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Jude's avatar

What are your thoughts on this plant stand?

Asked by Jude (32210points) November 30th, 2010

I’m not sure what to think of it.

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16 Answers

wilma's avatar

Interesting, I’ve never seen one just like that.

Cruiser's avatar

Looks like it would be great for squeezing your own grapes at your next wine tasting party!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

It’s different from anything I’ve seen, but I like the dark wood. I think a tall slender plant would set it off the best. It would take the right plant to balance it out.

Foolaholic's avatar

I’m not a fan of those slats…

Seelix's avatar

I like it. Is it a stand that the plant sits on top of, or do you place the plant inside? Either way, I think it’s pretty. I like the dark wood as well. I’d put a nice ivy or another kind of viney plant in there.

wundayatta's avatar

It looks very clunky, to me. I wouldn’t want it in my house, even if the dark wood matches our house.

AmWiser's avatar

Cute and antique-ish. I looks like it would be tedious to keep clean.

syz's avatar

I can picture a Boston fern in it. In the right decor (sort of Victorian formal), I think it would look nice.

Likeradar's avatar

Sorry, @mama_cakes, I’m not a fan. I think it looks old-old, not old-awesome.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I like it.
I do not like the price.

gondwanalon's avatar

A nice cactus plant would look good on it.

Kayak8's avatar

If you like it as furniture, that’s great. As for a holder of plants, it would require a saucer (to catch the water draining from the plant) that is pretty small, which would limit the size of the plant you put into it. It doesn’t look well designed for the purpose of holding a plant unless you went with an air-fern or something that doesn’t require much in the way of water (which rules out most real ferns like a Boston).

Because the bottom is so narrow compared to the top, you would need an equally odd shaped pot with a deep saucer to make this work in the way you may be imagining it.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

It’s not my thing, a bit on the provential. Bombay Company likes to make reproductions in this style because it is very versatile.

downtide's avatar

@Seelix I think the plant pot would go inside. It’s nice, but not really my style, and wouldn’t go with the modern decor in my house. Too big and clunky.

Jude's avatar

I’m looking for an antique planter. Preferably brown or copper. If any of you see anything online that looks nice, post a link. Thanks!

ashleyp's avatar

It is an interesting design. though a bit pricey if you ask. It doesn’t have a certain style and the wood work isn’t as delicate as it could be. All in all- a nice piece, with a nice touch to it but nothing more.

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