Social Question

MilkyWay's avatar

What's the most common question you get asked?

Asked by MilkyWay (13914points) November 26th, 2010

Just wanted to know generally what question is most commonly asked to you by people around you, who you know and meet.

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71 Answers

Blueroses's avatar

“Why are you single?”
I hate that. It’s like the people who go up to pregnant women and ask “when are you due?”
Personal, invasive and NOYB!

MilkyWay's avatar

um, what does “NOYB” stand for? sorry.

crisw's avatar


NOYB= none of your business.

MilkyWay's avatar

i knew that. huh huh

Neizvestnaya's avatar

“Are you married/do you have a bf?”

Joybird's avatar

Can I have that when you are done? Always asked while I’m working on some art project.

SamIAm's avatar

What’s it like here (California) compared to NY?

Jude's avatar

So, do you and your girlfriend plan on living together? Would you be okay with moving to the States or would she be okay with moving here?

(Same sex relationship. I live in Canada and she lives in the US).

Ivan's avatar

Who are you, and why are you in my house?

squirbel's avatar

How old are you?

[I’m young faced but speak with the wisdom of an old woman. lol.]

Blondesjon's avatar

Are you fucking serious?

Cruiser's avatar

“Why not??” That almost always follows when I say no and is followed up by “because I said NO!”

muppetish's avatar

“Do you plan on teaching?” as a follow-up to “What are you majoring in?” Apparently, the only feasible job opportunities for English majors is in education.

Joybird's avatar

LOL @Blondesjon I think that question alot, especially on here when reading some responses. Hahahahahahaha

Blueroses's avatar

“How’s that classics degree working out for you?”
Even more galling when asked by a college PolySci friend in a restaurant just before I ask if I can bring them anything else for their order. :/

El_Cadejo's avatar

“How can I be half as awesome as you?”

TexasDude's avatar

@Blueroses, ouch.

For me, it’s usually “How do you know that?”

Usually in reference to some obscure fact or skill I bring up.

Brian1946's avatar

“Do you understand your rights as I’ve read them to you?” ;-)

JustJessica's avatar

“Are they real?” another NOYB question!

jerv's avatar

I think that, “What the hell are you doing?!” is right up there, as most people do not realize that there is a method to my madness. Those who know me just shake their heads but know that I will get impressive results.

“Are you crazy?” is another top-10 question I get asked.

“Can you help me fix my [computer/car/electronic device]?” is pretty common.

“I can’t place your accent; where are you from?” is fairly common.

“Why do you act so [condescending/arrogant/smug]?” also places pretty high on the list, as does, “Did you know that you are a real asshole?”.

Blueroses's avatar

@JustJessica I hate that one too. “nope. holographic. as in “you can’t touch ‘em”

JLeslie's avatar

The one I notice is, do you have children?.

I also get asked, where are you from? I get that one a lot.

tedibear's avatar

“What’s your real name?” My first name isn’t strange, it’s just usually heard as a nickname, and generally for a boy.

“Do you have children?” A reasonable question. Only irritating because my lower stomach is poochy like some women end up with after giving birth.

“Excuse me, where is the…?” I constantly get that in the store, even when I’m quite obviously not an employee. (The coat, mittens and boots should be a clue!) I must have one of those faces that people think they can just approach me. Except for men, they’re just bored by it.

janbb's avatar

“Where’s the bathroom?” (I work in a library.)

Seelix's avatar

“When are you getting married?” We’ve been together for 9 years.

Scooby's avatar

Why don’t you let anyone in?? :-/

josie's avatar

How tall are you? [6’5”]

beccagolling's avatar

“What are you thinking about?” = P

Blueroses's avatar

@josie I’ll bet you get asked if you played basketball too. I dated 2 boys over 6’5” and that was always asked of them.

josie's avatar

@Blueroses I do, and I did.

busta21's avatar

“How old are you?”
“Can I get your number?”
“Do you have a boy friend?”
“How do you get to the nearest park?”

YARNLADY's avatar

Can you buy this for me, Grandma?

shadling21's avatar

“Do you work here?”

