Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

How does one obtain positive social mobility.... and what is the purpose in striving for it?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) November 28th, 2010

Also is it worth it to be on the top of the heap… or does life suck all around? If one is happy right now, should they be content with ones status in life?

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3 Answers

qashqai's avatar


I think the purpose is to discover the (relatively) unknown. Who knows how it feels to be on ‘the top of the heap’ as you say? You know how does it feel now where you are. But could you live all your life without knowing if there’s something better out there?

I can’t. I am never satisfied with my status quo. Maybe is the best I could ever reach, but I will not know until I try and maybe fail. I have never enough.

thekoukoureport's avatar

Most of the people I have met stirve to be in what I would call there “comfort zone”. Once a person reaches that area the will or need to strive for more is dissapated. Very few of us would want to admit that but its just human nature.

BarnacleBill's avatar

Somewhere I read that it takes three generations for a family to move up socially, and one generation to fall.

Social pecking order is fake. Stay where you are happy; your money will go farther.

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