Need help dealing with a recurring dream (this is not a joke)
OK. There’s someone from my past that, although I haven’t seen her in 15 years, continues to plague my dreams intermittently. No, I do not still love her. No, I do not wish we could get back together. What I want is to stop being blindsided a few times each month with unpleasant dreams involving her. Has anyone successfully exorcised any particular subject or person from their dreams? Should I try hypnosis? Some other new-age method that I intellectually laugh at but am more than willing to try? I’m desperate. I’m willing and eager to investigate any/all possible solutions. Help?
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10 Answers
Saturate your brain with other stuff, all the same kind. Like a massive Star Trek binge.
Can you have lucid dreams? You can try the “Inception totem” technique of holding a small object in your hand when you go to sleep. Even while dreaming, a part of your mind recognizes the object and when that happens, you can gain control over dream actions.
I know you can’t predict when this person will make a dream appearance, but if you practice altering the course of dream scenarios, when she does show up you can direct the conversation and deal with the issue that’s bringing her back. Or just tell her to fuck off out of your head.
My bad dreams were always the result of insecurities. The dreams stopped once I resolved those issues.
Maybe you need a voodoo doll? I’m serious. Tell her to fuck off out of your head.
I believe dreams that you are struck by have a meaning and a purpose. Try to listen to what your subconcious is trying to make you realise by these dreams.
You are having these recurring dreams for a reason. everything in our lives happen for a reason. i know you state that its over between you two, but lets face it, its not over. outwardly, you may have told yourself this, but like another answer stated, your subconcious is telling you a completely different story. i believe in destiny. everything happens in our lives for a reason. why not do this, sit back and think of this girl(woman) and why you two parted. compare the pros and cons of that situation. cupid is no fool. he knows things that we never have known about ourselves. contact this girl and see what happens. face it headon. this should either make or break your dream situation.
Sounds like your brain is seeking closure here. Have you considered talking to her, just to satisfy that?
Do you have any un-finished business with her? If so, this is probably the reason. Its a subconscious brain-type thing I would believe.
Bury the proverbial hatchet, and you may get some peace.
Don’t try to “avoid”, because it keeps your mind hovering around the topic / person / thing that you’re trying to avoid, and everything will be reminding you of the person or thing you want to avoid.
What works for me is to concentrate on thinking and even writing about the person or thing… until it bores me because I’ve exhausted all the thoughts that I have about it, and there’s no more charge or interest in it.
Thanks for all the ideas guys.
What it essentially boils down to is me having recurring dreams of being betrayed by her (which is what caused our split way back when). My dreams have always been so vivid and realistic that even 15 years after the fact it’s still an upsetting experience. Not necessarily ‘upsetting’, but definitely…irritating. I have plenty of fond memories of our time together, and I harbor no ill will towards her despite how ugly the situation got during the break up…I just hate being reminded of it.
I wouldn’t say it’s your subconcious telling you that you want her back or you secretly still love her or anything, it’s more likely that something that is happening now is reminding you of what happened, or maybe you never got closure and that’s what you need to get to stop the dreams. I think you should meditate on it, give yourself twenty minutes of silence, ask yourself why you’re having them.
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