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Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you look forward to going back to work after 4 or more days off?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47236points) November 29th, 2010

I do now! I’ve been off since Wednesday and have done nothing but run around like a chicken with it’s head cut off. That “vacation” just wiped me out! I’m looking forward to being at my desk with my computer doing my thing just for me.

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13 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

Yeah, I don’t like sitting on my butt doing nothing.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I didnt have off from work this weekend but even if I did going back wouldnt bother me too much. School on the other hand…. fuck… getting up this morning was one of the hardest things ive had to do in a while. Its like theres only 2 weeks left too so it just made it more like ehhh why bother :P

marinelife's avatar

No, I was just off for four days, and I loved it.

From_The_Ashes's avatar

I would never look forward to going to work. I am a very lazy person by nature. But I am willing to work. As a matter of fact if I won the lottery I would buy myself a respirator just so I wouldn’t have to breathe for myself. Haha.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I wouldn’t say that I look forward to it but I don’t mind going back to work after some time off simply because I know I will have a ot to do when I get back. There are imes in my job where I am quite bored as I have very little to do but if I am off for a few days then the work seems to pile up which is when I enjoy my job.

erichw1504's avatar

No. As a matter of fact, yesterday I said that I wish I had just one more day off. Then again, I’d probably say it the next day as well.

J0E's avatar

I always want one more day off. In other words, I don’t want to work. Ever.

Dutchess_III's avatar

:) Well, part of my relief comes in because it started with Wednesday, when I had all four grandkids overnight, ages 5 to 15. I picked up the littlest ones (ages 5 and 7) at 11 a.m. and I foolishly took them grocery shopping with me! Talk talk talk talk chatter chatter chatter NoYouCan’HaveThatQuitPickingOnYourSisterDon’tStandUpInTheCart!!!!!!....and the store was SOOOOO crowded to boot!
Then, after that, I’m running around all day, making up beds upstairs, deciding whether they could play with what ever they “discovered” in which ever closet, then that evening turning them loose with sugar cookie dough, cake decorations and cookie cutters for an impromptu birthday party for one of them whose birthday was last week. That was a mess to clean up,but worth it!
Thursday I started the turkey, still fielding kids and breakfast and food in general. Then I had them clean up which took a good hour. (It was funny, I started clapping my hands and singing for the benefit of the 5 and 7 year old: “Clean up! Clean up! Everybody clean up!” My 5 year old stops, looks at me with incredulous eyes and says, My babysitter sings that song!!
I said, “Well, I used to be a babysitter!”
His 7 year old sister laughs and said, “You still are!”)
Then my one of my daughters and her boyfriend came over that afternoon and I had to play hostess—no food except munchies because hey were eating at his folks’ place.
THEN on Friday, my son and his girlfriend and 2 little kids came over and we had a real Thanksgiving dinner, which meant I was cooking ALL DAY!
THEN on Saturday and Sunday we had to work our buttoxs off cleaning the house to get ready for ANOTHER freakin’ Open House from 1 to 3. I didn’t stop until Sunday after 3, at which time I tackled my algebra until 60 minutes came on, then I collapsed. I am exhausted and ready to go back to “work”!

Cruiser's avatar

I feel the same way! I can come to work…put on Pandora and actually get something done!

john65pennington's avatar

Good question. i use to feel this way: i was hyped-up on the first and second days. i could drink a beer and not having to worry about going to work. at midnight, at the end of the second day, i began to come down from my no-work high and began to think of what i will need to do, once i go back to work. i knew i would have traffic court and that was a bummer. in other words, i was over the hill, coming from the positive and heading toward the negative.

In police work, you really never do have a day off. you are on-call 24/7 and that leaves drinking a beer very doubtful, never knowing when the phone will ring and you have to go in.

rts486's avatar

It depends on what I did for those four or more days. If I’m traveling or camping, I usually want a few more days. If I’m hang out at the house, I look forward to going back to work. I enjoy my job and find it rewarding,

Haleth's avatar

Wow, I wish I had four days off! We catered about a million Thanksgiving meals and now I’m finally getting to relax. We were so so busy. One of the catering orders got messed up- we called the customer and told her it would be ready at 1pm, and then she showed up early to ask about her order. When we repeated that it would be ready at 1pm, and asked if she could step out of line while she waited, she said, “No! I WILL NOT MOVE from this spot.” and a massive line built up behind her. We made a big donation to one of the local food banks and sold hundreds of pies. I’ve been putting in like sixteen hour days and drinking shot after shot of espresso and red bull to get through it all.

After that, it will be nice just to get back to the normal work routine.

Berserker's avatar

Fuck no lol, in fact it gets even more depressing on the last day of vacation.

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