[NSFW] Why do guys say "you're so tight"?
Asked by
iLove (
November 30th, 2010
from iPhone
I’m serious. Do guys say this to all women, or say nothing when it is otherwise? The last two guys I’ve dated have said this to me and I wonder if the simplest explanation is that it’s true, or if this is some kind of bs guy technique.
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42 Answers
Because all that gives males pleasure is friction and pressure. So do your kegel exercises! :)
It’s a legitimate observation. Verbalizing it seems tacky to me, but I’m pretty old-fashioned in that respect. I’ve definitely experienced it though. Not all women are built the same.
I think guys say it as a compliment in the same way a woman might tell a man he’s big. @phoebusg is right about those kegel exercises.
If a woman was really loose, I wouldn’t say anything, and it would be a major turnoff (possibly to the point where I wouldn’t be able to get off and might just stop). I’ve told a woman she was tight before, mostly because I’m not all that great at dirty talk and you kinda run out of things to say, but @FutureMemory is right in that it’s a bit tacky (dirty talk is pretty tacky by definition though isn’t it?).
@gorillapaws It is a turn off, isn’t it? You’re kinda like… that’s it? that’s as good as it gets?
They’re making an attempt to compliment your vagina.
Oh, you meant the vagina.
I’ve always wondered if this was just something they say just to say, or if they only say it if they mean it.
I say just take the compliment.
I believe South African men pronounce it as ”toyt.” An interesting aside.
True of not, I never say it. That implies a comparison with someone else. The recipient of said compliment is the only one on my mind at that point, not a previous lover.
“It feels so good I…” is much better.
Besides, what are you going to say to her if you are still dating after a number of years?
Stick with a compliment that makes no comparison. Hot, wet, feels great…
And ladies, “You’re the biggest I’ve ever seen.” doesn’t work for me either.
@worriedguy Good, because it’s almost always a lie. Which doesn’t mean we wouldn’t prefer you to Ron Jeremy, it’s just that size isn’t subjective…
@gorillapaws @FutureMemory Well, we’ll make sure to never sleep with other men or have kids to ensure it stays in its original shape for you. Wouldn’t want you to be disappointed in our vaginas.
@papayalily I disagree, actually. I’ve only said that when I meant it. It’s usually accompanied by a look of shock, haha.
@papayalily it’s not meant to be mean, it’s basic geometry. Having sex with a very loose vagina is like fucking a cloud or something, it just doesn’t generate enough friction to get you off. Again, I would like to reiterate @phoebusg‘s point: do your Kegel exercises: it makes a big difference.
@gorillapaws I understand the geometry, I just think there’s a certain attitude of entitlement behind the complaint.
It’s not about entitlement. It’s about wanting sex to be pleasurable. The reality is that it isn’t very pleasurable if a woman’s vagina is very loose. I do think I have a right to have the freedom to choose sexual partners who I enjoy having sex with (just as much as women have that right). Perhaps I’m misinterpreting your statement?
@gorillapaws You have the right to choose who you want to sleep with. No one’s making you sleep with a woman who has a loose vagina, and you can certainly do your best to limit your sexual activities to those who are tight and pert and nothing sags. But bodies change over time – both women’s and men’s – so before you decide that if it isn’t tight, it isn’t worth your time, ask yourself if you want us to have the same attitude towards you when you need a little blue pill, or if you maybe want to grant some leniency. Women are butchering themselves getting vaginal rejuvination because they’re so worried that kegals won’t be enough to satisfy their man after having his kids.
@phoebusg and @kenmc – great thanks for DEFINING it for me, but I am more curious if guys use this as a true compliment or just a technique to stay in your pants :)~
@papayalily I’m never said anything about “nothing sagging”, just about loose vaginas. I’ve never had sex with a mother before, but from what I’ve heard, things tighten back up. As far as impotence is concerned, I think it’s just as important to keep your woman’s sexual needs met. If your biology is inhibiting that, then it would be reasonable to use other forms of sexual intimacy to keep her happy. I would think that would go both ways.
