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XOIIO's avatar

Would a pc virus copy with files? (Read details)

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) November 26th, 2010

If I copy the files onto a Linux partition and then to a Windows one, will the virus still be with the files?

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6 Answers

ratboy's avatar

Yes—to the computer a virus is just another bunch of bits.

phoebusg's avatar

Yes since the dawn of viruses. And depending on the file and lack of any protection on the host system – “auto-execute” and infect the system. Not really on auto – the OS reads certain files looking for “tags”. This function is easily hijacked, so just browsing the folder with an infected file can be enough.

As per @ratboy – what activates the virus is what is important. And that’s the OS – or a badly designed one (in terms of security: Windows).

XOIIO's avatar

Too bad

phoebusg's avatar

You can run an antivirus on unix/another OS and scan the files though – have you considered that?

jerv's avatar

While you are in Linux, try ClamAV. That ought to do the trick :)

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