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niki's avatar

What if you feel like a failure, confused, and nothing you do is ever good?

Asked by niki (714points) November 25th, 2010

What will you do in that situation?
especially when you’re 28 yrs old, and you’re still living with your parents, now still jobless (funnily because of your own stubborn idealism of getting out from the 7-years work you hate), still single (where you’re traditionally expected to already got married at 26, and now already have a baby), and constantly getting nagged and asked and even looked with a clear disappointment look on their faces.
And nothing seems working.

Also, today mainstream society seems to prefer those “alpha-type” people that are usually aggressive, money/business-minded, workaholic, firm and quick in making decisions, ruthless, and of course being super-competitive and driven.
While I’m more about being super-creative, imaginative, unconventional, spontaneous, adventurous, fun loving, freedom-seeker, people-oriented, very Purpose (or should I say “philosophical”) driven, and always love more ‘deeper’ meaningful things.
But my parents they don’t seem to appreciate all these traits, even probably view ‘em as weaknesses and that I need to change and grow up.

Also, I just sometimes hate all about mainstream society’s notions.
I always yearn for Love, Peace and Beauty,
but it always kills me whenever today I see people can become so cold, ‘dry’, soulless, and even damn ruthless (in the name of being “competitive”) like animals because they’ll do anything for the sake of Money.

My utmost passion always lies in music, but at age 28, and due to listening to my very pragmatist and money-oriented dad, sometimes I wonder if it’s really already too late, and if it’s time to just give up my utmost dream, and time to get a “real job” and “join the Real crowd or society”.

I’m just clueless and feels like Life is just a heavy burden I have to damn repeat every day, meaninglessly.
I feel like a failure, and nothing I’m doing is ever good.
I feel stuck and even depressed and suicidal sometimes because of this nagging reality.

Can anybody relate with me? or perhaps have some good practical advices? I would really appreciate it very much.

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12 Answers

6rant6's avatar

I wouldn’t give too much credence to the image you have of society preferring the alpha types because:

1) Who cares?
2) They don’t.

Yes, they get more press but no one lives in the press. Our friends are people who like us, who do fun things and like adventures that we like. People don’t choose their friends because they are successes in their careers, do they? Because they’re married? No.

So the simplest thing… you say you like music. Well, go make some. There are tons of opportunities that let you do that – share that – without looking at it as a career. Join a choir, check out your local community theater, find an open mic night at a local club. Dedicate some time to finding like minded people in these and other activities.

You’re depressed. I understand that makes it hard to see things as potentially worthwhile. But that’s a hurdle only you can overcome. So go out and DO something. Maybe we’ll cross paths.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I don’t have any advice, but I do relate.
I feel like the world moves a thousand times faster than I do, and it often feels like I’m getting sucked into a giant whirlpool. I get so easily overwhelmed and frustrated so quickly trying to move up in the work force. I’m not a lazy person by any stretch of the imagination, but I know what it’s like to have everyone looking at me as though I am. I really, genuinely believe that some of us just aren’t cut out for the rat race. That isn’t a solution, of course, because we need to find a way to learn to be that works for us. Just letting you know that you aren’t alone.

Seaofclouds's avatar

Getting help for the depression and suicidal thoughts would be a first step.

After that, it a matter of figuring out what you want to do. If you really want to try to pursue something in music, go for it, but be honest with yourself as far as what your chances are in doing so. Perhaps music should be a hobby for starting out so you can do other things while you look for better music opportunities.

Do you have any other interests? Have you been trying to find another job? It sounds like you are in a rut and you need to find a way out of it. Getting out there and doing things would be a good start.

gondwanalon's avatar

Try not to dwell on what you don’t have. Think positive about all that you do have. Pick a direction to go and work hard to get there. If your parents don’t like what you are doing then that is THEIR problem.

I think that was Samuel Clemens who said, “All comes to he who waiteth as long as he worketh like hell while he waiteth.”

If I was you I’d change my environment quickly and completely to get away from my family and all who affecting me negatively. You seem to be a person who appreciates the arts and maybe acting. Successful people are masters of acting. They can put on an ruthless facade even though that is not who they really are. You too can play the tough guy if you choose. So why not run away and join the military for 2 or 3 years to save money and to plan your next move up in life. Go busting into the rest of your like like old John Wayne!

By all means try to eliminate all of your negative thoughts because what you think about comes about. As you think so shall you be.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Make a plan. There is nothing in your “creative philosophical persona” that prevents you from making a plan, with short term, and long term goals.

Without a plan, you will go nowhere, or anywhere the wind blows.

I suggest the first task of your plan should be to consider stopping placing your judgment upon society and the pursuits of others. You’re not trying to fix their lives. Your trying to fix yours, so yours is the only life you may legitimately comment upon intelligently. Think about the philosophy of that.

Make a plan and go for it. Use your creative skills to make the plan (and the journey) as creative as possible… but make the freaking plan.

Be lazy when it’s appropriate to be lazy. But don’t be lazy when it’s inappropriate to be lazy.

YARNLADY's avatar

Unless you have a serious hormone imbalance, YOU are in charge of your life. You choose/decide how you are going to feel every time you wake up in the morning. All those ” in your details seem to indicate that your are quoting someone else. Stop doing that, and choose for yourself how you want to feel.

If you are having a dispute with those who are supporting you, try to decide what is important for you – accept their support and complaints – or get out and support yourself, then make your own life.

The_Inquisitor's avatar

There really isn’t an ideal age to get married at.. And it seems to me that marriage rates are actually higher for people around their 30’s now.

My aunt just got married, at age 30, I also work with lots of people in their high twenties, who aren’t married yet as well. You’re still very young!

My favorite idol, and singer is around 34, single, but still young.

I feel like life is pretty repetitious sometimes too, and full of complexities/ complications… To the point where I think that life is just pointless and dull, worthless and stressful… but that’s life! You’ll be in that situation, but what you have to do is overcome it!

Get out and spice up your life, do something drastic, something exciting. I agree with @RealEyesRealizeRealLies.. making a plan is a good idea!

Plan out what you want to do with your life, then strive for it. Don’t mind the nagging too much, just try your best. Let your parents know that you’re trying your best too.

Best of luck! Look up! There’s so many decisions you could make, think of all your possibilities and go in that direction. :P

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Love, Peace and Beauty are great points of focus as long as you’ve got your other basics covered (or someone else foots the bills). Self suffieciency is a great thing, very uplifting, very fulfilling. Maybe your folks are anxious for you to experience and appreciate it is all.

gm_pansa's avatar

quit life, and then start again. :)

saint's avatar

I would get over that quickly. While you indulge is such stuff, you are screwing yourself up. Having said that, you should also take any work you can find and get out of your parents house. That is half the problem. Survival is the first order of business, and living independently is positive self esteem affirmation.
After you get a foothold in the world, you can start working toward developing a career in your most favorite field.
By the way, just what is wrong with “firm and quick in making decisions, ruthless, and of course being super-competitive and driven.” That’s me, and I like it.

6rant6's avatar

I would just think, “Well at least I’m not some elbow-flinging asshole who likes himself exactly as he is.”

saint's avatar

Real nice

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