@iLove “I am more curious if guys use this as a true compliment or just a technique to stay in your pants :)~”
The answer is: Guys are guys! And will say anything to stay (or get) in your pants.
I still think it’s best to keep focused on the one you’re with. Comparisons are not allowed.
“Gosh, your tongue is so much longer than Roger’s!” is not a flattering compliment.
“I like when your tongue tickles my intestines!” is.
@worriedguy I agree. But that goes both ways – don’t ask us if you’re the best we ever had.
And no, mentions of intestines is not a sexy compliment. Really. Having seen open hernia surgery, I can promise you that any mention of intestines is better than mentioning Grandma for ending sexytime.
@papayalily I would never ask if I was the best she ever had. I already know the answer. ;-)
OK, I’ll skip any mention of intestines. How’s this? “Your tongue is so long it feels like I’m getting a gentle D&C.”
I’ve never said it to any woman that I can recall. I think that everyone I’ve made love to has had pretty much the same tightness, except one. She was very loose, which was too bad because she was the only woman I ever slept with who liked sex as much as I do. She was also the first woman who came on to me, instead of me having to pursue.
I was pretty much an idiot in those days (which is not to say I have changed). I didn’t really respect her because she came on to me. So I dropped her. In my defense, I couldn’t imagine why someone would come on to me in those days, so I figured there must be something wrong with her that she didn’t treat me like shit like every other woman did.
Every other woman being my first love who ditched me, making me feel worse than I’d ever felt in life, and the second one, who was a lesbian and didn’t really want anything to do with me afterwards. I don’t know why she even wanted to do it in the first place. Hmmm. Come to think of it, she was pretty tight. But I didn’t know that then. She was awfully enthusiastic for a lesbian, too.
Anyway, if there were do-overs, I would not turn away a woman because she liked me and was enthusiastic about being with me. I learned my lesson on that one. In my life, sex has been somewhat sparse. Maybe that’s why I don’t know from tight.
I will admit that I didn’t mind hearing it after I became a mom. The comparison was between me before and after, not between me and another person. Yes, it is tacky, but I was relieved.
@worriedguy The comment about “a gentle D&C” made me gag. I just hope I forget about it before it has a chance to enter my mind at an inopportune time.
Because it sounds so much better than ,“You’re built like an airplane hangar!” ;)
@Supacase How about “It tickles my tummy.” Better? :-)
@worriedguy… much better…. Who knows if it’s because “your tight” or he’s just big, either way I guess it can be taken as a compliment….
I always thought it was a compliment to the entire woman and had nothing to do with sex. I have friends who have seen a woman walking down the street and said man shes tight.
Do women think that is a compliment? Do men? It sounds like a way of saying a woman is frigid.
I have never used the word so the only reference is that which I answered above. I would never compare anyone with another we are all unique.
Whenever guys have said that to me I’ve always taken it as a compliment, as I assume it should be. I never felt that I was being compared with someone else. The guy is with me, and he’s making a simple observation about a part of my body that he is enjoying, for lack of a better word. I like pleasing my partner during sex, so if I get verbal confirmation that he is enjoying himself, then I take that as a compliment to me.
To actually answer the question – if a guy says that you’re tight, it is because you are, in fact, tight. Simple as that. If you weren’t, he probably just wouldn’t say anything.
^^Favorite answer, thus far.
@Summum I always thought it was a compliment to the entire woman and had nothing to do with sex. I have friends who have seen a woman walking down the street and said man shes tight.
It’s used by many young people to denote almost anything of high quality. “Check out those 20 inch rims! Those are tight!”, etc.
They say it because I am, yo.
OK this is opinion here… perhaps a man saying that is the backhanded version of giving himself the compliment “I am so big”.
@sleepdoc – you got a good point there, both of them were well-endowed :)
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