Berserker's avatar

The fuck’s wrong wit you?

wundayatta's avatar

There are no common questions. In fact, I can barely remember anyone asking me questions about myself.

Paradox's avatar

“Are you single”? I don’t mind this question if it’s a cute girl who’s interested in me. The one I hate the most is when someone asks “Why are you single”? It’s like none of your dam business. Those two are the most common questions I face.

Blueroses's avatar

yeah, @Paradox are we twins?

partyparty's avatar

For me I am mostly asked “How long before breakfast / lunch / dinner is ready?”

ucme's avatar

Do you want a coffee? Yeah right, is the pope a paedophi…!?!

downtide's avatar

Usually I can tell even when they don’t actually ask it, they’re thinking “Are you a man or a woman?” The only people who actually ask me directly are children and drunks.

Facade's avatar

“Why are you late?”

I have problems with being on time.

lovable's avatar

“Are you single?”
“Can I get your number?”
“How old are you?”
“Where are you heading to?”
“Was good?” (slang version meaning -how are you, what you up to, etc. )

mattbrowne's avatar

How is it when you raise twins?

gailcalled's avatar

Are we there yet?

Dutchess_III's avatar

@gailcalled Well. Are we??
I don’t have an answer to this! Maybe…um, “Mom…can I ask you a favor…?”

Neizvestnaya's avatar

“Where’d you get your freckles?”

Dutchess_III's avatar

I used to try and scrub mine off when I was a kid, @Neizvestnaya!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@Dutchess_III: You’ve seen mine, they’re everywhere but when I was little then only a few were on my nose. In another 20 years I suppose I’ll be one walking bag of blotches instead of cute little dots. tee.

Sweetpea's avatar

What’s for dinner?

Sweetpea's avatar

Pizza! (and salad)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Order in??!!

Scooby's avatar

At the moment it’s “Can I get you anything from the Town”.
As I’m still housebound with the flu virus…….. AAARRRRR——CCHHEEWWWWWW!!!!!!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Poor scooby! I’m going to town. I’ll bring you back some Alka Seltzer, k?

Scooby's avatar


Oh thank you, soooOOOooOOooo AAAARRRRRrrrrrrrrRRRRR ChEWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!
much :-) so kind….. xx

MilkyWay's avatar


Blueroses's avatar

Merry Christmas @queenie!
god bless you, @Scooby

MilkyWay's avatar

HEY IT’S OFFICIALLY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! merry christmas to you too scooby, and to everyone out there who’s reading this too! love you XX

LuckyGuy's avatar

there are two:
“How the heck do you do that?”
“Where are the safety glasses?”

Merry Christmas to you, @queenie !

Blueroses's avatar

now I want to know why I need safety glasses around @worriedguy .. Call me curious

LuckyGuy's avatar

We could be doing anything in the lab. Lasers, UV, rapid combustion… You never know…
Always exciting though.

MilkyWay's avatar


VS's avatar

Before my hair turned gray and I stayed tan, I was frequently asked if I was Italian or Spanish or American Indian. Into my 30s I was asked if I modeled (I did for a while). Now I’m mostly asked what do I want to do for dinner.

emeraldisles's avatar

Why didn’t your mother want to have more children? none of their dam business. that’s just tactless.

poopnest's avatar

How old are you? I look 5 years younger than I am.

downtide's avatar

@poopnest I had someone this week guess my age at 25… I’m actually almost 45…

poopnest's avatar

@downtide They were no doubt surprised. Lol.

VS's avatar

Since I answered this before, the answer has changed. My most frequently asked question is now: how long will it be before the Court rules on my case? Which always elicits the same answer: the Court is not bound by any time constraints, so there is simply no way of knowing when a ruling will come. You may not like the answer, but it is the right answer.

LuckyGuy's avatar

It has been 3+ years since I answered this Q. Thanks @VS for bringing it back up to the surface.
My most common question is now..

Where do you work?

downtide's avatar

@LuckyGuy also 3+ years for me, and I’m glad to report that people are no longer confused by my gender. I think the thinning hair and thickening beard are clues enough!

MooCows's avatar

Where did you get your name?

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