Meta Question

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Is Dr. J getting a beard and red and white hat?

Asked by Tropical_Willie (31622points) November 30th, 2010

Just wondering what Dr. J is getting for Christmas.

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49 Answers

chyna's avatar

I’m hoping for reindeer antlers.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@chyna That would be another possibility. With a red nose!

AmWiser's avatar

Candy cane legs. Yaaayyyy!

Cruiser's avatar

I think charcoal eye balls, top hat, scarf and a carrot for nose would be festive.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Cruiser Now we’re talking!

CyanoticWasp's avatar

I’d settle for visions of sugarplums reflected in those glasses.

kenmc's avatar

Curly sideburns and a yarmulke.

rangerr's avatar

There’s more than Christmas to think of!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Maybe Dr J should have many holiday outfits.

marinelife's avatar

It’ll be a Christmas surprise.

erichw1504's avatar

Looks like he’s already got some stubble. Well at least one stubble. Look closely under the right side of his mouth. There seems to be one little white dot. You see it or is it just me?

chyna's avatar

@erichw1504 I think it’s a speck on your computer.

erichw1504's avatar

@chyna No, it’s not on my monitor because it scrolls with him. It stays on that one spot.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@erichw1504 : He must’ve shaved for me. No stubble, scrolling or otherwise. I appreciate his courtesy.

janbb's avatar

I kinda see him dressed as a Hassid for Chanukah.

wundayatta's avatar

Fruit cake!

erichw1504's avatar

How about a sweater like one of these?

chyna's avatar

@erichw1504 Too funny, it’s sold out!

erichw1504's avatar

@chyna Well, I hope he gets a similar one, it would rock! The uglier the better!

camertron's avatar

Ask, and ye shall receive.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Thank you @camertron for this. Will be more maybe???

JilltheTooth's avatar

Yay! Oh, @camertron , I lurve you more each day!

Fred931's avatar

Dammit, this is too early for Christmas decorations. Fluther is borderline-corporation now. Watch it.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Hey, we were asking for it!

jonsblond's avatar

Very cute, but shouldn’t it be Hanukkah themed at the moment?

I agree with @Fred931 :P

AstroChuck's avatar

How about him donning a kofia during Kwanzaa?

YARNLADY's avatar

Don’t you think on the first day on Hanukkah he should at least have put on a yarmulke?

Jeruba's avatar

Awww. He looks very cute.

rangerr's avatar

Can we keep @camertron around forever?

camertron's avatar

@Tropical_Willie maybe. It depends on how much free time I’ve got over the next couple of weeks!

@Fred931 believe me, I’m not a fan of commercialized holiday materialism either, but Dr. J’s hat and candy cane aren’t necessarily Christmas decorations – just festive. Also, this question, in case you didn’t read it, was asking for another Dr. J getup.

@jonsblond and @YARNLADY urm, yeah I thought about that. I grew up in a Christian household and really don’t know that much about Jewish imagery. I just design what I know! Maybe next time Dr J will be dressed in a yamaka and holding a menorah. The thing is, there are quite a few holidays that happen during December and I don’t think I can do artwork for all of them. Plus, you run the risk of offending someone if you don’t include their holiday or mess it up in the design somehow. The red hat that Dr. J is wearing and his candy cane really aren’t Christmas specific (aside from the fact that their dominant color is red). They were just meant to be festive and not religion-specific. (Besides, Dr. J looks wacko with a beard – Tim and I both think so).

@AstroChuck see above. What’s a kofia?

@rangerr, @Jeruba and @JilltheTooth thanks for the props guys! It was fun!

YARNLADY's avatar

@camertron Thank you, I think it’s really very cute. Thanks for the fun.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Thanks again, @camertron .

Seasons Greetings…..

camertron's avatar

Hey guys! You may have noticed that the holiday Dr. J logo has been removed. While we were feeling festive for the first day of December, we’ve decided to take down the holiday logo until we’re a little farther into the month. Hope you enjoyed him while it lasted!

JilltheTooth's avatar

Oh, dear, @camertron , I hope it wasn’t because of the other thread! I love that you take the time to do silly fun things for us that are not part of keeping the site running. Whatever you do to fun up DrJ makes me happy and I appreciate your effort and sense of whimsy.

chyna's avatar

Aw, I liked it. I do hope you bring it back soon. I love when Dr. J dresses up.

Dog's avatar

Please come back JellyClaus! I did not get a chance to tell you what I want for Christmas! And I have been very good this year!

JilltheTooth's avatar

<—- Zup says: here’s a special little something for both @Dog and my buddy Molly!

janbb's avatar

I love Dr J in any of his get-ups. Although I would love to see him as a Hassid or in the guise of a menorah with his tentacles in the air, any suggestions I made were purely in the spirit of fun and not as criticism (or circumscision) of any of his more -err, catholic tastes.

Fred931's avatar

…Did I urge something to happen?

camertron's avatar

@Fred931 no not really. I put him up a little too hastily. I think he was a little too Chrismassy anyway, so he’s gonna take a break until a more appropriate time.

@JilltheTooth there was another thread about this?

@Dog LOL he’ll return, never fear! You can always tell normal Dr. J what you want for Christmas. He’s always listening.

YARNLADY's avatar

@camertron I’m sorry if this happened because of anything I said. I meant it for tongue in cheek. Please, bring it back.

YARNLADY's avatar

No one has yet commented on the detective outfit he is wearing on the ‘search’ page. The game is afoot.

chyna's avatar

@JilltheTooth Thanks for the link. I ordered it! I couldn’t help myself even though the shipping was more than the item. :-(

Fred931's avatar

@YARNLADY He’s searching for the Santa hat someone stole from him.

YARNLADY's avatar

@Fred931 It was so cute, I don’t blame them, too much.

PhiNotPi's avatar

Well, one reason that Dr. J does not have a very wide range of outfits is because it takes a lot of time to create each outfit, since most of the technical staff has other jobs to attend.

So, maybe we, the humble members of Fluther, could design some outfits by editing the image (found here) by ourselves. Users could then post an image of the new Dr. J on this thread for consideration to become part of Dr. J’s wardrobe.

What do you think @camertron (and other staff members)?

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