for this question is satanic rituals?

DominicX's avatar

I haven’t changed mine in a while and it’s probably due for an update. I always include general information that I don’t want people to wonder about, such as age, location, etc. I also usually have a caption that explains my avatar. Then just a short description of what I’m like on this site and a few of my interests. :)

JilltheTooth's avatar

I was just being silly with @KatawaGrey the day I signed up, someday I may change it, maybe not. Who knows…if I want you guys to take me seriously, maybe I should.

seazen's avatar

This is mine:

Your story

I’d take this book with me to a desert island. (Yeah, I know it’s really deserted – grammar cop.)

“Shoot for the moon and if you miss you will still be among the stars.” – Les Brown (seaofclouds)


(Oh, I sea)

A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to ‘The United States of America ’ for an amount of ‘up to and including my life.’ That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.’

For newbs and those who don’t know – I’ve been here forever – not since 08 – but since early 09 anyway. I’ve had many zen plus accounts over that time. I don’t particularly invest too much time in the profile, however, I do like to include a plug for Matt Browne’s wonderful book (check this out) and I happened to like that Les Brown (no relation ~) quote I saw on seaofcloud’s profile – and subsequently read about Les Brown and thoroughly enjoyed what he had to say.

The veteran quote I don’t remember where I first read it – but it spoke to me.

I am most proud of the avatar – a Jeruba original – it’s a joke from when bob_ asked me to join the name_ team – and I did for a while with a zen_ account. Now, I have him over “my heart”. It’s hard to see when small, but when you look at my profile – little bob’s right there.

Good question Xena.


Berserker's avatar

@seazen Yeah I saw him lol. I was always wondering what the hell was up with that lol. Also I love the Shoot for the moon and if you miss you will still be among the stars.” quote. :)

Jude's avatar

Right now, I’m too lazy to fill it out.

bob_'s avatar

Shoot for the stars—but shoot for the bodyguards first.

Berserker's avatar

@bob_ Asses have been laughed off of their bodies at this. XD

augustlan's avatar

@syz But your avatar is of you and a freakin’ tiger. That alone makes your profile page not boring!

But mine is. :(

HungryGuy's avatar

I have a great many stories, and I’ve posted enough links to my fiction site here on Fluther that anyone who truly wants to seek them out can easily find them :-p

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