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Jude's avatar

Any jellies dealing with Osteoporosis? How do you manage it?

Asked by Jude (32210points) November 30th, 2010

My sister suspects that she has is.

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10 Answers

janbb's avatar

I’m not but colleagues who are take Fosamex or Boniva. She should talk to her doctor.

Jude's avatar

Thanks, penguin.

janbb's avatar

(Anything for you, sweets. Sorry I don’t have more info.)

chyna's avatar

Side effects of Boniva
My mom has Osteoporosis, but after reading the many, many side effects from actual users, my mother declined the use of Boniva.

lynfromnm's avatar

First step is for your sister to get a bone scan. her primary physician can refer her. Everyone in my family has osteoporosis. The key is to stop or reverse the bone deterioration. Start by taking about 1200 mg of calcium per day and 1000 mg of Vitamin D. weight bearing exercise is important too – walk for at least half an hour a day and carry some weights as you walk. If your bone scan confirms osteoporosis, your doctor will likely prescribe Fosomax or Boniva to enhance bone growth. A lot of people prefer not to take those drugs, however, and you’ll have to weight the pros and cons. I elected to take Fosomax for two years. It helped me to reduce the effects of the osteoporosis. I stopped taking it for fear of the side effects. Meanwhile, the exercise is the best thing.

ccrow's avatar

My MIL takes Fosamax, and walks daily. I have some bone loss, but not enough to call it osteoporosis… yet. :-/

gailcalled's avatar

I have radically changed my mind and my program after reading the new research and recommendations on bisphosponates, D3 and Calcium supps.

Yesterday there was a huge media splash about vitamin D3 and Calcium tabs overkill.
One article in NYT

I stopped taking Actonel after five years due to severe heart burn and the diminishing returns and nasty possible side affects. (Such as esophageal cancer)

I am about to switch to a low dose of liquid calcium and use my tablets for the garden.

I am cutting back to about 500 IU of D3.

However, I am religious about religion of choice:

Yoga stretches
Weight-bearing (and some overhead MIlo presses)
Posture and balance
2.5 miles on treadmill (45 minutes every other day)

We have also stopped my mother’s weekly Fosomax.

ram201pa's avatar

@lynfromnm said it best. I, too, stopped taking Actonel because of heartburn and I was passing kidey stones (what buggers they are).

Jude's avatar

I am pretty sure that my Mom had Osteoporosis (though, she never mentioned it). She had a Dowager’s hump. Now my sister feels as though she may have.

I’m a bit concerned. Is there anything that I could do? Preventative?

chyna's avatar

Make sure you get calcium daily, through vitamins or from diet such as milk, cheese, orange juice, etc. Vitamin D is important and do weight bearing exercise at least three times a week.

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