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YARNLADY's avatar

What would you do if your power was out all day today and tomorrow?

Asked by YARNLADY (46677points) November 24th, 2010

Thousands in Northern California have been without power since Sunday. What would you do?

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7 Answers

jonsblond's avatar

I’d fire up the grill, start a fire in the outdoor fire pit, and break out some cards and board games.

poisonedantidote's avatar

Put up with it for the millionth time. The power company on this island is called GESA Endesa, and they are totally useless. In the entire 27 years I have lived here, we have had to put up power cuts on a regular basis. From 1ce every 2 or 3 months to 2 or 3 times a month.

If its a windy day, and its raining, the power will go out for 10 minutes, If there is a storm it will go out for a day or two, and if they are doing maintenance or repairs it can go out anywhere from 1 hour to a couple of days.

A couple of years ago it was out for about 4 or 5 days depending what part of the island you lived on, but in that particular case there had been a massive storm.

All you can do is just sit there in candle light and wait, you can maybe read a book, and if you have gas you can cook, but there is not much else you can do but wait, you just get thrown back to the bronze age, and there is nothing you can do about it. Maybe buy some gasoline and a generator, or a wind turbine, but other than that nothing.

faye's avatar

Can you have a propane barbecue? You can do a lot of cooking and boiling water there. I live in -30F winters. We’d just freeze to death, no cooking needed.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I’ve lived in a few places where power was always iffy at best so I am loaded to the gills with alternatives; wood stove, gas range, oil lamps, board games coolers, etc. The food might have to be cooked a little differently, but we’d still have a great meal and a marvelous time.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Seeing as I am at work today and tomorrow it would only be a problem in the early evening before it was time for bed. I would light candles and probably use the time to read. I would make sure that I eat a decent lunch from the cafe here at work so I wouldn’t have to worry about trying to make food at home, in the dark!

Berserker's avatar

Haha I love power outs. I’d light candles and read, listen to music and drink. Or find friends and play campfire.

I gotta say though, power outings that last several days do NOT sound fun at all. One day, half a day, fuck yeah. But not a whole week. :( Montréal had that in 1997 because of freezing rain that messed up the electrical wires everywhere. No good.

flo's avatar

I would tape my fridge shut, for one, just so noone opens it absent-mindely.

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