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Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

Do you like the slower pace of life?

Asked by Aesthetic_Mess (7904points) November 26th, 2010

Or do you prefer fast-paced?

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30 Answers

mattbrowne's avatar

I like the alternation of slow-paced and fast-pace life.

Too much slow-paced life can lead to boredom and laziness.

Too much fast-pace life can lead to burn-out and all kinds of other diseases such as high blood pressure, strokes and heart attacks.

JilltheTooth's avatar

In a younger day I loved the fast-paced thing, always on the go, doing bunches of stuff at once, seeing people all the time. I seem to have outgrown that and now I prefer a slower pace with time to reflect and savor what’s going on around me.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Slow paced. I love being able to take my time, I get so easily overwhelmed when too much is going on.

BarnacleBill's avatar

I am perfectly content to do nothing. Well, not really nothing. I read, work on projects, fix things, organize things. I don’t seek “entertainment.”

CaptainHarley's avatar

When I was younger, I sought out stimulating experiences. Especially after Vietnam, I was an adrenalin junkie. Now, at 67, I have slowed wayyy down and am content to let those younger than me seek out the adrenalin highs. The only exception I make is riding my Harley. : ))

Seelix's avatar

I like being able to live a slower-paced life in a fast-paced environment. Living in the middle of a huge city, I have the option to go out and experience that “go go go” feeling anytime. However, I can’t really afford to spend all kinds of time or money on entertainment-related stuff. So I live my quiet little life in the midst of the craziness.

Also, I agree with @mattbrowne – if I didn’t have the option of doing exciting things once in a while, I’d probably get bored, and if I tried to keep up the pace all the time, I don’t think I could handle it.

BoBo1946's avatar

@Aesthetic_Mess right now my friend….don’t have much choice with a flat tire, but it sure is getting better by the day! At this stage in life, i’ll just take anyday fast or slow!

marinelife's avatar

Yes, I like to have time for contemplation.

john65pennington's avatar

Nashville use to be a slow-paced small city. i loved that, simply because the population was low and not many vehicles to contend with. THEN, came two factions: the interstate and country music. My city then began to pick up pace, faster, faster, and faster. the cars and the population has quadrupled. we now equal Atlanta.

I loved my small city, but progress is what its all about. Nashville is a progressive big city now and the change is good.

Do i really have a choice?

jonsblond's avatar

I don’t think since a person likes a slower paced life means they don’t experience exciting things. We’re just not in a rush to get to where the exciting things are. We take our time and enjoy it slowly.

jca's avatar

I am up around 6 to leave the house around 8 (should leave earlier but can’t). I don’t get home after work until at least 6:30 or 7. I wish I could have a slower pace, but right now, being a single mom and working full time plus having a long commute, a slower pace is no time soon. I sometimes read magazines where they will show an artist or someone who has a little house and putters around and does some art, a little gardening, and drinks a cup of tea while watching a lake. I wish I could spend my day like that, with always the option of going somewhere for stimulation only if I choose. I think an excess of money is what would make the difference. To be able to afford to live like that, and to be able to afford to do something more stimulating is the difference. Right now I could not afford to end my fast paced lifestyle.

I said to one of my coworkers the other day “Retirement seems to be the only time in our adult lives that we wish we were older.” (meaning old enough to retire).

gailcalled's avatar

Milo here: I find life here very stimulating.

iamthemob's avatar

Sure. ;-) To both the question and the details.

Mariah's avatar

Rushing around too much makes me feel overwhelmed and unwell. Lazing around too much makes me feel like a waste of life. I like a slow pace, but I have to do things to make myself useful.

jca's avatar

@gailcalled : That Milo is such a handsome and happy looking boy. I can see who is the King of the House!

partyparty's avatar

I love the slower pace of life. I don’t enjoy rushing around while doing things. It stresses me. Slowly but surely is my motto.

downtide's avatar

Half and half. I love a fast pace of life but I’m getting too old to be out on the razz every night.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I love the slower pace. I prefer to live in a slower paced area and just visit fast paced area when I want to experience that.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Not fast, but if it gets any slower than now, it will be non-existent!

jerv's avatar

I’ve tried it both ways and always found that the grass is greener on the other side :p

YARNLADY's avatar

@jerv ha, ha : – )

Put me in the once was fast paced, and now not category. I used to be at the front of the rat race, and now I’m on the sidelines, cheering others on.

Cruiser's avatar

Slower is much better. I have to run around like a mad man somedays and really like at least one day to do n-o-t-h-i-n-g!! ;)

Paradox's avatar

Yes I could live a laid back slow paced life for as long as I live. I’m very introverted and I feel overjoyed enough just by reading a book, messing around with my invention ideas, playing chess, fishing, walking, hiking and biking. I get well more then enough action from my job as an industrial electrician. Dealing with people at work is more then enough “social time” for me that I have to scrape through.

partyparty's avatar

@Cruiser Yes I couldn’t agree with you more. A nothing day sounds good to me!!

BoBo1946's avatar

hey MsP, i’ll take any pace i can get !!!!!!!!!

partyparty's avatar

@BoBo1946 Yes I am sure ‘slow’ is good for you at the moment.
So lovely to have you back. You certainly have been missed!!

BoBo1946's avatar

Thank you my friend…. my hip is doing good, but my strength is not there yet!

CaptainHarley's avatar

Welcome back, BoBo! Heal up quickly, bro!

BoBo1946's avatar

Thank you Captain….take care my friend !

CaptainHarley's avatar

I do the best I can wid whut ah got, bro! [ does a lil dance ] : D

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