Meta Question

PhiNotPi's avatar

Is there a "members online count" anywhere on Fluther?

Asked by PhiNotPi (12688points) November 28th, 2010

Is there a count of how many members are currently logged on Fluther? If not, should there be one?

Observing members: 0 Composing members: 0

9 Answers

marinelife's avatar

There is not. Because the site is privately held, they do not want to reveal the number of members.

I suppose if you counted the observing members for every question you could arrive at an approximation.

YARNLADY's avatar

There is one site that keeps track various online visits but I forgot the name of it. Fluther doesn’t have a counter.

ducky_dnl's avatar

No, there isn’t.

augustlan's avatar

There isn’t. While it might be a nice feature to have, I don’t think it’s high on the priority list right now. I don’t think we’ll ever show who is online, but we might show how many are at some point.

nebule's avatar

Wasn’t there a place though where demographic information about Fluther members was held… I’m pretty sure I’ve seen the webpage with other statistical information about Fluther members on it?? (e.g. countries, ages etc.)

chyna's avatar

@augustlan I hope they never do have the feature to show who is on line at any given time. I like to lurke sometimes.

nebule's avatar

oh…currently logged on… I see…whoops… NTS: read the question properly Miss B!

seazen's avatar

I don’t understand why it’s because it’s a private site, however, if they wish to keep the figures private that’s another story. I’m pretty sure the now defunct was private, but you could see which member was online, and who was offline on the homepage. Different design.

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