Social Question

Why is my 1994 Honda Accord EX losing power (or fuel pressure?) intermittantly, when I drive it?
I have an intermittent problem that occurs with my 1994 Honda Accord EX.
When I drive it, it occasionally almost-stalls-out when coming out of a stop. I press the gas, then I feel pinging and misfiring in the engine… but it only happens randomly about once or twice a day in the course of driving 45 miles roundtrip. This same symptom sometimes (but not usually) occurs when I’m going up a freeway incline at 65 MPH or so.
The car even stalled out completely after a very rough ride yesterday. After taking apart the distributor cap, replacing it, and pulling the ignition control module and the spark plug wires, and putting them back together again (but no new parts except for the cap, after testing the wires and the plugs), the problem is 80% less intense, and the car no longer actually stalls out, but the engine still hiccups and coughs, as if it may want to stall out again soon. But like I said, only intermittently.
The problem might be the fuel pump? Or the fuel filter? Because the symptoms only occur when I’m pressing the gas pedal.
The problem might be the ignition control module, but I do not think that’s the problem because I replaced it with another one, and that made things worse, and when I put my original one back in, things got way better. (Even better than before the problem, mysteriously…. although that’s perhaps due to also replacing the distributor cap.)
The problem might be the distributor coil
Another symptom of this problem, is that my tachometer is acting wild. It jumps up n down in quick, jerky motions.
Prior to replacing the distributor cap, the tachometer almost went into the red zone (but in it’s wild jumpy state… it was not a steady red zone). But this red zone danger has not occurred since the cap replacement.
Is my problem the fuel filter or pump?
Is it the distributor coil?
Is it the computer?
Do you have another idea of what it might be?
I bought a new distributor coil, just in case, but haven’t installed it yet (because that voids the return policy).
I’ve had a mechanic and electrician look at it, and they both aren’t sure what this is, and suggested it might be some of the things I mentioned above.
My car is not overheating or displaying any engine lights. I did have a valve job done on it a few months ago to solve an overheating problem I had at the time.