Meta Question

ucme's avatar

What is the longest uninterrupted session you've spent on fluther?

Asked by ucme (50052points) November 29th, 2010

Just curious that’s all. Thanks.

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19 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

5–10 minutes max. It may seem like I am here a lot but I am off doing lots of other things most of the time. I am off again!

wundayatta's avatar

I don’t know for sure, and I’m not clear on what “uninterrupted” means, but I’d say a couple of hours. Usually what interrupts me is work or my bladder. Sometimes it is relationships with others.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

What’s uninterrupted? Not having other tabs open? Not getting up to pee? Not watching tv or reading a book at the same time?

partyparty's avatar

I would say a half an hour…. then get on with some work…. then back to fluther for another half hour (or so).

ucme's avatar

Let’s just call it time spent between logging in & out.

wundayatta's avatar

Oh dear. I go days… maybe even a week or two without logging out. Obviously, I’m not on all that time.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Man, I pretty much never log out (although sometimes Fluther logs me out, and I have to sign back in…). Unlike the regretful perps on Law & Order, I love me some computer cookies.

marinelife's avatar

About 40 minutes.

AmWiser's avatar

About 2 hours with no, not even one interruption.

erichw1504's avatar

Longest time spent actively browsing the site: 15 minutes*
Longest time spent passive-active on the site: 2 hours*
Longest time spent with at least the tab open on my browser: all day

*All times approximate

nebule's avatar

I can be on for hours at a time sometimes but I rarely get that much free time any more. In the first few months of Fluthering, this was a regular occurrance.

janbb's avatar

Probably about two hours.

daytonamisticrip's avatar

6 hours. It was only once and I had nothing else to do. I usually only come on for half an hour tops.

Fred931's avatar

2 seconds, because I’m always distracted every now a—HEY LOOK, A SHINEY!

rangerr's avatar

Are we including Fluther chat?
Because if we are, I can easily say that I’ve been on for 12+ hours straight in there. Uninterrupted, ‘cause my laptop goes to the bathroom with me.

rangerr's avatar

@janbb Everyone has to pee!

Paradox's avatar

Maybe an hour. Alot of times I have to get up to do something else while I’m logged on to Fluther but I don’t count that time. I’ve already fallen asleep at the computer a couple of times while being logged on to Fluther and even while in the middle of debating someone.

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