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How to deal with a hostile attitude from my father to my boyfriend?
I am my father’s only daughter, and he is very attached to me as I am to him and yet, he has always been very good with talking about my boyfriends….until now. I have a new boyfriend and after 5 months (we haven’t been apart for more than 2 days since we met) we are completely in love and are planning our futures together. He is 9 years older than me but the age difference is great. We already have jointly invested in property and have started building our careers in a compatible manner. My father knows none of this. Why? Because he refuses to talk about him! Every time I bring him up he just gives a one word response and changes the subject. I begged him to come out and get lunch with us and he kept making excuses or saying how things “pitter out” eventually. So I finally had enough and brought him to thanksgiving and my father was polite but spent the entire time talking to the other single men at the table (my family brings in friends who dont have anywhere to go for the holidays) about how pretty I was and how I never come visit anymore. Then the icing on the cake was when I mentioned this morning how my boyfriend bought me a beautiful new computer for my university finals and all he could say was “Dont trust people bearing expensive gifts”. It is frustrating and it seems like everyone (me, my dad, my boyfriend)‘s feelings are getting quite hurt. Any fathers out there who can tell me how to get over this speed bump?
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