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Jude's avatar

What's the hardest thing that you've ever had to fight for?

Asked by Jude (32210points) November 26th, 2010


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29 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

My health….and the last cookie ;)

Jude's avatar

lurve you, lucy!

Cruiser's avatar

My sons health and well being.

Buying my business has turned out to be a bigger challenge than I first expected but small potatoes when compared to someone’s own struggles with their own health concerns.

TexasDude's avatar

My own autonomy.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@mama_cakes -I plan on kicking some ass in a few months time! Just wait! :))
@Cruiser -:)

Scooby's avatar

My own independences!!!!!!

I’m a fussy fucker!!!! :-/

tinyfaery's avatar

My right to party. ;)

Physical and emotional distance from my abusive father. I’m still working on the emotional part.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

My sanity. I had a panic attack today. It’s just another one of the things I have to deal with.

kenmc's avatar

To not become my parents.

FutureMemory's avatar

@hawaii_jake I’m lucky, it’s mostly a thing of the past. Mostly.

Trillian's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille You liar! That pointy stick of yours gets you the last cookie all the time with minimal effort!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

To put me first instead of putting my needs and my wants on hold whenever someone else I loved was in crisis and “needed” me. I made myself step back away from the person I love most in order to let them find their own way with their demons. It’s an unnatural feeling for me to kind of disconnect but it’s getting a teensy bit easier every day to justify I’m plenty important to take care of myself.

janbb's avatar

My self-esteem

Jude's avatar

lurve you, j.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Trillian-XD I definitely won’t fight over those pies I made…yuckity yuck yuck yuck

Trillian's avatar

Lovey, I will make you a fabulous apple pie.

zenvelo's avatar

custody of my children. My ex has been hospitalized for mental illness, endangered the children by driving on meds, and for the first year of separation told my daughter I was going to kidnap her.

we’re now being evaluated by a neutral psychologist, but it is taking for ever.

busta21's avatar

To not trust people as much as I do. I trust people to much. My kindness also, I can ALMOST NEVER say no.

gondwanalon's avatar

Regaining the strength in my severely injured right hamstring muscles. The orthopedic surgeon told me that I will never regain my lost strength but I’m determined to prove him wrong. He had no clue just how hard I’m willing to work. It has been nearly 3 years of relentless daily workouts mostly targeting my weakness and I calculate that I’m now about 10% shy of my goal. This summer I won my age class in one triathlon and a half marathon. I did the Portland marathon last month. I’ll be doing the Seattle marathon this Sunday and the P.F.Chang’s Rock n Roll marathon January 2011 in Phoenix and every step of the way the good doctor’s words will be echoing in my mind and driving me to my goal. I’ll never give up!

JilltheTooth's avatar

The right, as a single woman, to be treated for infertility and to use a sperm bank in order to have my daughter.

augustlan's avatar

My life. A few times over.

BoBo1946's avatar

To break the cycle!

AZByzantium's avatar

My soul and mind. To not become apathetic. To not become unquestioning. To not become to narrow. To not adulterate, commit to, or disregard other people’s thoughts/beliefs/

Cupcake's avatar

- to not be depressed.
– to be emotionally safe.
– to finish my education.

Jeruba's avatar

My husband and I did battle with the school authorities and the school district to defend my son against a false accusation by the assistant principal when all we had to go on was his word and the belief that he was telling us the truth.

We fought and we won.

MooCows's avatar

To dig out of the pit of depression when it seems you have nothing to live for.

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