In my head, I sort of have an alternate version of myself. She’s an expert in many martial arts, who mimicked martial artists she saw on TV before she knew how to walk. She trains in snow storms barefoot, smashes bricks and ice, participates in tournaments all over the world, only to be nowhere in sight when the first prize is awarded to her. She doesn’t always win though, but she never fights for fame, but rather because to her, fighting is living. Win or loose, the heat of the battle is all that matters. Hardcore training is dawn, to master the inner self is the noon Sun, to fight is the dusk and the result is the night, with or without a rising Sun.
I’d be a female version of Akuma but not all ripped like that, and I wouldn’t look like a homeless person.
Everyone sees her as a mystery, and many are attracted and curious but are too weak to stand to this person’s lone wolf syndrome.
She had no friends in school, nor desired any, only eats sea food and frowns all the time, but like the last picture in my video, she does have a sweet and funny side, even if it only manifests itself by her attracting butterflies to land on her nose or hair.
Of course this is retarded, but it’s actually serious, sometimes. I know maybe some were expecting something about zombies, but Akuma does train against them on a remote island which is overrun by the living dead. There.
Anyways carrying on…I came up with this from, obviously, video games, too much beer and fantasy, but sometimes I think it would be kinda neat to be someone like that, as it seems to cater to some parts of me that might be a bit more extreme and abnormal, and this alternate character helps me to deal with stuff like that about me which frightens or confuses me, even if it’s completely blown out of proportion and exaggerated. And of course the whole martial thing is a complete metaphor, used to easier translate shit I can’t say.
Arigatou Akuma.
’‘wastes no time in bowing and gets into stance’’
So yeah sometimes I wish I was this other version of me, even though training barefoot on a frozen pond don’t sound like no fun to me haha. Maybe I made up a person based on everything that isn’t me, rather than I based her on things I thought I could relate to but otherwise are inaccessible?
So I guess this doesn’t answer the question much, because it’s more a fantasy than a desire, but maybe it’s cuz I know I can’t be none other than what I yam, so I make shit up in my head lol.